Why is Gary Johnson such a joke? Pic related

Why is Gary Johnson such a joke? Pic related.

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>Kony 2012


Because the libertarian party is a joke.

shoulda went with autism memerson


because the kock brothers bought him, and by extension whatever was left of the hardcore libertarian movement.

if Ron Paul wasn't selling freeze dryers on the radio he should be taking arms against Johnson.

this whole episode will kill the libertarians for a generation.

The fgt that ancap pol keeps circle jerking over.

It's hilarious that the #nevertrump cuckservatives allegendly hate trump for not having "true conservative values"

...meanwhile, they throw their hats in with gary johnson. Apparently fag marriage, forcing people to bake wedding cakes against their religious beliefs, DUDE WEED LMAO, and supporting trannies are """true conservative values"""

Couple of those are stretches.

Johnson isn't really "pro TPP". He said it's got some bad stuff in it, a lot of crony capitalism, but weighing it against the benefits of free trade, it's probably does more good than harm. He said it's not the sort of trade deal he would negotiate.

And Johnson's not wrong about the free market bankrupting coal. Sure, the extra regulations imposed by Obama didn't help, but coal is being bankrupted because the entire world is awash in energy. It's the same reason that oil is way down and oil companies are filing bankruptcy.

I say the same about libertarians. Trump is too statist but Gary "bake the fucking cake" Johnson isn't?

Baking a cake is hardly in the same category as supporting the 2008 bailouts, NSA spying, or overthrowing Qaddafi. I'm not justifying Johnson's position, but he's far closer to supporting limited government than is Trump.

What good is getting small government johnson into power if his lack of border enforcement would lead to a country that votes socialist until the end of eternity?

Ancap here, we hate Johnson

literally the only bad button on there is the pro-TPP one

There is no evidence at all that Trump or his supporters will begin supporting limited government once his 1/2 wall is built and the illegals kicked out and allowed to return.

But, if Johnson is elected and manages to shrink government and shows that the country didn't collapse because of it, then the idea of shrinking government further could grow.

You didn't address my concern.

Johnson wants to shrink government but also doesn't mind the country getting flooded with beaners who are all statists. So let's say Johnson somehow is able to LARP and do everything he wants. He dismantles all the bullshit and we're living in a minimally-governed nation.

...allowing the hispanification of our country will result in the democrats getting elected 100% of the time after that, the country eventually turning into a one party state, and the reenactment of all the libertarian policies johnson fought so hard to achieve.

Do you not understand this?

There's no evidence to suggest what you're trying to sell either.

This is a retarded post.

Clinton campaign trying to squeeze another perot onto the ballot to siphon votes away from trump


Indeed user, I've enjoyed making fun of them for it too. Come election day they'll stop pouting and vote trump once they accept that Cruz isn't going to roll back gay marriage for them.

Hispanics support Johnson at the same rate as whites. There has been strong Hispanic support in the LP for years. If Johnson gets elected, it will be because Hispanics support limited government.

And, yes, I did answer the question. It was your premise that I rejected (that all Hispanics are somehow genetically predisposed towards socialism) and that's what you're whining about. If the country becomes more libertarian and the socialism stops, more people who are attracted to the idea of liberty - and who reject socialism - will immigrate.

Okay, so basically you're just a blind retard who denies relality. The emperor has no clothes. Got it.

I should also point out that Johnson has repeatedly said that he would expand work visas and allow illegals to gain work legally, but he would not grant citizenship.

>hispanics support limited government

Please for the sake of logic and humanity, turn off your computer, throw it outside, and kill yourself.

He supports open borders.

You're a liar.

Thought processes aren't dictated by skin color. Believing that they are is the same type of "logic" applied by far leftists to justify racial diversity in education.

>Muh conservative hard working family men meme


75% of you are nigger tier mooches

Lol ok. Keep being an idiot.


Now fuck off.

>Thought processes aren't dictated by skin color.
No, but they are dictated by genes commonly observed in certain races. Race is more than just skin deep, you tabula-rasa-believing retard. Go back to your precious (((Franz Boas))) you crypto-kike.

Yes, 75% of Hispanics currently attracted to immigrating to the US support big government, which the US currently has.

And if the US had limited government, that's the type of immigrant it might attract.

Also, 100% of Trump supporters favor big government, so I'm not sure where you're going with that.

No where in that does he say he wants open borders and to give citizenship to illegals.

What he does say is this:

>We should make it as easy as possible for somebody that wants to come into this country and work to be able to get a work visa. I'm not talking about a green card; I'm not talking about a citizenship, but a work visa that should entail a background check and a Social Security card so that applicable taxes get paid.


>criticize gary "i swear I'm libertarian guys" Johnson

>"but muh trump"

Nice rebuttal shillbots.

No you mongoloid. You have a blatant dysfunction in the simple ability to understand cause and effect.

You think hispanics in favor of large government only come here because of our large government policies? Do you not realize that we had a relatively small government for the longest time? Do you not understand that it's precisely BECAUSE we have all this third world immigration that we ended up getting this welfare state?

Hispanics CAUSED us to have the welfare state. I will wait patiently as you figure out some mental gymnastics you hope will full someone ITT.

Yet he doesn't want to actually do anything about illegals crossing the border.

Open borders, like I said.

>they are dictated by genes

Statements like this are why Trump supporters are labeled as anti-intellectual.

Go check the immigration numbers dumbass. Mexicans didn't flee here by the millions when we had limited government. It's a recent phenomenon.

But they are. Overall political views have been shown to be largely heritable, even when not raised by the biological parents. Similar situation as to how IQ works.

You do know my comment was in response to someone who claimed hispanics vote limited government, right? I never made any statement saying peoples voting patterns are determined by race. I'm black and voting conservative.

Large Hispanic immigration did not cause large government policies in the US. Big government in the US took off under FDR. There wasn't much hispanic immigration for decades after that.

Youre an idiot.

Hispanics disnt cause the welfare state, jiggaboos did.

I dont know a single mexican up there collecting welfare, wic or any of that shit

They came here by the millions after we loosened up our immigration policy in 1965.

And even then, the government was much smaller then. Illegal immigration is a recent phenomenon, subsidized by welfare.

He has said he wants some level of border enforcement for criminals/terrorists. But anyone coming for work would no longer be illegal and would no longer have to sneak through American's back yards in the middle of the night. They could use roads like everyone else.

WOW a successful multi term border state governor thinks looser restrictions are in order

BUT the experts, on fucking Sup Forums, find this to be a bad idea

illegal immigration is not a recent phenomenon. Go look up operation wetback.

Jiggaboos have largely held the same fraction of the total population. It's the beaners - who vote 3/4ths for democrats, that have caused us to skew "more liberal" over the years. It's not that our white americans have gotten more libcucky. It's that there are more mestizos being used to push the proverbial thumb on the democrats' scale. Do I need to go through and point out which states would be red if not for beaners?

Half true. The US had an open borders policy for its first 100 years and we weren't flooded with socialist Hispanics. For the next 40 years after that the only immigration restrictions were on Chinese - open borders for everyone else - and we still weren't flooded with socialist Hispanics. Then came the immigration restrictions. Then came the welfare state. Then the immigration restrictions were modified. Then came the socialist Hispanics.


Yeah, great fucking job he did there.

Coal is the Cheapest form of fossil fuel energy wtf are you talking about

If the Koch brothers want it, who is Gary to oppose? Hail Soros.


This amount of delusion is simply astounding.

So tell me, where are all these magical libertarian free market hispanics? What limited-government latin american state are they coming from?

Oh wait, they're all fucking socialist shit holes. Because mestizos vote for large government. They vote for large government when they're in mexico and they vote for large government when they come to america.

>let's let in 20 million Mexicans and grant citizenship to another 30 already here

This secures socialism in the us, he's a fucking plant

I'm a libertarian and I know trump needs to win

This x100

They are all commies and you can't let them in and think they will stop voting commie

ancaps hate this smarmy fuck.


80% of Hispanic countries are socialist

80% of American Hispanics vote democrat

>Hispanics vote libertarian

>free market Saudi oil

>they didn't nominate Peterson


>Gun grabber
>Got caught throwing a replica antique firearm given to him as a gift into a dumpster
>Open borders
>Will force you to bake cakes for gay weddings
>Calls himself a "libertarian"
>Calls Trump a racist

Gary Johnson belongs in a fucking garbage can


Yet he's the lp and pulling potential votes from trump.

Fuck that guy. I'd be okay if it was rand or something. At least a real libertarian.

He's taking away votes from Hillary, not Trump. shouldn't we be promoting him?

Goddammit, and here I was thinking I'd made the right choice in 2012...

>The nomination was strongly contested by two other candidates, Austin Petersen and John McAfee. Austin Petersen came in second, John McAfee came in third. When Johnson won the nomination, Austin Peterson pledged his support, and he did so with a dramatic flourish. From libertyhangout.org:
>As a token of good faith, Austin gave Johnson a replica of George Washington’s flintlock pistol, to let him know that he has Austin’s full support in the general election. Tearing up on the front stage of the convention floor, Austin said to Gary as he presented him with the pistol, “You have my sword, and you have my gun.”

>In a video, Austin Petersen explains that the gun is a prized possession, and that he is giving it to Gary Johnson. The pistol is a flintlock replica of one of George Washington’s guns. It thus has multiple symbolic meanings to Second Amendment supporters. It represents liberty, limited government, the Second Amendment, and the Constitution that George Washington helped to write.

>It was a dramatic bit of political theater.

>The Libertarian Presidential candidate, Johnson threw it in the trash.

holy kek, that's just too rich.

I mean, even if you didn't support him or the constitution or gun rights, throwing away a cool gift like that so unceremoniously is a dick move.

The guy is a bigger joke than either of the two main contenders yet he's being shilled on this board non-stop as a supposed viable alternative, he won the libertarian nomination on an anti-libertarian platform, makes no fucking sense

You can't take votes away that never existed.

when will this meme about the third party stealing votes end?

I met him at the airport today. He's nice. Shook his hand.

What a douche.

You should have called Gina like sympathizer for wanting to allow subhuman a to enter the white mans land

Cant Parry

I'm convinced he's autistic. Just look at his glassy eyes.

I think he's just stoned. Actually he confirmed it. Why do we want a pothead as president?

>federally funded scientific research is bad especially in an environment where everyone uses apple's business model and doesn't innovate, only change.
so glad I actually learned some shit and stopped following these meme spewing idiots.