How do we destroy it?
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Dirty nuke right in the middle desu
Exactly how would Muslims react to it being destroyed? I've always wondered.
Kill the jews, then kick out the muslims. We don't need to destroy it. Fuck off jidf. Sage.
Cum on it.
Build a Church over like a pagan temple it is.
Most Muslims are peaceful, so they'll simply rebuild it. You will have a few radical instances here and there, but they will be isolated and rare.
Every year the meteor gets touched by all the muslims who pilgrimage to mecca, and while there they fuck the goats and camels senseless. You think a little jizz is going to stop them?
Are you even allowed to touch it? What if you ran up and slapped it or did a flying drop kick with shoes on?
What's inside it?
Fill it with pigs.
>What's inside it?
Some Paki answered this yesterday, it's a bunch of fuckin lamps
Basically they teach each other to blow up, cross deserts wearing binbags and behead people just so they can bow before a bunch of lamps in a box
Go full Carrie on it and shower it with pig blood. Bonus points for any mudshit outfits ruined in the process.
Originally they were supposed to touch it while circling it. But not that there are a billion (far too many) Hajis most orbit it at a distance.
Always wondered about the horseshoe thing. I've heard it referred to as a cove. Similar shape at Stonehenge. Maybe related to Coven as in Witches Coven. Any thoughts?
black materia
You can't, even if you do it will just be rebuild again and probably even bigger ( it already was demolished and rebuilt more than once), it's the place that is holy not the kaaba you uncultered swine
I kind of want to go there once for an adrenalin rush like skydiving or bungee jumping. This would be far more dangerous however. If I grow a beard, use tan spray and shout allah ackbar every 30 seconds will I blend in?
Special Effects.... Hollywood has to help.. Somehow make a TRUMP Hologram to pop up make the Muslims believe he is the Messiah and they have to give all the oil for free
satan's designs transcend all cultures.
We don't. We use it as ground zero for testing any new weaponized germ we come up with
It would be funny as hell to watch the dumbest of snackbars die like flies on radiation when going on a hadji disregarding the whole nuclear waste thing because of "muh allah"
t. ahmed
Bomb during the hajj pilgrimage.
Although the crane falling on Sept 11th was pretty brilliant. Anyone have that gif? The guy slipping on a dismembered head always makes me giggle for some reason.
Bacon rashers all around it.
No we burrie this in Area 51 then replace it with a Ghostbusters 2016 DVD
obviously hijack a plane and crash it into the thing
would probably take the goatfuckers 3 days to scramble their F-16s.
where the fuck have you been?
Pro tip: you can't
Why are you here?
it's a socially backwarded country so you can do it the easiest way. the consequences would be difficult though, as you'd have to sacrifice lots of whites lives killed by muslims out of anger but i guess you care more about your own satisfaction than the lives of people in the same skin color as yours. so, how to destroy it ? by being the same people as the terrorists. by doing the same thing that would make you be put in the same category as the terrorists.
it's not that important. they'll definitely not go near it
It looks like an oversized ring case. Are they awaiting a giantess goddess or something?
The largest chimpout ever seen in the world.
Delete your account.
>doesn't want to break the "peace."
They shut down like robots with no batteries.
I'm pretty sure the Islam itself says that box is gonna get destroyed. Something about it going up in a shit-ton of smoke/dust. I'm not even joking.
Would be glorious
Is this it? I can't remember.
Lol at this thread. No one know shit about Islam
Instead of bombing it, imagine id some plane droped a load of pig's blood in the crowd below.
A nuke would be idea, perhaps since Sup Forums hasn't gone nuclear yet, something else would suffice
Ba'al has already had a successful attack on Mecca, I feel so bad they destroyed the poor guys temple, wish he would kill more of them, maybe kek could help out.
>How do we destroy the kaaba guys, altright rulez amirite?
There's nothing in Islam that says pigs or pig blood is haram/forbidden/the devils work-- you can literally eat pig if there's nothing around. It's no different to human blood, it'll just make a huge mess.
shhh let the polacks believe that muslims will go to hell if they touch pigs
its more fun that way
there are 2 kinds of people
What the fuck is that thing?
muslims are the bad guys, guys, we must keep western civilization that was built on diversity, homosexuality, tolerance of 50 different genders, corporativism, exploiting the fellow man...
all those good values worth protecting, amirite?
Now you're using your melon user
>literally worshiping a giant black cube in the thousands
this is the end-game of abstraction, of removal from immanence
we've hit the crest
being to feel the downward acceleration with me, family
what's the story on this
>send a muslim to it
>actually an agent for the US
>during the muslim holiday thing where they go to the black box
>put him really close to it
>الله ليست كبيرة!
>sets off the explosives strapped to his chest
>black box is destroyed
>all muslims shut off
or you could just throw gay bacon at it.
that'd work too
Incite the islamic state to do it
rumor on the block is that it actually belonged kek before Muslims invaded it and claimed for themselves. it's some kind of meme magic power source
Exploding Melons
Douse it with pigs blood.
there you go. just leave them alone, pull out your troops from there, it makes them think that you want to destroy their culture and religion. just so you know most terrorists aren't even that religious. they're eaten up by the islamic propaganda about america and the western world. maybe start by not doing shit in their deserts so they can stop thinking of being colonialized. most terrorists are conspiracy theorists, they're paranoid. i'm a muslim, and almost everyone around me has these american hatred or western hatred. it's not the religion, it's the paranoia, something/someone wants them to think america is genociding them, so then it'd be easier to gain followers. they don't do out of God's command, they do out of anger, paranoia, hatred, and you know, stuffs like that.
Bio-engineered virus. Tailor the virus for those shitskins according to their genetic blueprints. Set them off as chemical weapon.
Watch all the shitskins vomit blood and trying to scratch out their eyes. Leave the blackbox alone, use it as a symbol of the death.
Yup, that's it. Thanks user. Fucking kek every time.
The entire Religion is a death cult. Don't defend those fucking savages.
>muslims are pedophiles, guys, aisha was 7 when mohamed married her and 9 when he had sex with her, its not like nature knows what's best and mohamed consumated the marriage after her puberty, these laws that we have in the west are the only thing that's correct
You can't.
Allah protect it
You are literally asking for a WW3 aren't you?
>shut off
more like shut on, all around the world. what they believe to be doubtfully true became true. they'd start to think that the terrorists was right, to shut down the enemies before they shut us down.
the story of Islam.
Did he died?
No one worships that you fuckwit. It's there for unity.
you're literally retarded
Start with this
>Everybody watch the Clinton Cash doc
>Everybody watch the Clinton Cash doc
>Everybody watch the Clinton Cash doc
From the inside.
>destroy the kaaba
>do it
>using a trip on a board with ids
you stupid or something?
There's a meteor in one corner. I learned that from a Ninja Turtle comic.
Underrated post
You really don't want to destroy the kaaba, or else it will escape.
w..what will escape?
>destroying it
>not leading a live pig into it
>What's inside it?
I think there's a video on (((youtube))) of some royalty going into it.
Sledge hammer while you're wearing a tank top and shorts user
This reminds me of Man After Man.
Is there anyway we can secretly drop small flakes of radioactive material all over the area? mudslimes will slowing die off from radiation sickness without knowing the cause.
Destroy it?
We rather should disassemble it, and use stones from it as another column in the Holy City of Vatican.
Claim kek willed it and build another.
>that kid in the center, slight to the right
Holy shit he got completely rekt. What a headshot.
Salted bomb.
it was a joke, and it was fucking hillarious.
Yeah, running over people with a truck and gunning up people in Europe is a heck of a way to get back to the USA!
Nice try with that Taqiyya you filthy kebab, our bombs are better and so is our guns, you're done for.
you mean a small percentage of muslims. don't forget that we're everywhere, even in your country. doesn't take long to find out the cause.
Implying your people aren't out to instigate a "Clash of civilizations"
i didn't say only USA, who knows about their agenda ? they have hatred and anger. it's not just simply about 'doing God a favour'.
>our bombs are better and so is our guns, you're done for.
glad you found something to boost your self esteem.
oh btw i feel bad for you that you will never be taken seriously because of your flag. maybe proxy next time.