Is Trump, dare I say it, BTFO?
Is Trump, dare I say it, BTFO?
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Colbert is like a fly on trumps shoulder that keeps buzzing.
Is Sup Forums, dare I say it, shit?
He has just as many people for him that don't feel the need to whine for 4 years.
fuck off reddit
I'd say that actually makes the people overreacting to Trump's mere presence look like absolute fools. You're going to spend your time bitching and moaning and throwing tantrums in the street and feel smug around your buddies instead of actually addressing issues of genuine human suffering like cancer and Islamic oppression of women gays? Get your fucking priorities in order, you live the cushiest lives imaginable.
Pretty sad that americans would rather paint a horror picture of their president than cure cancer.
t. yuroopoor who is very tired of hearing about trump 24/7
>these are actual adults that live on this world with you
He lost the popular vote and his approval ratings haven't gotten any better so that's probably not true.
People march against cancer?
There are 230 million people in America eligible to vote, only 57 million people voted in the election, Trump got 46.4% Hillary got 48.5%, so yes it is true, stop pretending that losing the popular vote by less than 2% is some significant thing that immediately discredits Trump's 46%
You guys are aware Trump is a one term president, right?
Yeah, that goes without saying
whatever helps you sleep at night, sweetie.
This health care bill will cost many republican seats.
Old people vote & you are about to fuck them right in the ass.
>yfw a 15 year old thinks he has American politics all figured out
We know. The real question is if he has done irreparable damage to his party when they pass spending bills that go against all his wishes and when the House votes on a healthcare bill that makes postpartum depression and sexual assault as a child a pre-existing condition. Guaranteed to lose seats this midterm election but will they lose the majority in the Senate?
Only liberal cuckolds use facts and logic. Fuck off with that shit, Trump WILL serve another term
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Do trump supporters even realize that we know how stupid and racist they are?
It blows my mind that anybody would support a reality tv show star.
shit you're right
back to voting for cultural marxism and healthcare that can't work on a 350 million person country since their is a certain 10% that doesn't work
Wtf I love cancer now?!
>cultural marxism
I don't think you know what you are saying.
He lost the popular vote. Kick and scream all you fucking want.
yes everybody knows how you feel honey bear
He's the president, your president. Make as many angry little posts as you want :)
Good you fat fuck.
>kick and scream about not winning the consolation prize
o-oh no...
Not my president ;)
>It blows my mind that anybody would support a reality tv show star.
Does it? The second bluest state in the country voted an Austrian movie star their governor, why should it be any less surprising that people who are in their right to be fed up with the candidates presented to them choose an outsider who at least proposed a change in the system. Not in any way to condone the work he's done in the time since but at the time it wasn't so far-fetched that he would say flamboyant things to get in office then make thoughtful executive decisions. Keep in mind he was one of the most outspoken Democratic businessmen of the '90s, like a prototypical Warren Buffett.
dude, Trump
The popular vote is irrelevant besides being an interesting post game stat
Yes you're describing what I just said. Keep kicking and screaming but he lost the popular vote.
its not how the game is played
If it's so irrelevant then why do people reply to that assertion?
We know who most people wanted. That's the popular vote. Don't reply if it doesn't matter.
Don't hate the player, hate the game
>It blows my mind that anybody would support a reality tv show star
You mean besides the fact that high level politics are a poorly written reality show, and the PotUS is entirely a PR position?
Why do you think Reagan was so popular? Because he was a fuckin' genius of world politics and global relations? Elections have been a bad joke for a while now and are used entirely as conversation material, similar to how more retards posting on twitter and snapchat show up in droves for the announcement of a new Pope than actual devout Catholics.
It's a brave new world we're living in.
>when you're so butthurt that all you have left to grasp onto is popular vote trolling
lol I love it
Did I say that's not how the game is played? Relax. But it is a game like you said. It's ridiculous.
>We know who most people wanted. That's the popular vote. Don't reply if it doesn't matter.
If it mattered he wouldn't have won.
>You mean besides the fact that high level politics are a poorly written reality show
This only supports how stupid the whole thing is. Try again.
And yet you replied anyway. Because on some level it matters to you apparently. He lost the popular vote and that's all I've ever said.
>He has just as many people for him
aka - almost COMPLETELY uninformed people who voted and will, now, not be paying one bit of attention to politics until the next election.
This country is full of dumb fucks.
>It blows my mind that anybody would support a reality tv show star.
It blows my mind that anybody would support a community organizer.
>And yet you replied anyway. Because on some level it matters to you apparently. He lost the popular vote and that's all I've ever said.
Not the same person.
The popular vote doesn't matter.
he's killed more dreams than cancer too, liberal tears will continue to flow
She lost the election. Kick and scream all you fucking want.
hella frickin upvotes
>No argument
aww, the anti white faggot got triggered :(
No, actually i think it's hilarious because stats showed "informed" people swayed toward Trump in the end. Hillary just sucked that bad.
People vote economy. No one will beat him in 2020.
>He lost the popular vote and his approval ratings haven't gotten any better so that's probably not true.
His approval rating jumped after the Syrian Tomahawk strike.
>implying any of the obummer drones payed attention the last 8 years
>implying any significant portion of the voting public pays attention to anything ever
I used to think we were all gonna die, but then I grew up and realized we've been at that point since the beginning, but this country keeps goin and this world keeps spinnin so I guess it'll all be alright
gotta get rich and go to mars asap
Reagan was a conservative genius. Only fools question that after publication of his letters.
you should stay there
>Reagan was a conservative genius.
>Turn California Red after amnesty
What the fuck, is this normal for a reddit board? It's a fucking ghost town but occasionally shit gets like 50k upboats. Are they using bots?
but i bet you think the_donald are cool as fuck right?
>literally posts a screenshot from reddit
This site was so much better before the cancer from r/the_donald invaded
if stuff gets a lot of upboats it's gets the frontpage which means it's the first thing everyone sees which means it's goes viral and gets lots of le upboats.
however you are still correct there is clear manipulation by reddit themselves. constantly posts from r/esist will get frontpage with 10k upvotes while the_donald posts with 20k+ never reach frontpage.
it even came out a a few months back that even the CEO of reddit was caught intentionally altering posts on the_donald
>Teenagers pretend they have the whole world figured out
Living in the city doesn't make you smart.
his healthcare plan covers preexisting conditions
The popular vote doesn't matter. The electorial college is all that matters.
So you're not American then? Fuck outta the conversation faggot.