It has truly begun
Debbie Wasserman Shultz soon to be BTFO
It's happening
praise kek
Assange (read in the voice of Erkle): Did I do thaaaat??
Did anything major leak or is it just thousands of pages of nothing?
>Clinton is Darth Vader, executing underlings (or at least destroying their careers) at the first sign of weakness or failure, no matter how loyal they have been in the past.
And this is news, why?
It basically confirmed DWS and the DNC had it out for Bernie.
Lots of minor happenings that coalesce into a happening nexus.
Like the one talking about their plan to LBJ spics into turning all the biggest red states perma blue with more illegal immigrants funneled to them.
That's something we already knew though.
>Debbie Wattery Shitz
There is actual proof they cant handwave away now tho
Yeah, we also "know" that the Clinton's are corrupt as fuck, but it's different from actually having proof.
Pretty major stuff. Jake Tapper and Meet the Press schmuck are confirmed DNC shills. DNC hosting illegal fundraiser with Washington Post. DNC actively undermining Sanders, violating their charter and undermining democracy. Bunch of teenage gossip. DNC sending interns to pose as protestors.
Good news for Trump as it alienated Bernie's supporters from Hillary.
Deb wasn't feelin the bern at all. She is now tho
>Like the one talking about their plan to LBJ spics into turning all the biggest red states perma blue with more illegal immigrants funneled to them.
how your republicans could allow that to happen under their watch is just disgusting. They never did a bloody thing about it now they go all in behind Trump hoping to save themselves from electoral oblivion.
I say all in but lets be honest there are still stupid cunts that are fighting against Trump because they are oblivious to the demographic danger facing America.
its fucking urkel you idiot
Watching the Left way itself has been the best present since the Zimmerman trial familia
The left eat itself
Can anyone print out pic related, jerk off on it, and repost it, to prove that Jewish women are attractive Sup Forums?
I am unapologetic about my support for Hillary.
My time in DC made me cynical as FUCK. I don't want a perfect candidate. I don't expect a perfect candidate. I EXPECT someone flawed, someone with the baggage and the scraped knees that come with the territory. Gentle, ego-less, altruistic people do not go into politics, especially not at this level. They don't.
I'm voting for POLICIES, and while I may not agree with Clinton's stance on EVERYTHING nor do I agree with EVERY vote she ever made or position she ever took in her long political career, she is 1,000,000 times more aligned with my world view than Donald Trump or any of the other crotchety nutcrackers wheeled out by the GOP.
Does it matter to me that she's a woman? Yes, to a degree. I would absolutely support a male candidate with similar policy positions, but the fact that Clinton has gotten this far despite the RELENTLESS bullshit thrown at her because she's a woman makes me feel GODDAMN DEFENSIVE about her. So, yes it matters to me.
When PAUL FUCKING MANAFORT blames CLINTON for Melania Trump's plagiarism and says that anytime Clinton feels "threatened by a woman" she tries to "take her down" and "demean" her because oh, well, you know how catty those WOMEN are... it makes me feel like I am going to BURST INTO FUCKING FLAMES. When the RNC is selling anti-Hillary buttons that say "2 fat thighs, 2 small breasts, left wing" ... I want to see these OLD RACIST SEXIST WHITE HYPOCRITICAL FUCKS lose. I want to see them lose to a WOMAN who is 10000 times smarter and tougher than they'll ever be.
So goddamn. Yes, I'm voting for Hillary, despite all of her flaws and screw ups.
This damage will reverberate for decades
Yes they can, all they need to do is deny deny deny. There is no way to prove the emails are valid from a technical perspective. If wikileaks made up some of the emails there is no way to detect it.
Uhh, the emails are, in fact, "proof".
We -HAVE- proof.
We still can't arrest her, but we have proof.
No law enforcement agency will touch her, but we have proof.
Source on Jake Tapper and Chuck Todd being tied to the DNC? I haven't had time to pay much attention to this
I'm so fucking happy.
just to be clear if she's going to be dismissed we need everyone to know the real reason: online misogyny
this the latest hilldog pasta? better up your game pacniggers cause this shit is weak
This is horrifying pasta
Do you see any demorats denying?
Any at all?
You do realize this perpetuates the inherent violence in the system, right?
$0.02 deposited
link or it didn't happen
Don't let Hillary get away by shooting off DWS flares.
DNC will be dissolved after november, it is the will of KeK
Kill yourself faggot
bzzt wrong, faggot. take your tiny nip dick and move along
t. Correct The Record.
That's because they're fucking retarded, that doesn't change the fact that this isn't incontrovertible proof. I'd guess they're just wary of making the media go into maximum overshill again because the goyim are already getting wise to it.
O ye of little faith, this is how you do it.
I am also interested in this
Explain to me how it's impossible to fake an email, much less a posted text document claiming to be a copy of one.
Yes, it's bad man. Real bad. Worse than I suspected.
stand aside heathen, for i am of the holy order of kek!
>Responding to such obvious pasta seriously
Come on user, the shills get easier to spot everyday now
lacy green in 5 years.jpg
CNN already played the "none of these emails can be verified as authentic" card
Is it just me or does she really look like a reptilian?
Sorry, I can't take one for the team, that pic is just too high res.
>pukes internally
TRUMP 2016
Let me show you the path brothers
Holy fuck, opening that was scary.
>I agree with EVERY vote she ever made or position she ever took in her long political career, she is 1,000,000 times more aligned with my world view
So you agree with the invasion of Iraq, the toppling of Ghadaffi, the blazen support of Islamists in Egypt, Tunisia and Syria?
This kills the Clinton. Stop posting this.
You hill shills are really out in force today, kys
They're going to pin this all on DWS and Clinton is going to get away. We need proof of Clinton's involvement.
Shit is going off the rails
just jerk off to best girl and swap at the last second
You're the one that said 'there is no way to prove the emails are valid from a technical perspective.' lil nip.
I never said it was 'impossible to fake an email.'
So not only are you wrong, you're fucking retarded and can't argue a point. Plus your lil nip dick. sux 2 b u kek
you need to provide LINK on that junk right there
>"""Democratic""" Party
>implying the Republican Party doesn't like Mexicans
Illegals drive down wages which helps corporations and fucks working class whites over, a win-win for republicans
Why do you think both sides hate Trump's wall so much?
It's a lie, it'd be front page news (at least on Fox) if it were true.
Cause they like the illegals as cheap labour for their overlords
i feel it
the twitter ((())) reclamation brigade will close ranks and increasingly collapse in on itself
God damn you're fucking retarded
the DNC is guilty as shit, but you can't pretend this is going to nail them to the wall because they will rightfully claim this isn't incontrovertible proof. Get your head out of your wife's sons ass and stop basing everything off your feels
You posted the wrong pic
They're scared Sup Forums. DBS felt it. Hilary has yet to feel it. Sanders might feel it, depending if he pulls a Cruz or not.
Don't you see Sup Forums? This is what fear looks like. She knows nothing she could possibly say fix this situation. She's going to go for broke and allow Hilary to do the damage control and hope Sanders' supporters don't dump him if he endorses her.
It's beautiful.
So did Hillary outjew the jew?
>Purge Jewish head of DNC
>Cuck Jew rival into endorsing her after stealing the election
Screencap this:
>Hillary is gonna throw Schultz under the bus and blame her for everything relating to the emails. She will "fire" her (and give her another cushy job later on).
>She's gonna make Bernie the DNC chair (he's been pushing for the position anyway) and they'll announce it on stage Monday.
This will be to placate the Bernie tards but I doubt it'll work.
This x10000000
I'd be hesitant about shittalking Tapper already unless you read something I haven't, his explanations seemed very fair (unless he lied about the questions he asked on air which I doubt) and certainly did not make it look like he was favoring the Democrats
> is available
someone should probably do something with this
Go look at the rolling leak threads, all this stuff is true Mr. Shill.
The perfidious Southern Baptists are behind this.
Not far enough until they get rid of Hilary too. #justgiveittobiden
I'd consider it if I were drunk enough
True but that is not the point. The point is that by doing so they are committing electoral suicide.
Chuck Todd didn't criticize the DNC again after this conversation:
Jake Tapper was being given stories to shill. can't find the story right now, but irs out there. I'm on my mobile.
Also pic related. They sent a bunch of interns to protest and they received "shockingly good coverage from the media."
I made that shitty OC five minutes ago. Good idea user.
NEW COPY PASTA! I've seen this in like 10 threads!
concur 100%
what, of course they'd reject that
you can't lose an election and then win a vote to change how the election works
are bernouts this deluded?
How big of a mess will the convention be? Will there be riots?
To think Shillary paid someone to write this pasta. This isn't even half-assed. It's quarter-assed at best
It confirmed every suspicion Sanders supporters had about Hilary and the Democrats: that she's a liar and the party conspired to fuck him over, and that they would ultimately ignore his platform and ideas. It's not so obvious here on Sup Forums, but every major leftist website is on fire right now as the Hilary shills are outed and shamed over this. People are openly talking about how they will dump Sanders if he endorses Hilary after this.
The Democrats will feel the burn. Progressives will either not turn out for her, or are going to actively campaign against her. Philly is going to be a shitshow.
That says absolutely nothing about illegal immigration, just that they want them to be under their thumb like blacks already are.
Wow.. This is really making me think.
Am I now a #HillShill?