How do we solve the weak chin epidemic? A diet of soft processed carbohydrates has ruined an entire generation of humans. Children today should be fed beef jerky and other tough foods to ensure maximum facial development, in addition mouth breathing should be punished.
How do we solve the weak chin epidemic...
girls with no chin are fucking horrifying
That's a handsome young man. I thought weak chins were genetic
>maxilla threads have arrived
Sup Forums will never be the same
it has nothing to do with diet, leafag
its genetics
another shitty slide thread. fuck you leaf
I'm gonna assume they are. Weak chins are a genetic trait of a man who has never taken a solid punch before.
Luckily for me when I was a kid I had 5 way older black gentleman do it for me repeatedly.
In my defense I never hit the floor but I did have a couple bruises on my face and my nose was bleeding pretty bad.
Guess thats what happens when you got 5 guys flailing their wild haymakers with no core behind it.
What sort of diet will make your chin bone grow farther out? Milk and jawbreakers?
weak chin is linked to your foods?
I have a weak one, and it's true that I used to eat so little in meat.
Jawbreakers and chewy and sticky things. Jaws and chins are all muscle. You can still grow your chin out well into your 40s
Basically anything where you have to actually chew your food, not weak ass soft food like most carbs where you just roll it around with your tongue and swallow the mush
Good foods: steak and other non processed meats, vegetables(not overly cooked), anything high in fibre, if you eat pasta make it al-dente
is this why so many Italian North Americans have weak ass chins
The fuck are you retarded? Italian men are some of the most attractive men on earth, ask any women. Oh yeah femanon here btw im guessing you dont talk to member of the opposite gender very often do you, you miserable faggot.
Yes it does:
>oh yeah femanon here btw
sure, kiddo
there are no grills on the internet
also tits or gtfo
t. not a femanon
Actually, this is the video I wanted to post.
Bullshit OP this is entirely genetic, Not only have I gotten in so many fights I can't remember them all but I was chewing beef jerky the whole time and I still have a small chin and baby face. So did my father.
>Italian men are some of the most attractive men on earth, ask any women.
>roberto benigni is the most famous italian and their most attractive artists
That doesn't prove that diet doesn't have any effect. It's possible there are more than one factor influencing face development. It could very well be the case that your face would be even more shit if your diet was bad.
I don't understand people who make arguments like this. Do you not realise that your one experience doesn't prove shit?
I mean this one:
i am sure you were chewing a lot of sticky things swedenbro
are you ok?
My dentist told me I had a very strong, oversized jaw. Just let me fuck all of your moms, sisters and girlfriends.
Forgive me, It's 4:20 am here. My sleeping's all fucked up and I can hardly concentrate on anything.
>it's a sluthate thread
This webm needs the Isengard theme
Your entire premise is based on exactly the same type of evidence though.
He is just proving your point isn't all encompassing.
While bone strength and size is dependant on its need, a weak chin will not turn into a strong one. That is genetic.
You might have a weak chin that's actually strong in strength because you work with the bone more often, but it will always be a weak chin because it weakly projects outwards, not that it is in itself weak.
>I'll take "Shit that never happened" for 500 Alex
Google Vitamin K2, jaw and tooth development, and Weston A. Price.
When did Google start making their own vitamins?
Here's a picture of a bunch of Harvard students in the 1950s. Look at their faces closely -- none of them have all that manly faces but none of them look like cucks because they are dressed and groomed properly, the way a man should look. Imagine them today, with skinny arms in T-shirts and sweatpants, and 95% of them will look like cuck SJWs. It's as much poise and dress as it is actual facial structure.
>4:20 am
wow look at the manlet wop getting angry
Why is he so perfect Sup Forums?
take that picture today and half of the kids would be Asian, the other half would be jews
Considering Harvard's demographics, maybe, but even white college students look pretty similar. Cuckiness is as much the way someone dresses and carries themselves as it is inherent facial structure.
I am glad that my weak chin got corrected by my orthodontist
We sluthate now
Low inhibition thread boyos
more about body fat percentage.
This. I thought the Anglo countries had it bad before I visited Germany. Goose looking bitches everywhere.
you mean better than usual
Why do you care so much about chins lol.
no beef ...raw bacon,olives,eggs ....