
Alright Sup Forums how do we feel about Asians?

Do you like them? Dislike them?

Are happas the only form of racial mixing we're ok with?

Do we prefer a certain type over another (i.e. Japanese over Chinese, etc)

Personal stories you have with them?


Other urls found in this thread:

>how do we feel
fuck off low test beta faggot

Japan and South Korea are honorary whites. The rest are subhuman garbage, each for a different reason.

Taiwan gets bonus points for telling China to fuck off. Still shit though.

any white man who "prefers" asian women over white women is a beta male


Sorry you're a leaf. You're opinion is only worth half as people who don't have cucks for leaders.

Soulless automatons unable to create true art.

Asians really make me think...

Gooks....just yellow sub human gooks.

You have a bull as president. There's also a high chance you're an actual nigger.

White woman are on average more attractive.

Asians are mostly just ugly pan faced gooks


Finland is ok I guess

I'm Asian and I would never racemix. I hate niggers the most

Asian Americans are whites without the shame and guilt. Their children are SJW scum however

what is this stance trying to convey?

Happa males are doomed if the father is white.
The kids will be unable to identify with their father growing up

Go check out the millions of articles by happas who have fucked up identities from mentally ill mothers who hate their own race, and fathers who also hate asian men.

> ugh, Sup Forums, we need consensus!

Asians are more intelligent than white people.

They're also less concerned about universal ethics, which means they're susceptible to different forms of shaming than white people are.

Race mixing with them doesn't destroy the intelligence of your lineage, but it does mean they're not white (at least not for 3-4 generations).

I wouldn't mind living in a poor Asian neighborhood, but I'd be dead living in a poor black neighborhood.

I love ancient Chinese culture and it's living remnants today.

I don't agree with mixing.

I had a couple Asian friends growing up, all Chinese and nice guys.

i feel a boner coming on.

>They're also less concerned about universal ethics

This is a result of westernization. A return to traditional culture in East Asia would result in an increase concern for universal ethics. Look at: confucianism, buddhism, and taoism.

t. cletus

>It is not the bad qualities, but the good qualities of these alien races that make them so dangerous to us. It is their inexhaustible energy, their power of applying themselves to new tasks, their endurance and low standard of living that make them such competitors

Australia when it banned asian migration.

They might not seem like a threat now, but Elliot Rodger is more likely to go back to Asian women, and the white grandfather has a 3/4 asian kid.

There wasn't an argument, it was all memes and jokes. You a newfag?

>universal ethics

Completely unrelated. If it's not you ruler, relative or friend, Confucius leaves you to do whatever you want with them. It's how Chinese can walk by a car accident without helping.

I like asian women

Asians are probably the most like us white people. Soooo yeah, nothing bad to say about them...

>Implying Obama isn't a cuck for the clinton mafia

IF I ever get married
It's gonna be to a tall white woman or a Chinese chub.

explains why all asians """""males""""" are beta

Bullshit. Chinese philosophy focuses on order and disorder. There is no time wasted on what the good actually is. Confucianism is alive and well in China.

Asians tend to be very polarized, in my experience. The good ones are really good, and the bad ones are really bad.

Some of them are hardworking, honest people who keep to themselves. They excel in academics and are generally good people to be around.

Others are terrible. Immensely superficial, zero interest in academics past grades and status. Worse herd mentality than White females. Asian SJWs are by far the worst flavor of SJW.

Hapas are the worst kind of race mixing. Either you end up with a beta son or a smoking hot slut of a daughter.

Asian girls can be outrageously slutty towards White guys.

ok thanks for your input

Smart whites go with Asians, because there's not enough smart white women left (thanks Jews).
Dumb Asians go with whites, because they prefer less intelligent companions.
A hapa from a smart white and smart Asian is a superior breed. One from a dumb white and dumb Asian is Elliot Rodger.

>Asians are more intelligent than white people
Well, apparently you've never been to fucking Asia. There's this concept called "brain drain" where intelligent/educated people leave their countries and come to developed ones, which is why we have a stereotype in America of Asians being intelligent. Also, they tend to put a lot of pressure on their children to succeed and bring honor to the family (not literally that, but it stems from that tradition). That's why Asian-American kids usually seem like overachievers.
Not saying that Asians in Asia are less intelligent, but they're definitely not fucking smarter than white people.

What the fuck are you talking about? At the heart of Confucian philosophy is Rén or "benevolence".

People not helping accident victims has absolutely nothing to do with Confucianism, Confucius would have viewed people who did not help an accident victim as lacking in Rén and therefore not qualified to be considered a human being but instead as an animal.

You're not welcome wasabi faggot

Proxies not welcome, especially when they don't have arguments.

Thats okay
im not coming to mexico


Who dat?

I'm pretty sure that the reason for Chinese people not helping others in accidents is the lack of a good samaritan law in China. Honestly, it seems like a shitty excuse, but I guess it makes sense.

gee sure is slide threads all of a sudden
oh wait i mean like always

I haven't ever found them attractive.

Whatever she is she's not asian bro...

>confucianism, buddhism, and taoism

I see your flag, but you must be using a very different definition of "universal ethics". It' almost completely absent from ancient Chinese thought, and as far as I know, it was certainly never taken seriously.

Could you share some examples?

Right now, our universal ethics are destroying us, because (((certain demographics))) are very, very good at holding us to our own high standard while they let everyone run all over us.

> Don't worry about anyone else's misbehavior until you're flawless!

kek です

It has to do with accident laws in China, you are liable to be sued for helping.
It's why those problems don't happen in HK or Taiwan.

But it's not like people on this board care, le evil souless chinks and all that.

I have a bad case of yellow fever. But I've only ever dated white girls. I seriously want to find an American Asian qt3.14 but they basically don't exist in my area and I'm not exactly a lady killer so I'm not hopeful desu. My two best friends are Vietnamese and Chinese, so I guess I've always liked Asians- the way they think and act in general is similar to my way of thinking. Maybe I'm just weird, I dunno. I think I might be the only person in the whole world who wants to learn Japanese and move to Japan but isn't a fucking weeb. But anyway, has anyone here dated an American Asian girl? What are they really like? Are any of the stereotypes true?

I wish I had a chance to work in Singapore

For some reason have gotten along great with every Asian I've met, just met very few

This. I don't even register them as humans. Same with all non-Whites. Finding them attractive would be like finding a dog attractive. It just doesn't even make sense to me.

I'm married to a Vietnamese girl. AMA.

She moved here with her parents when she was two. For the most part, she is Americanized, but shew as raised by traditional parents, so she's pretty much inbetween. Speaks good English, has the same background as me, etc. Aside from having a pretty abusive father, she is loyal, pretty, hard-working, and my family embraces her. No regrets.

How do I feel about it? It's fine. People should be with who they love. Sup Forums is obsessed with race, which is unfortunate, because it blinds their decision making and colors their every view. In the end, what matters is the individual. Tons of white people are degenerate and raise shitty children. Tons of race-mixing couples will do the same. Race doesn't matter.

What I don't like is when race mixing is actively pushed. Thankfully, we hardly see this between Asians and Whites, and even when it's there, it's hardly shocking or in your face.

Confucians believed that a lack of humaness (from which a love of others including family, strangers, etc. stems) in a ruler resulted in a lack of humaness in the population and therefore was grounds for a ruler losing their mandate from heaven.

Buddhists believe in universal compassion, as did later Taoist thinkers. Taoist thought took it a step further with a belief that society and government was what caused illness, fighting, etc by taking us further away from our natural state and caused us to put ourselves above others.

I enjoy japanese girls being the pedo I am.

Stfu faggot. So tired of the asian shilling here.


I considered whether the lack of an industrial revolution in Asia was due to a reluctance to fuck working people over on a massive scale

If the nipples pink, bang the chink.

Victoria My Nguyen


I don't prefer them, that's just how I ended up.

Asian pussy is literally MADE for white dick!

>Asians are more intelligent than white people.


I enjoyed the ones I slept with especially the full on hairy bush FIBA chick, but I prefer Hispanic/brown chicks desu

Asian guys are either total bros link the ones I lift with or utter beta cucks, the cucks are salty and mad at Chad for stealing their women which makes them susceptible to joining the blame whitey pity party

I was driving today and didn't even come close to hitting this asian lady but she freaked the fuck out and looked like her life had just flashed before her eyes.

I dated and married one. They tend to be wonderful wives. Only issue I ever run into is she is still a bit upset that my family never gave her family any money when I married her. The meme about them being easy to get is false though (unless you go to asia, in which case its very easy im told). She thinks the majority of my friends are losers (and tbqh they kinna are)

south korea , ?

You weak man, you weak , weak man.

You are not honourary koreans to them. Yet you will gift them that status for 0 return.


I like your perspective guy. Hope you remain happy

>Thankfully, we hardly see this between Asians and Whites
actually there's plenty of movies where white man gets asian woman

yes... yeeess...

Koreans, Vietnamese, Japanese, Tibetans, Nepalese, Mongolians, Russians, and Filipinos aren't the worst. The rest can fuck off and die.

>there's plenty of movies where white man gets asian woman

I will tolerate Asians living among us in small numbers as they lack the violent tendencies inherent in niggers and mestizos. I'm not interested in importing them in mass numbers so I can watch them replacing me in my own homelands though.

Race mixing is always abhorrent and never to be tolerated or encouraged.

"Asians are more interrigent..."


The only good thing about asians is that they give us Eurasian females.

Replace with Thais and I agree

There's that word again, you fucking faggot.
Just kills yourself if you actually need to listen to someone's opinion to make an opinion for yourself.

Sounds like a female version of my best friend. He was born in Hue but adopted when he was like 2, grew up in the South and is basically a redneck who's recently tried to get back in touch with his roots for a few years. He's actually named after a legendary French knight, which I always found ironic.

Anyway, how do Asian girls compare to European girls? Are they similar in most ways if they grew up in America? Is there anything to worry about from her family if I'm not super successful or is it a false stereotype? How did you two meet, are you living in an area with a lot of Asian-Americans?

Asian mother white father
Some identity issues growing up, but whatever
My penis 8.5" wtf are the chances

immigrants in sufficient numbers they can be bred out , I am ok with.

lbh what asian woman could ever want to mother a baby with string slit eyes if they could mother a baby with half their features and round eyes

slit eyes look dumb compared to round eyes, who actually -wants- slit eyes, jeez

This is a JIDF thread posted multiple times every day. Asians aren't white. You are either against race mixing, or you are for it.

>wanting more elliot rodgers
>they hate themselves

Ah, I see... that doesn't help cure my desire to move to the Japanese countryside. Maybe I will someday. If I'm not a success in my field by 25...

Anyway, that sounds like what I wanted. More traditional in certain ways, especially not in a bitchy way, and not easy at all. I sort of like a challenge.

are you a gentleman?

post more asian girls

My wife is relatively laid-back and open-minded. I help her with her homework sometimes and watch horror films with her on occasion, but there's nothing stopping me from playing WoW or reading when I want.

I feel that if I was with a white woman, I'd have to change my entire life around. I feel she'd be expecting me to have active ambitions that I simply don't have. I'd have to constantly be putting on a show to "prove" something to her, whereas my wife just accepts me and loves me for the person I am. After being with my Vietnamese wife, I really wouldn't trade her for anyone else.

Her family, of course, are super into education. To the point of naivete. They think that more education shares a causal relationship with monetary success, not understanding the problems with the American education system and job market.

They just like that I seem like a "nice boy." That I almost seem "naive" in their eyes. I'm just in general a respectful person so they accept me.

You don't have to be super successful. Just be respectful and agree with whatever they tell you to do, even if you won't actually follow through with it all.

Any man that is concerned about what other men find attractive is the true beta.

I care bro. I was actually going to post something very similar to your post. Don't let this shit get you down like 80 percent of this board is shill threads. Most pol users like/respect asians.

atleast you worked through your issues. Im mongrel and my kids will be mongrel and i will be very clear with them, that they are, i will still share their blood ancestories, which will encompass 5 races, but they will be mongrel as am i and theyd better deal with it.

I always thought I passed as white but many people have revealed that they believe me to be asian

This is my favourite kind of shill thread because it has qts

Asians are basically disgusting as a culture.

NEVER eat at asian-owned restaurants. they put food from the floor or that's been sitting out for hours right into the pile to eat. literally every asian-owned restaurant I've surprise-inspected has failed with numerous violations, and the whistleblower accounts would make you vomit at the sight of it

Asians are also fairly inhumane and cruel. Historically their barbarism is on par with Muslims and Africans. North Korea and China both engage in human rights violations on a daily basis. Terrible things happen to people there. Those people would pay money to live in an American prison.

im told that in asia, it IS easy (ive never left the USA). The ones in the states tend to be from relatively wealthy families (international tuition rates are about 3x as expensive as in-state tution). The family oriented stuff isnt a meme though, and if her family is poor she may want her mother in law to live with you, so get a middle class or rich one if u can.

The only thing I can't stand about Asians is they artificially drive up real estate prices. This is problematic for young white Americans as we don't live 15 to a house like Asians and Mexicans do. I admire their work ethic, but they are pricing us out of housing here in America. If it continues, I believe there will be a race war between us and them.

you have atleast 2 cultures to pull from at a whim. stop trying to make yourself part of a larger group, your an autobot and a decepticon.

fuck the niggers. and like they say , in nigger land 'u do u'

fuck niggers tho seriously, and fuck the kebabs and fuck the curry munchers.

now go, live your life.

t. Bay area homeowner

I fucking love it, they drove out dindus and mexicans and my home goes up 100k a year. If you're a millenial poorfag spending their NEETbux on Bernie bumper stickers I can see it being problematic

thats zoning laws. thats a deliberate thing by democrats.

>tfw no qt jipjap gf

I cant put my finger on it, but for some reason the white washed asians are so much better looking than ones who are more oriental. Maybe it is because they use western makeup trends and wear sluttier clothes.

this is happening in sydney, there might be a racewar, your gov enables the asians to outprice citizens literally by inviting the "richest" shitters to hold green cards, via study and other busa pathways

gov and asians are equally to blame and only citizens suffer, sadly.

Same issue. It isn't even the makeup. I dated a westernized second generation chinese girl and she didn't even wear makeup, still looked more delicious than native asians.

Something in the water.