Can cartoons be Kino? If so I think I found one

Can cartoons be Kino? If so I think I found one

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>le JoJo xD

At least you posted the best part.

>overarching plot is shit, it barely exists
>tries to do a mystery aspect with the murderer but it's done so lazily and they just show him with no fanfare early on
>show is slice of life anime bullshit instead of the cool macho shit previous Jojos
>introduces a million characters and does nothing with them
>nobody gets any character development in a series focused on the fucking characters

Part 4 is fucking trash and is only liked by weebs for the epic meme moments
>haha spaghetti punch xD

Prove me wrong.

Let's make this thread Sup Forums related!

>hurr durr I think it's a mystery even though the ghost girl said who the fucking killer is
>Nobody gets character development except the characters who clearly do
>says it's a SoL even though it clearly fucking isn't


Who the fuck is that supposed to be next to Koichi and josuke?

If you think Part 4 is a slice of life in any way you've clearly never even WATCHED a slice of life

From left to right: Okuyasu, Keicho, Koichi, Josuke, Yukako and Jotarou.

>hurr durr I think it's a mystery even though the ghost girl said who the fucking killer is
Yeah, midway through the fucking season. The entire first half is about meaningless bullshit where they vaguely mention a murder-mystery plot. It's shit.

>Nobody gets character development except the characters who clearly do
Such as? Koichi gets like 2 episodes worth of development and Josuke & Joesph have 1 decent episode, but it never fucking amounts to anything.

Also forgot
>Mountains of pure fucking filler
Literally the only important episodes are the first 3, the mid-season shit with Kira, and the Finale. Everything else is completely fucking worthless.

Looks like absolute shit.

>Koichi learns to be brave
>Okyasu learns to do things on his own
>Yukako learns to not be a bitch
>Yuya learns to help people
>Rohan learns to open up
>Josuke fixes his relationship with his father

>Yeah, midway through the fucking season. The entire first half is about meaningless bullshit where they vaguely mention a murder-mystery plot. It's shit.

The series is about dealing with the arrow and the problems it caused. Were you not paying attention?

>the whole time travel plot where Josuke is the one who saves his own child self all forgotten.

>>Mountains of pure fucking filler
It was all in the manga.
>this motw show is too motw for me

Obviously you watched the wrong ducking show

It's almost impossible for cartoons to be kino
DiU is pretty entertaining though

nobody ever thought that was josuke time travelling before the anime came out
that was just a random yankii

He didn't it really was some dude who saved him

Kira was the best part of Part 4. P4's greatness is incredibly overrated.

It sucked when they halted Kira's story to paste in Superfly, which was shit.

>>Koichi learns to be brave
>>Josuke fixes his relationship with his father
Literally the only development in the entirety of Party 4 and none of it is the focus or all that in-depth.

>>Okyasu learns to do things on his own
>>Yukako learns to not be a bitch
>>Yuya learns to help people
>>Rohan learns to open up
They turn from a bad guys to good guys after getting the monster-of-the-week shit beaten out of them. That's not development.

truly the peak of cartoonkino



>It was all in the manga.
yeah and it's still fucking trash.

>Obviously you watched the wrong ducking show
I did, Parts 2 and 7 are the only decent Jojo parts.

Oh wow.. That's interesting..

Nah, i get you like JoJo but you can't wave that away. It's so obviously Josuke from the Kira fight. Introducing time travel with Kira and the guy who saved Josuke basically looks identically makes it look like Araki was gonna do something there but he probably just forgot or didn't care. It's not the first time this happened either.

huh.... so this.... is the power.... of asian masculinity.......

>it's not a development because I say so

Using the word kino doesn't make it Sup Forums related. Fuck right off to where ever you came from.

Alter? I said halted. It was focusing on Kira's adjustment to his new family to then shoehorn in Superfly.

Araki didn't even think of Kira being able to time travel until he got around to writing Bites the Dust

Can't fault you there. I want to die more then usual after seeing that discrase.

>introduce a villain that has travel back in time powers

It's clear Araki planned that shit but then dropped it when he knew he couldn't write a way out of it. Just like how he planned Dio's stand to have all other tarot card stand powers. It's totally the kind of shit he'd pull.

"I got the shit beaten out of me and learned this cliche anime life lesson I'm a good guy now!!!" is not proper development and that's exactly what happens to the majority of characters you listed.

>Just like how he planned Dio's stand to have all other tarot card stand powers.

He didn't though. This is literally just fan bullshit.


Well they did cut out shit here and there, but they didn't really change much from the manga


Asians are so fucking ugly, Jojio characters are clearly modeled after Caucasians

1)dolicoephalic skull
2)very often straight, narrow nose
3)protrudent chin, big jawline
4)non slanted eyes
5)often have light colored eyes/hair
6)tall, often above 180 cm
7)protrudent, masculine brow

All the cancerous traffic from Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and Sup Forums sure is improving the quality of this board

Your use of the term "cartoon" implies that you are judging whether or not this show is kino based on its merits as a cartoon rather than merely as a story. In that regard, the answer is an obvious no.

David Pro is a shit-tier budget studio and Diamond is Unbreakable has more QUALITY and slideshow animation than any other season of the JoJo anime yet.

The manga is pretty kino though.

>part 2 is a good part
>part 4 is trash
I can't wew hard enough lad

Doesn't matter, it's not like never pulled shit out of his ass in JoJo before.

>part 4 is best part
what a boring, unoriginal opinion

Are Italians white

>implying that wasn't a time and space displaced Josefumi Kujo and Araki will finally put this plot line to rest in a future chapter of JJL

>Just like how he planned Dio's stand to have all other tarot card stand powers.

[citation needed]

>nobody gets any character development
go figure

I still prefer the earlier parts though, the fight with Dio at the end of part 3 would convert great to hollywood.

Cartoons can, anime can't.

Litterally never heard of Bill Burr but I like him.

that's not part 2, 6 and 7

*disgrace holy fucking shit.

Why yes, I'm Italian and I'm all of those things I've listed except for light colored hair and eyes

The part 3 final part was hype as fuck. The DBZ levels of build-up led to a orgasmic climax.

Johnny and Gyro die.

Johnny lives while Gyro becomes the final boss

>shounen of the moment
Yeah, bro, just like Ao Exorcist once was, and that one with Titans and a manlet Sasuke.

Fuck this gay anime with it's gay fights. This literally happens.
>villain who can stop time throws 20+ plus knives at protagonist
>protagonist can move only for 1 sec in stopped time and has a ghost who can punch shit
>punches some knives away in stopped time but not enough
>time resumes and he gets stabbed by a bunch of knives
>protagonist survives because he anticipated this attack and put magazines between in his clothes
Fucking stupid as hell.


You should spoil how Han Solo dies next

They're going to make two more movies. Next one is the first part with Kira. Can't wait.
Also, he did nothing wrong.

I'm sorry nigger, but your beloved bnha is really nothing special. I don't get why people are going so crazy over it.

>muh heart of the city
>muh manlet beta-but-sometimes-badass self insert character who has some dom cunt obsessed with him
>muh kid who is conveniently paranoid as fuck and conveniently into filming his parents and conveniently jumps to the conclusion that someone stole his father's identity because his mom is finally happy
>muh ambulance

>shit final fight
>terrible budget

literally Sup Forumseddit the jojo part

diu manga isn't as bad though

Yeah it may have bleach syndrome but much better than capeshit movies.

Of course Anime can be kino

I only really like it because of the relationship between all-might and deku

Every shounen is the same shit:
>weak mc with a dream too big for him
>antagonist is an edgy guy
>love interest is a tits monster moeblob with no character development
>lol friendship saves the day in every arc
>the best girl never wins

Like what, Steven Universe?


Bleach was everything a shounen shouldn't be.

>budget maymay

not an argument

I am going to look like one of the many pretentious fans this series has, but a shonen that's definitely not like everything you mentioned is HxH.

I would suggest anyone NOT to read it though, it's forever doomed to be wasted potential


You were right about the first and second one.


Agreed. Hiatus x Hiatus is pure shounenkino. Too bad Togashi will die before finish it.

>my retarded fan theory isn't real therefore the author is a hack, because he thought of it but couldn't implement
unironically pathetic

>my hacky author isn't hacky even though he pulls shit out of his ass in every part of his manga

Nope. The only one that comes to mind was the Justice League animated series from the mid-2000s. And the 2003 Clone Wars

It is though. You've never heard of a "life changing even"?

who are you quoting here? Are you off your rockers?

Anime is trash

I'm quoting you and reddit.

because anime fans have terrible taste

actual modern anime kino like conrevo has a 6.8 on mal whereas garbage like ao no exorcist and souma and bnha all have 8+

This was a lot more brutal than I expected going in. Good show, though I haven't watched anime regularly in like 10 years so my standards might be off.

Because they're European lmao. Only Josuke is half Japanese

Jotaro is half japanese too and he's 2 meters tall and has the face of a greek god

Is that good? The premise sounds like SCP meets Minority Report.

it's much darker than what you would expect from the usual shonen and from how it starts out. Pic very related.

autistic fan theories are the most reddit things in existance
also I didn't defend any authors in my post, I just pointed out that obsessing over fan theories to the point of mental gymnastics (h-he thought of it b-but didn't do it because I AM BETTER) is unironically pathetic and sad

>Use your power
>use it
>doesn't use the power
>next episode is all talking and no fighting

And then the second season comes out and all of the female characters are out of their costumes, so we don't even get wank material.



Part 7 is so fucking cool

is the anime good, where do you start?

it's pretty reddit to be an autistic fanboy and ride the author's dick even though it's an obvious fuckup.

Start with the purest kino

from the beginning.
ranking for the parts: 2 > 3 > 1 >>> 4

Yes episode 1

Just start with part 1 anime. If you dont like it at first dont worry it will grown on you after a while. Part 5 onwards is manga only atm so you have to read those.

I mean are there multiple anime series? Like a old one and a new one, or is the one that came out recently the only Jojo anime?