Turbocucks who work Saturdays:

Turbocucks who work Saturdays:

Have you been a good wagecuck today and got your boss one step closer to affording a third yacht?

I'm getting $19.50 an hour to shitpost here, how about you NEET?

I have my own company, I make 6 figures a year. Sorry dude, not all of us are as mediocre as you.

$18 here and all I got to do is answer the fucking phone and tell people to reboot their fucking router. The rest of the time is funposting

Making $44 per hour to sit in air conditioned office, browse Sup Forums and watch some gauges.
Enjoy your welfare check faggot

What if I work Saturday and get Wednesday off?

Then you are sacrificing the day with the most opportunity for a shit-tier one. You may not be a turbocuck but a supercuck you are.

Holy fuck what do you do I need to know NOW

I don't work to make money.

People actually do that?


Never know the joys of owning your own home. Gardening buying things you want and taking holidays abroad

Just got back from work. Have friday and Sunday off. Today's the easiest day and got to work with a qt

Trying to think of stuff I can only do on a Saturday. In fact I can probably do more on Wednesday due to longer opening hours on just about everything.

I get paid $35 per hour to work from home while occasionally lying back and shit posting. I honestly feel horribly bad for the working poor putting in a full days work only to eek out a meager existence.

>using shitty americanised spellings

absolutely shameful

$100 per hour

Saturday is the 7th day of the week. From sunset on Friday to sunset on Saturday, is the Sabbath of the Lord God creator of the heaven and earth.
The 4th commandment is clear and should be remembered.

I don't work Sat anymore but:

distinctly unshocked that lazy faggot Canadian is putting down hardworking people who start at the bottom and put in the time.

This is why your country has turned from a badass northern land of lumberjacks into the queerest nation in the entire Americas.

>Hurrrr I make six figures fingering my arse and posting on an a Weeb imageboard.
single thread.

I work in a kitchen and earn $13 an hour. We're constantly understaffed. I work 40 hours a week. Saturdays and Sundays. Every week.

I recently asked for 4 days off (a month and a half in advance). Out of the 4 days off, I only received 3 days. Last year I had a 4 day vacation. That's it.

Feels absolutely terrific being a wage slave.

$23.50/hr an hour to set up fences and take them down. A lot of the day is spent driving.

>mfw office cucks spend their entire day indoors not getting Vitamin D, which is essential for test production.
>mfw cucks can't into manual labour.
>mfw my boss actively rips on foreigners on the daily.

I have two university degrees, and after working here, I would much rather do this than be surrounded by beta, low-test engineers all fucking day.

Could've gone into the office for dat $60/hr overtime pay, but I felt like working on my ar build instead

Life is good

>19.50 an hour is six digit salary.
If you forget the decimal point
>Ameriturd education

go on strike. If your place of work is understaffed you literally hold all the cards. Strike for better wages or more days off or better conditions. Management will fold in a heartbeat to keep you and the others working.

Work for the Fed. Thanks for the tax dollars.

What do you do when those gauges aren't reading where there supposed to?

What is an exaggeration ?
Chill out. At least I don't lie to people on the Internet anonymously to make myself feel better.

This. Everybody is at work on Wednesday as well.

I can't wait to leave retail next may. I'll be getting my PhD in mathematics, will be able to get any job I want, and have a starting salary of $300k

I earn $40 an hour as a programmer

My rent is $300 a month

Top kek

I agree with most of what that poster says.

I often work 10 hours a day, 6 sometimes 7 days per week. Millenial and negro fags wont understand.

What are you going on about you sperg. 19.50 is a starting salary.

35$ per hour master race

I came to work drunk/hungover and when he bitched I told him to fire me or fuck off.

he backed off like a good jew cuck

>work Saturdays

>The Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Sixteen
>Not being retired

What kind of a fag gets paid hourly? Independent contractor master race

I typically make around 50k per year. It's just that I work at my own pace, which is usually binge working for a week then living the neet lifestyle for the next.

he turns them off and back on

So, from what I gather, the average Sup Forumsack makes 6 figures.

No, the average Sup Forumsack just makes more than minimum wage.

I get paid $55/hr and work 70hrs a week.

It's tiresome, and I don't even have time to properly blow the money I make.

Not a very fulfilling lifestyle, to be completely honest.

I think we all agree on work hard and make something of yourself, or fuck off your own life, but what you see in that picture is a cuck

>tfw not american so you cant sign the pledge

i unironically like mike rowe and his shows but I sell/rent out real estate because my grandparents weren't fucking retarded

This. I know people in their 50s who look down on me for not putting in 60 hours a week for the whole $14 per hour they're getting for it. Bunch of morons.

Cute, you think I'm lying. Crawl out of the basement and apply yourself it's easy to earn a good wage if you aren't lazy.

lol so many liars on this thread

Boomer spotted

$60 an hour reporting in. i sit in an air conditioned room and play with a kawaii robot.

where i work ive known people that make more than the manager.

I wish I worked today. 65/hr base, I'd be happy working extra for 90+/hr

Honestly they likely aren't lying, it's just that the people most inclined to post in threads like this are the ones making half decent pay.

but im on double time on saturdays and sometimes I do sundays too, I actually pick my own hours. I don't have much meaning in my life right now so I might as well make some money

If you are a technical contractor you are likely making at least 55/hr, and ideally have per diem too

based CMM

What's your ytd?
If it's not 40-60k
Then don't talk shit on people who worked today