Its amazing how you get an overall idea of a person just by their face. You can tell if they are aggressive, weak, rude, strange, timid etc. You'd imagine you'd need to know more of a person to gauge their general character than just a face. Why can we tell what a person is like just by their face? Is it evolutionary that we see certain facial features and attribute them to specific traits?
Judging a persons character by their face
Physiognomy is making a comeback
In general, aggressive temperaments coincide with sharp facial features.
For example, domesticated animals will have rounder and softer facial features than their aggressive ancestors.
im always fascinated how old conservatives look like they've slowly had the life leached out of them the like how a spider drains its prey. i think its the result of a lifetime of no fap.
>tfw you're a shitlord, redpilled but have nu-male facial features
I'm amazed how all liberals look like prey
There was actually a study done that hypothesized left leaning individuals are physically and mentally weaker than right leaning individuals and thus like to have someone (government) to depend on and run their life. I'll try and find the study, it was done at a credible university
Give me the study pls. I need it.
>live entire life from birth to this moment with the body and face that you have
>Every single person you meet initially judges you by your appearance
>"It's amazing how you get an overall idea of a person just by their face"
No... No, anons. I don't think you get it.
Not just their face structure, their facial expression is how you tell.
Here's a news sites summary of the study, look up the DOI number and you can find the actual study if you want to summarize it for yourself
Cheers m8
Even people you don't talk to, if you see a photo of just their face you can judge their character. I imagine subtle body language (positioning etc) plays a big role in this also
The reason you don't judge someone by their face alone is because actors and people who have learned how to act are adept at manipulating their faces in order to manipulate people like you that think you can easily judge someone by their face.
Ah, so this is why all fighter pilots have sharp looking facial aesthetics. I guess in the end it is all genetics.
What does Alex Jones look like?
Alright, fine. Let's work this out.
So you're born into this world and the features you get make you look really intense, even intimidating. You don't know this. You're just busy being you. Problem is, everyone else around you notices. Some people who have particular experience with this will overlook it to figure out who you really are. Most, however, won't.
So now you're going about your life and thinking, "Why the hell is everyone such a jerk to me? Why are they so hostile or afraid? Why do I get so much shit when others don't?". You don't get it yet. When you look in the mirror you don't see the same thing they do because you already know yourself. You're just you.
Right, so eventually it's pretty likely that you're going to start defending yourself from these reactions and judgments. You're going to hit a breaking point. And now you find yourself literally becoming the very thing other people projected onto you. Now you ARE the intense, angry, whatever guy. And when people see this they tell themselves, "I knew it. Wow It's amazing what you can tell about a person just by looking at them. I bet there's a science to this. Wow."
No. I guarantee you look like a retard with all those presumptions. Shut the fuck up.
I've experienced this for years. I'm an ugly cunt and everyone has treated me like shit since High School. Then they wonder why I'd crack and become psychotic. You can never escape it.
Reminds me of that UC Berkely study where the rich drive like assholes. Apparently the rich have less empathy. Poor people have more because they need more from others.
Out of those 4 faces I only trust Conan.
It took me until college to learn that I apparently have a really intimidating face. A friend of mine admitted that he was scared of me for months before he finally got the courage to talk to me. I asked my other friends and apparently it was common among them. Learning that was probably the worst thing I ever learned because I decided to use that to my advantage and start actively bullying people. Now I can get my family, my co-workers, and strangers to snap in line pretty quick but it's had the effect of turning me into a huge asshole.
Now I can't help but be the guy people always thought I was.
butthurt beta male detected
These aren't presumptions, these are genuine theories backed up by many scientific studies.
See, by how you looked, people could tell you were timid and less likely to respond back in a hostile way. I am sorry you experienced what you did, a lot of people are assholes. If you look at a school year book, you can tell who the jocks are and who were the kids that unfortunately got picked on
So you are suggesting that individuals act the 'stereotypes' of their face due to how people treat them?
The most insightful post I've ever seen on Sup Forums.
How it's amazing? It's pure science, hormones will influence the foetus face. Most of the niggers got a higher testosterone level so they looks more aggressive
I wasn't picked on. People wouldn't directly say pr do anything to me because they could tell I was unstable. Facial asymmetry, my left hemisphere is more dominant and I have schizophrenia.
schizophreniacs tend to have asymetric faces