Is there a worse military organization in the west than the US Marines?

Is there a worse military organization in the west than the US Marines?

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what is wrong?

I think it's a nip visiting toronto

The Marines alone could annex Canada.

Ⅎ∀Ǝ˥ פNIʞƆ∩Ⅎ ∀

Singapore can annex Canada. Canada suck ass, they'll throw down their arms as fast as they throw away their slave names.

The marines can't even polish rocks properly

(The other branches are ok tho)

The US marines branch of the military is known for being the most demanding infantry combat branch of the military, many recruits flunk out of boot camp due to the severity of the training. Do you have anything other than an image of one retard being responsible for that Canadian flag being upside down at a sports game or did I just get baited

Fuck your leaf you limp wristed faggot

the chinks are coming for you dude

jesus leaf, we get it, you hate America. Fuck off and fuck your meme of a country.

Oh look, a case of a pot calling the kettle a nigger.

>be american
>get shot

you mostly got baited but marines really are generally rude and incompetent people with a bad case of unwarranted self-importance

>be canadian
>be completely irrelevant to the rest of the world on the political stage

>Be leaf
>realize you are irrelevant on the world stage

Ayy same

Doesn't mean the kettle ain't a nigger...


>we Canadian
>don't win the Stanley Cup in over 20 years

You're thinking of the Army. Marines fuck shit up.

When you find bother based burger

>be pawn
>buy into patriotism and think my nationality means something

Marine here,

stop projecting faggot OP

>be canadian
>openly admitting you think your nationality doesn't mean anything

What a fucking cuck.


At least I wont have to die in a mass shooting because of muh gun rights


What happened man, did a marine fuck your girlfriend? You can tell us.

>hahahaha fucking millitary fags such fucking PAWNS hahahha they aren't like me, I'm totally superior and above all of that stuff ahahaha

>No way I could make it through boot camp ahah If a drill sargint got in my face I'd beat the shit out of him hahaha

>Hahah be patriotic? Dude Im a "world citizen" dont you realize its 2016? Why are we even still thinking in terms of countries? You know who did that? Hitler. I want as many 3rd worlders to come to Canada as possible I love experiencing new cultures

>Lol no way I wouldnt go to Africa dude they'd kill me there xD lol middle east? They kill gays there man I cant go! But I'm totally down for them moving here. They'll obviously change their ways haha


>be american
>be emotionally brittle
>get shot

Believe me, no one thinks your nationality means anything

why are americans (and especially us marines) so easy to bait

they don't. they spend more money on propaganda than anything and often take credit for the accomplishments of the army

What the fuck. You faggots are a bunch of 5'6" 130 lb bespectacled math nerds. Our beavers could destroy your nation in a week. Our men would tear the arms off of your survivors to club your kids to death. I've been to Singapore and it's a nation of weak, chinless, sunken chested manlets. You couldn't even take on KL with your low-test Chinese genes. What a joke.

marines have large, but fragile egos. they know the myth of the marines is greater than they actually are

actually marines have way higher casualty rates for similar operations and in general hold lower aptitude test scores

they also tend to be cracker hicks or beaner hicks

and none of their equipment works because they don't know how to service it

Any Canadian armed forces.

You know fuck all about either branch

They serve two very different purposes.

Looks like Wyoming's the shit.

it must be all the rock-polishing. I swear, I've never seen a photo of a US base with shiny rocks. It must be so disheartening to polish all those rocks, and then they're not even shiny. We should issue big wads of poop to them, so they can polish them, and take pride in finally getting something done

If this was EU4 then America picked the Quantity idea.


I don't see anything wrong with this picture. What am I looking at here?

>Canada, nation of cucks

choose one

>a generally well-equipped volunteer army made up mostly of educated people hand-selected from applicants and given lots of training

>worse than a gaggle of autistic hicks who mostly have priors and were only accepted because they can carry an M4 without complaining too much (and whose training L I T E R A L L Y consists of coloring books)


one of them is holding their rifle in the wrong hand

Shouldn't you be eating burgers?

too bad there is nothing there


>wrong hand

You don't know how a color guard works, do you son?


Sucked a lot of Marines' cocks to learn this stuff, huh?

>be american
>go to prison
>get shot

I only suck real sailors' cocks


Shouldn't you be in time out because the world understands the Canadian mindset as that of a child. Of no consequence, literally meaningless.

>and none of their equipment works because they don't know how to service it

naa its mostly because a large amount of their stuff is hand me down from other services because they're not entirely their own branch and stuck under the dept of the navy and get a tiny part of the budget.

>you think they did that by accident
I don't see any problem

tfw America can easily be defeated by superior military quality and strategy

>the marines don't have enough money
then why are they buying hella expensive IARs

because they finally convinced the bean counters to buy them something nice
the marines have been using M16A4s for a while now and just last year got approval to move to the M4 like the Army did a while ago


Shut the hell up leaf and give us more maple syrup.

literally what is wrong with the M16 (other than that it is a boring meme rifle)

It wasn't that. The Marine Corp didn't want to give M4's to everyone. We preferred the A4, especially in Afghanistan where our engagements were a lot farther out than in Afghanistan. The IAR is something completely different. That's replacing the SAW. I wasn't a grunt so I don't really have my finger on the pulse of what the SAW gunner think about the change.

Also if we didn't have M4's than why did I, as a fucking Huey mechanic carry one in Afghanistan and Iraq? The Corps has a lot of M4's. It jut wasn't the TO weapon for most 0311's.

>Our country is in distress

So many of you faggots don't even know what an upside flag means.

>almost none of those are actually mass shootings
>most of the actual mass shootings in the US in the last decade were done by muslims

It's funny how Marines used M4/A4 primarily but the Navy; mostly on ships, sailors and spec ops used M16/M14.


thats actually kinda cute
>get shot

>le ebin burger meme XDXDXD
US isn't even top ten anymore faggot

Good jobs guys. You dethroned Australia as shitpost kings.

>meme rifle
in a nice open field nothing
but getting in and out of vehicles or clearing houses/small buildings with a rifle that's 39 inches long compared to one almost a foot shorter could be an issue
also the M4 weighs about a pound less which probably is nice for the guys that have to carry them for multiple hours/miles

You served? Then you know the difference between the standard issue rifle for 0311s or army 11B and the weapons given to other guys like vehicle drivers or whatever.
Also i wasn't saying the IAR was replacing the A4, i put it on a separate line because it was a different thought

Comming from a guy with military experience.

Most western EU soldiers/marines can outgun/outfight/outsmart an US marine of the same rank.

The training the Germans/Dutch/French get are comparable to the one of a US marines, +2.5 ranks higher.

Most US marines get a 20-ish week training and get the 'now you go boy' talk. Most of them are only prepped for desert fighting, not even forest or snowy/icy.

What makes the US marines stronger as a whole is the whole spectrum of machinery to use. But an Western EU marine/soldier beats an US marine in a 1 on 1

Right. I think we're back on the same page then. Misunderstanding then.
But it was never a funding issue as to why we went with the A4. Not saying I agree with their reasons on all of it but the Marine Corps Leadership didn't want the M4.

This. Have you ever seen a US Marine wearing anything other than desert camo? Granted, there hasn't been a lot of activity elsewhere in the world but from the branch of military that's supposed to be prepared for anything I don't think their BMT/boot camp is as long or intensive as it should be. They should include stuff like how to take a long portage or how to survive in a frigid environment, but the training just isn't robust enough for it.

Meanwhile, canadians do sea survival at basic and know how to not die as soon as it snows even before they hit boot camp

Friendly reminder that your country isn't worth shit unless you have the JTF2

You really have no clue on what you're talking about. Sure that isn't covered in our boot camp but if you're in an infantry battalion expect all sorts of training. Mountain, arctic weather, jungle, whatever's needed man. And we don't wear deserts all the time. That's completely false. Summer we wear deserts, winter we wear woodlands. Exceptions apply here and there.

Yest there are...many of them.

>Getting butthurt over a piece of cloth at a Jay's game.

My problem with the US marines is twofold...

1. Media constantly bombards you with tacticool UUURRRRAAAAHHHH bullshit.

2. The American public think they're elite supermen when in reality they're about at the level of many other nations army.

Other than that they're alright, I don't have strong feelings on particular branches of the armed forces either way.

Delusion: The Post

>generally rude and incompetent people with a bad case of unwarranted self-importance
yes, but they can kick anybody's ass, which is their sole purpose

yay leafs ^_^


That's rather fair. Most Marines tend to believe the hype, at least to a point a well. I don't think that's a bad mindset to have though.

your country is literally a meme, if reddit were to be a country it be Canada

Swedish marines signing in

Yes, two:
1. US Army
2. US Army Corps of Engineers (literally killed three civilians just by absolute incompetence and my local govt had to go rescue them since...)
3. The US Navy (wasn't able to rescue a single person from a town five minutes downstream from a Navy base)
4. The US Coast Guard (actually responsible and also has a local installation here)

why are literally all of the anglosphere posters cancer


Okay, you keep believing the US marines very special forces and one of the best soldiers meme

>isis flag in corner


>americans cannot into counting

Litteraly all posters on Sup Forums are cancer

don't any of you fuckers dare come to my paradise

a shitposting leaf, what is new

kek @ the pic

>america can easily be defeated by superior military quality and strategy

No shit, any country can. However, you'd actually need to have superior military quality and strategy you silly leaf.

funny how? like a fucking clown?
11b ex-249/240b gunner and support here.

m16s have range, even...

wait, am i being pulled into a honeypot?
i might as well et a goddamn toaster welded to my head.. . .

The marines were created to keep the crazies out of the army and navy.