a lot of my friends treat this show as the second coming of jesus or some shit, is this shit really worth watching?
A lot of my friends treat this show as the second coming of jesus or some shit, is this shit really worth watching?
for hating this show so much you guys sure do like making threads about it
It's an OK show, but the fan base is sucks the shows cock way too much.
uh, i think u mean the second coming of SCIENCE!
First season is good, second has a couple good moments but is overall weaker. Would recommend watching at least the first season
>dude GOD ISNT REAL lmao
Sup Forums != one person.
This, I personally like the show and its humor a lot, but the fanbase, like with most things, sucks.
Reddit: The Show
Wow, it's the hourly Rick and Morty thread.
It's funny watch it. Stop listening to these retards that hate everything.
It's funny. If you wan't a light show you can watch everyonce in a while for giggles go for it. It's just that though. A better version of Family Guy.
>bite the bullet and watch show
>it's not that bad actually
>begin to notice how many fucking autistic fans there are who just have to spout quotes and name themselves after characters in the show
>western cartoons
Just look at that art style. Atrocious.
it's funny but the fanbase makes it out to be this deep shit when it's nothing more than something funny on adult swim, the fans are seriously fucking awful.
it's weaker than futurama but pretty watchable. the fanbase is insufferable though.
>you guys
>one person
It's enjoyable but not the best comedy ever. You'll laugh sometimes!
Damn that sucks, I'm watching Futurama right now for the first time. Im on season 7 now, so its starting to slow down IMO
Futurama pretty much goes to shit after season 4
I couldn't make it through the pilot with all of the burping
My fucking god, what did justin roiland and dan harmon do to you guys?
sperging over anything that leddit likes? did they touch your no no?
Yet another forced meme?
the burping gets toned down a bit after the pilot.
it's shills/viral marketing spamming rick and morty threads on here
It's pretty good.
Try watching a few episodes yourself and make up your own mind?
Shut the fuck up Morty.
I liked the first season, the second season was shit though, and I doubt the next one will be very good if the premiere is any indiction. It's ok to watch casually but it's certainly not as great as its fans make it out to be
Its a better scifi than comedy
as soon as my normie friends started watching it my opinion of it soured. I couldn't take the IRL memeing
It's kino
It has its moments. It also has a lot of filler, such as two alternate dimension television episodes.
Agreed. Every screenshot I see of this show disgusts me.
>calling regular cartoons "western"
weebs out
Rick is Catholic
This is me btw
It's not as good as Futurama, but it has its moments. I've seen way better. I've seen way worse.
first season is alright
second season has some of the best episodes of any animated scifi I've seen, but also some of the worst episodes of any show I've seen in any genre
it's a lot of hit and miss
This guy gets it. If they stuck to scifi with some light jokes and took out all the fucking burps it would be better than watchable, it'd be good. The brain parasite episode is a great scifi concept as well as the ending of the cronenberg one.
it's strange, it seems like the show has everything Sup Forums would like, but the self-aware joke nature of the show and reddit completely ruins it for everyone.
but i'd say it's pretty good and is atleast worth a 3 ep watch