Trump is blatantly a privileged narcissist who will say anything to get votes. He has no political experience...

Trump is blatantly a privileged narcissist who will say anything to get votes. He has no political experience, has insane, completely unfeasible ideas, and is quit clearly delusional past the point of no return.

I'm actually kind of impressed at the mental gymnastics so many intelligent people, like the frequenters of this board have done to convince themself that he is going to be a good president.

It just strikes me as self destructive and nihilistic, and obviously with a sprinkling of fearful hatred.

Is there no one on this board that can see how absurd this is?

Other urls found in this thread:

Wasted dubs, sad, what kek sees in you I have no idea


The ideology is more important than the man. A vote for Trump is a vote for Nationalism, which is what we have been demanding for years.

>he has insane, completely unfeasible ideas

Tell me, which policies of his do you disagree with and why? You seem like an intelligent man, provide me with something

What are you talking about? This website is full of dumb ass high schoolers.

It's a bunch of kids who have grown up with Obama and don't know what it's like to have an actually shitty president and they are trying to find their voice which means rebellion.

Good for you for not falling victim to psychology.

>blatantly a privileged narcissist who will say anything to get votes
>has insane, completely unfeasible ideas
>quit[sic] clearly delusional past the point of no return
That it, then? Just a bunch of generic ad hominem attacks?

Then who is the superior candidate in your eyes? Who should the votes be going towards rather than Donald Trump?

u have to go back

Lol.that politics is different than business

>so many intelligent people, like the frequenters of this board

>It just strikes me as self destructive and nihilistic, and obviously with a sprinkling of fearful hatred.
Memes, bitch, they're all we have left

Don't you understand? Your vote is worthless.

Might as well vote for a 3rd party candidate since the 2 main parties will be catastrophic.

The first reason to vote for Trump is because if you vote Democrat in 2016 you are a genuine cuckold.

The next reason to vote for Trump instead of 3rd or not voting is because if Hillary wins our country will be a 1000% genuine cuck country.

The last reason I'll bother telling you is that he's obviously a competent and intelligent person. He should have general material success in his presidency as he has had in his life.

TLDR: he's the only non-cuck vote, he literally cannot be worse than what he have had for the last 16 years

vote for Trump you dip

wtf i hate trump now

Just kidding, I wasn't going to piss my vote away on a vanity candidate in any case.

This board is just Sup Forums pretending to be educated. This is where Sup Forums comes after they've masturbated to traps

B-but my trump hat means I'm serious about politics!

Read his policy page and tell me if there are any other candidates who will do the same

Speak for yourself degenerate

this, also he cant be that bad

Tell me how the two main parties will be catastrophic. Let's put that brain of yours to use, leaf. Convince me to vote third party, I have faith in you

DNC shills in full force

Pick some better passwords next time idiots

>1 post by this id

This is probably the most accurate thing I've ever read by a poster on Sup Forums. I've never been truly red-pilled until now

It doesn't matter what you say, or how triggered he makes you. Insulting people is not going to get the political Left results anymore. That time is over. Its done.

The people of the West are going to take back their countries, radical Leftism is going to go the way of the dinosaurs, the pendulum is going to swing back towards the Right. And there isn't a damn thing paid shills like yourself can do about it.

So you may as well just sit back, relax, and wait for the last eight years to crumple under the weight of President Trump's glorious new regime. Oh and make an appointment to visit Hilldog in prison, there's going to be a line.

My Grandfather smoked his whole life. I was about 10 years old when my mother said to him, 'If you ever want to see your grandchildren graduate, you have to stop immediately.'. Tears welled up in his eyes when he realized what exactly was at stake. He gave it up immediately. Three years later he died of lung cancer. It was really sad and destroyed me. My mother said to me- 'Don't ever smoke. Please don't put your family through what your Grandfather put us through." I agreed. At 28, I have never touched a cigarette. I must say, I feel a very slight sense of regret for never having done it, because your post gave me cancer anyway.

>1 post by this id

>being this (((you)))

>The first reason to vote for Trump is because if you vote Democrat in 2016 you are a genuine cuckold.
I don't think you know what cuckold means
>if Hillary wins our country will be a 1000% genuine cuck country.
Again, meaningless overuse of the word
>he's obviously a competent and intelligent person
Who went bankrupt 4 times and probably isnt a billionaire
>TLDR: he's the only non-cuck vote
Are you 16 or something?

I don't care about this thread or its message. Since it's anti-trump, I am here to spread my right wing OC I made today:

Please tweet it to TYT and the like if you enjoy it

>Is there no one on this board that can see how absurd this is?

Don't you see that is the point?

>a leaf

Also if you want to know what a cuck is go look in a mirror.

>i'll just wait until OP posts again

my friend, are you feeling any pain? i suspect you may have ruse bruises

Business and politics are basically the same.

All I want anymore is for the whole world to die a stupid, undignified death.

Attacking someone's character is usually a fallacy, yes, but when it comes to the president of a nation it is a legitimate argument to point out that they're a shitty person

Mah Grandfatha smokizzle his W-H-to-tha-izzole lizzife. I wizzas 'bout 10 years old when mah motha said ta hizzay, 'If you eva wizzy ta see yo' grandchildren gradizzle, yiznou have to stiznop immediatizzle.'. Tears wellizzle up 'n his eyes when he realize' what exactly was at stizzake gangsta style. He gave it up immediately. Three years brotha he dy of lung canca. It wizzay really sad n destroyed me. Mah motha sizzle ta me- 'Don't eva smoke. Pleaze don't put yo' family thrizzough what yo' Grandfatha put us through." I agree'. At 28, I hizzave drug deala touchizzle a cigarette, ya feel me? I M-to-tha-izzust say, I feel a verizzle slight senze of regret fo` neva ridin' dizzay it, coz yo' post gave me crazy ass nigga anyway.

Not at all, I am here for the possibility of discussion, even if it is low.

>Shillary Clinton
>simpleton Drumpf
If you can't already see how bad both candidates are for your country and for world stability then you've swallowed the bluepill son.

I am unapologetic about my support for Hillary.

My time in DC made me cynical as FUCK. I don't want a perfect candidate. I don't expect a perfect candidate. I EXPECT someone flawed, someone with the baggage and the scraped knees that come with the territory. Gentle, ego-less, altruistic people do not go into politics, especially not at this level. They don't.

I'm voting for POLICIES, and while I may not agree with Clinton's stance on EVERYTHING nor do I agree with EVERY vote she ever made or position she ever took in her long political career, she is 1,000,000 times more aligned with my world view than Donald Trump or any of the other crotchety nutcrackers wheeled out by the GOP.

Does it matter to me that she's a woman? Yes, to a degree. I would absolutely support a male candidate with similar policy positions, but the fact that Clinton has gotten this far despite the RELENTLESS bullshit thrown at her because she's a woman makes me feel GODDAMN DEFENSIVE about her. So, yes it matters to me.

When PAUL FUCKING MANAFORT blames CLINTON for Melania Trump's plagiarism and says that anytime Clinton feels "threatened by a woman" she tries to "take her down" and "demean" her because oh, well, you know how catty those WOMEN are... it makes me feel like I am going to BURST INTO FUCKING FLAMES. When the RNC is selling anti-Hillary buttons that say "2 fat thighs, 2 small breasts, left wing" ... I want to see these OLD RACIST SEXIST WHITE HYPOCRITICAL FUCKS lose. I want to see them lose to a WOMAN who is 10000 times smarter and tougher than they'll ever be.

So goddamn. Yes, I'm voting for Hillary, despite all of her flaws and screw ups.


16 confirmed

I hope this is a joke

I don't see an argument. I don't see statistics. I don't see anything clever. Try again sometime, will ya?


Low quality b7. MAGA

not an argument

Exactly! Trump lost my vote when he picked that Cuckservative Pence as his VP. No way I'm voting for that Cuck. If you guys want to stick it to the Establishment, vote for Johnson. He only needs 15% to get into the debates.

You think i'm going to write an essay for you user?

Fuck off. Its common sense.

Ha, "good president," huh.

We are beyond the point of voting for people based on who would be a good president. That ship has sailed; in fact, the ship of state has a severe leak in it and is bound to sink any day now. We're looking for the captain that can scoop out as much water as possible.

Donald Trump is not going to be a good president. He's going to be a dictator. The president is nothing like what Americans envision it as. As Dr Paul pointed out, we now vote for a president as if we expect him to be a bringer of miracles: the sole savior of everyone and everything. But the actual role of president is meant to be nothing like that. The actual president is meant to be more of a ceremonial figure, one that presides over the government and which provides checks and balances, but it's the congress that actually runs the government. So as a president, Trump (and, really, everyone) will massively fail.

But what about as a dissident? As an agitator? On that level, Trump will succeed.

I want Trump to win so that the corrupt media, the corrupt political establishment, and the whining liberals can cry. I want to see another Jon Stewart whining every single day about how terrible Trump is. Because I will know that every single day it is happening, Trump is pissing off the globalists.

I don't expect the country will turn around. Trump has said several times that he's going to stand by blessed Israel and take measures to increase the police state. It's all over and has been for some time.

But Trump is the best person we have right now to give a middle finger to all the pricks in the world that deserve it.

I'm voting Trump because he is my middle finger.

I be unapologetic 'bout mah suppizzle fo` Hillary so jus' chill.

Mah tizzay 'n DC mizzay me cynical as FUCK. I don't want a perfect candidate cuz its a G thang. I dizzle expect a perfect candidate. I EXPECT someone flawizzle, someone wit tha baggage n tha scrapizzle knees that come wit tha territory. Gizzay, ego-less, altruistic thugz do not go into polizzles, especizzle not at dis level. They don't from tha streets of tha L-B-C.

I'm vot'n fizzor POLICIES, n whizzile I mizzay not agree with Clinton stance on EVERYTHING nor do I agree wit EVIZZLE vote she eva made or posizzle she hustla took 'n pimp long politizzle carea, she be 1,000,000 times mizzay aligned wit my world view tizzy Donald Trump or any of tha otha crotchety nutcracka wheeled out by tha GOP.

Does it matta ta me thizzay she a woman, ya feel me? Yes, to a degree. I wizzay absolutely support a male candidate wit similar policy positions, bizzay tha fizzay thizzle Clinton has gotten dis far despite tha RELIZZLE bullshit tizzy at brotha coz shizzle a woman makes me feel GODDAMN DEFENSIVE 'bout playa. Its just anotha homocide. So, yes it wanna be gangsta to me now pass the glock.

Whiznen PIZZAY FUCK'N MANAFORT blames CLINTIZZLE fo` Melania Trump plagizzle n sez T-H-to-tha-izzat anytizzle Clinton feels "threatened by a woman" shizzay triznies to "takes ha down" n "demean" wanna be gangsta coz oh, well, you knizzle hizzle cattizzle those BITCHEZ be... it makizzles me fizzy L-to-tha-izzike I am go'n ta BIZZY INTO FUCK'N FLAMES. When the RNC be sell'n anti-Hillizzle buttons thizzle say "2 fat tizzy, 2 small breasts, lizzle w'n" ... I W-to-tha-izzant ta see theze OLD RACIZZLE SEXIST WHITE HYPOCRITICAL FUCKS lizzose. Throw yo guns in the motherfuckin air. I want ta sizzee thiznem loze ta a WOMAN who be 10000 times smarta n tougha than they'll eva be.

So goddamn. Yes, I'm vot'n fo` Hillizzle, despite all of ha flaws n screw ups.


copypasta faggot

If it is, its fucking stupid.

Clearly it is not common sense, if it were you would be able to provide an argument easily. But you can't, you're too inept I suppose. Try again when you grow up and have some arguments of your own


Its not. Its really out of your hands now. It doesn't matter what you think of Trump, he's going to win, and there's nothing anyone can do to stop him. And with his victory is going to come a global pull back towards nationalism, radical, totalitarian Leftism is going to be thrown to the curb, and Islam is going to be increasingly viewed as the vile, retrograde philosophy that it is.

Regardless of what you think of that outcome, that is what is going to happen. And I take great delight in knowing that, short of an assassination, nothing can stop Trump from bringing it about.

Dude, I'm not going to vote for some random celebrty for president.

He is "successful" in his self proclaimed brand name only. He inherited all his wealth from his dad and hasn't even made good use of it.

Clinton will keep the gears going. And everything is fine, the stock market is good, unemployment is at historical lows, violent crime is at historical lows, less cops are getting shot than ever.
The statistics don't match the medias narrative.

Even if that's true... He's still a better choice than Hillary

All that dems seem to do is steal from Sup Forums then put their 'sjw' shit in it.

Dems have no original idea at all

Nah people unironically believe some of the shit thats said here.


Top kek mate

God, you sound like such a baby

Dude, I'm nizzay go'n ta vote fo` some random celizzle fo` president cuz I'm fresh out the pen.

He be "succizzle" 'n hiznis sizzy proclaimed B-R-to-tha-izzand name only yeah yeah baby. He inherizzle all his wealth F-R-to-tha-izzom his diznad and hasn't even made gizzay uze of it.

Clintizzle will kizzy tha gears pimpin'. And everyth'n be fine, tha stock markizzle be G-to-tha-izzood, unemployment be at historizzle lizzay, violent crime be at historical lizzle, less cops are trippin' S-H-to-tha-izzot tizzy motherfucka.
Tha statistics don't mizzy tha medizzles narrative.

I want world war 3.

People who live in comfort must die

he is a nationalist and very competent

who cares fag

name all the presidents of the US that were 'good presidents' and put the years they were in office please and thanks

Why do you care?
Go solve your own country's failing economy, then we will talk about whose method worked.

This is what I suspected was largely the case. I understand that feel. Take a break from the Internet, go outside, take things one step at a time. It seems completely out of reach and ridiculous when your head is in that kind of space, but once you start living again and you see depression for what it is, a temporary albeit powerful and sometimes poisonous state of mind, thinge become so clear and beautiful. There are ups and downs, but everything passes.

I don't understand why people think it's impossible to both believe that he's a narcissist who is manipulating the election and that he'd be a great president. Have you seen how well he read the electorate? Sup Forums is not the electorate. He read the aspirations, fears, and views of a growing number of Americans and acted accordingly, when no one else in politics could even see it. Trump is a charismatic, manipulative genius. The qualities he's using to manipulate the American people prove that not only is he a genius, but also would be a superb president.
>But he'll only do what is best for Trump!
Right, but unlike Hillary Clinton, what's best for Trump is accidentally best for me. Trump wants to be the most powerful leader on the world stage. I want America to be the most powerful country on the world stage.


>obama never had a real job in his life and was a senator for 10 seconds before running for president
>Trump has been in the public eye for decades
>Has run multinational business
>Has negotiated deals with governments around the world

>Trump is literally Iskandar

I have the largest boner right now.

Obviously someone who has no grasp of common sense is going to say it isnt common sense. I don't need statistics and complex arguments to argue over things which are self-evident


His wealth was made by himself, his father gave him a loan of a million dollars and he worked his way up from there.

Let's put this into perspective. Trump proclaims he has 10 billion dollars. He was able to make 1 million into 10 billion. Theoretically, if he was given 100 dollars, he would have turned it into 10,000 dollars, maybe even more. His wealth was self accumulated and is indeed impressive. I doubt you would even be able to turn one dollar into two dollars through investment.

As for your claims on narrative, where are the statistics?

oh man the leaks have you fuckers in overtime today



trade, he doesn't know what he's talking about
killing isis, why not tell the saudis to cut the funding instead of going to war.
iran, the us seized their bank accounts, he has no right to keep any money
iraq he has no right to take any of their oil

he's an airhead or a liar

Building a wall along the entire border of Mexico and making them pay for it?

Deporting all 11 million illegal immigrants? Come on man, think about it

Exactly! It's the same way with all of the other great heroes of history! Look at Napoleon, how did he rise to power? By manipulating the people! Using plebiscites to undermine any democratic authority, declare himself Emperor, and Make France Great Again.

Because you have no arguments. You have no idea why you believe the way you do. You are insecure and unintelligent and therefore cannot provide an argument. Your claim that these "truths" are self evident, yet there is no evidence to what you claim. But hey, what else could I explicit from you

If liberal faggies like you don't like Trump, then he has my vote locked up.

>A fucking leaf

Made this gif because my country is so cucked

is donald trump a retarded psychotic narcissist who will fuck up in every way once he becomes president? well yes, and that's why you should vote for him

the sooner america collapses the better. once americans lynch each other in the streets europe will be ripe for the taking and ww3 can finally begin

man why are leafs such fags? Probably from toronto desu

and nothing he says he'll do will happen unless he can get support from the senate because he's not being elected dictator

Nice pasta faggot

Record status: corrected

chill out mate

I just want it all to Bern down

I don't know what you can explicit from me

but I know that a fanatical Trump supporter is devoid of reason if he unironically thinks the shit Donald Trump says is going to work. See

The estimated cost of building the wall using concrete would amount to 1 billion dollars. That's the equivalent of 1/3 of what it takes to make a ship. There are currently about 200 ships in the US Navy that are active, and 23 are being built as we speak. Seem realistic now?

Leaf, I swear to God

you can only use ad hominem attacks with Trump because there is, figuratively and lterally, no substance whatsoeer.

He is, inarguably, a proven 'priviliged narcissist' - he was born with a silver spoon, and, pic related, just. NO OTHER PRESEDENTIAL CANDIDATE WOULD EVER AGREE, NEVER MIND WANT, DEMAND _THIS_FUCKING LEVEL OF LUDICROUS.

>insane, completely unfeasible ideas
BUILD THAT WALL, MEXICO WILL PAY! - yup, sure. Even the lowest common denominator knows, Trumps wall is foundation-free, populist pish,

this is the cuck's manifesto.

I wouldn't have it any other way, Achmed

Trump doesn't have 10b.. billionairs own things like toilet paper, oil, and computers; Universal items everyone uses regularly.

Trumps income is just part of hi brand, and a lie.
You don't become a multi billionaire being a landlord for hotels.

Also, his "money" is his real estate, he can't fund his campaign because he would have to sell property to do it. He is a joke, the only people who use his hotels are rich foreigners who just have delusions of western high society from their bad english, that's what cartoon Trump is.

No. You are going to sit here and listen to me loudly proclaim the inevitable destruction of your dreams, the way I spent years listening to you CURRENT YEAR freaks telling me my country and way of life were going to be destroyed. You are going to feel what I felt and despair the way I despaired, with the only difference being that no one is going to come to your aid. When Trump has been sworn into office, then you have my permission to die.

sure, if he makes it outta string

>trump is Iskandar.I completely agree, anyone got any trump/fate memes?

>impossible ideas
>rounding up several million people and taking them into custody and removing them is impossible
OP are you denying the holocaust? Because that's what it sounds like

damn,,,, im #woke now


You can't got from Britain lad haha. Whereabouts do you live? Britain is pretty cosy even in the shithole parts

>billionairs own things like toilet paper, oil, and computers

uh-huh. like the dollar shave club guy or that neckbeard who made minecraft.