Why won't Afghanistan go back to being based now the Taliban were rekt by NATO?
You know that in the late 70's Afghanistan seceded from the USSR, right?
Taliban still have influence, Paki cunts still flow across the border to commit jihad. ISI is still all over the Khyber pass.
The movie bitter lake does an excellent job answering this exact question
American intellectuals
No you retard the ISI influence comes from Iran, Iraq. Pakistan takes Afghan refugees and at least helps them. If you're going to point fingers at least point it to the right country.
>rekt by nato
Top kek you have no idea what you are talking about the taliban has never been more stronger then it is right now
because their entire country was bombed to the ground.
Red: Government
White: Taliban
Black: ISIS
Uneducated yokel please die.
Just seeing this makes you wonder how America views them. They look like a civilized bunch under dictatorship and now it's all rubble and nothing. And look, not a single muslim!
Because they were levelled in the meantime.
ISI is the Pakistani intelligence service. you're telling me they are not based in Pakistan?
>never been more stronger
The burgers have begun to eat themselves.
that is a real shit attempt at making a card. try it with hearthstone, might be more your level
breddy competent government compared to syria desu
i hope they get their country back, ops image is surreal.
Good picture. Shows why we should reject islam.
30 years of a shitty theocracy takes at least double the time to get things back on track. At least two generations were completely ruined by those fuckheads.
Because back then it wasn't an islamic country. Once Islam has a tight grip on your society you can forget about it for the next 200 years or something.
It will take a full on enlightenment period for shitslam to get out of the hole it dug itself into. And atm it's only getting worse. Their reasoning why the west could cuck them so hard during the colonisation era is, that they weren't islamic enough.
1. we destroyed it
2 Taliban is still there
3. ISIS is now there.
4 you're an idiot
Afghanistan was never part of the USSR you fucking idiot.
We shouldn't have helped Osama Bin Laden,