What would you say?

What would you say?

Other urls found in this thread:


have enough tendies today you fucking loser

Prove my filename wrong

>Let me tell you why we should gas all the kikes

Have you taken the time to learn about our lord and savior Kek?

Comvince me not to kill myself

let's talk about sex baby
let's talk about you and me

I can't

I think muslims are terrible. And niggers should still be slaves. What say you, dear faggot?

That thing looks disgusting without the tons of makeup and shitty trinkets it needs to look like your pic.

Anything, i am lonely

I would strike up a conversation about Futa porn, and why it is the superior type of porn on the internet.

If I were to go to the store, and buy donuts,donut holes, and glue

What would I call my creation?

Anyone know what campus OP's picture is from? Looks like UC Davis.

holocaust didnt happen.

>"Hey bro"
>"You'll talk about anything?"
>"Rei or Asuka?"


"Let me tell you about the Jews"

I got news for you about niggas.


let me tell you about the jews

When comparing spics with niggers in the United States, we find that both groups have similar poverty rates, education rates, and tend to live in similar areas. The fact that niggers commit violent crime at nearly 3x the rate of spics proves they're unfit for civilized society and should be eradicated from the planet.

Find a flaw in my reasoning.

Praise him.

Let's talk about average IQ differences between races.

>mfw he says Rei

Why do greys abduct humans if we're so irrelevant? Why don't they abduct reptilians?

Let me tell you about the Jews.

Let me tell you about the Anunnaki that live on Nibiru.

try again

Is Spyridakis still kicking?

haha benis in vagina :D

His lips always looks like they belong on a crack whore.

Is lip balm that expensive in Japan.


Holy shit UC Davis what's up

t. Class of '13

Yes it's UCD

Source: Aggie-fag

> liking underage girls
> not liking misato
Kys my man

Have you heard the good news about our lord and savior Jesus Christ.

Sheeeeit, fellow aggie-fags? Class of '12 here.


Tell me Inanna is at, or how I can contact her.

g o on

Would have been '12 but I super-seniored. Remember the great pepper spray happening?

How's life? Selling a cars in SoCal, have a qt soon to be waifu, life is ok

How about them Bears!?

Holy shit I hope he is still teaching. Took Greek and Roman with him...amazing guy amazing lecturer

The background looks like a bunch of Star of Davids.

the only reason minorities would be doing worse is because of racism and if you disagree you're a white male

What is the context of this pic?

I was literally walking on the east quad
to Olson as Pike was giving the occufags their orange shower. Medieval history with McKee was more important to me, at the time.

I sure as hell hope so. I took my senior writing requirement seminar with him. Based as fuck. He was still trotting out jokes no other professor would have gotten away with.

Inanna abandoned the heavens and earth to descend to the underworld.

You must already know how to contact her for there is only one way.

Dude are you me? I took medieval with McKee my freshman year...still use my st Augustine essay as a writing reference.

I was at burgers and brew when the happening went down that's sick you saw based Pike live


"What was that, a bat?"

It was a shoe.

Somebody threw her a shoe

Why aren't you working?

Threw a shoe at her.

>what do you know about machine learning?

Thanks, is a bit late here

I would say fuck off you shit posting leaf faggot.

You forgot the part where she returned from the underworld not long after her visit with her sister.

I took Western Civ with her Sophomore year. Medieval I took Senior year. I didn't so much get to see Pike doing the deed as I did see everyone freaking out about it. I DID know someone who worked the student security service who knew him personally. Said he was a good guy. I won't forgive the occupiers for what they did to the quad for those 6 months that fucking tent city was there.

Now here's the big question- did you ever take History of the Holocaust/Memory of the Holocaust with Biale?

I'd talk to him about Kumiko's hair

Anzu is actually pretty cute without makeup on...

That's old the new teachings not written down says she saw how the world was turning into a cesspool of liberal degenerate trash and descended again.

and a goddess with makeup applied

but still a kebab.

>Hi, what do you think about Kumiko's hair?
>It's okay, I really don't like ponytails though
Now what?

He still has crack head lips full of herpes.


Was it really because of that? Or is she perhaps looking for something?
I can't imagine her motivations being so simple and cucked, given her character.

No fuck you Praise the sun.

fight to the death

shut up queer

>I can't imagine her motivations

That's right and you never will be able too.
She is far above a simple cucked human like yourself.

like a rolling stone


you trap fetishists are the worst


With that kind of bullshit, she needs to remain in the underworld then.


Here's another pic of your "Girl" Anzu.


She doesn't really care just chilling waiting till Jan 20 2017 to make her appearance.


To help enlil kill kek?

No but I did take 2 weeks of history of israel with some visiting professor from the promised land. Dropped it tho, too much oy veyying

It's not foretold what she'll being doing but expect big things that day.

Has being a lefty cuck gotten you laid yet?

Do you support individual liberty, property rights, a free society and a free market?

I'd suck her nipples

Well then hopefully I'll be alive by then to witness her.

Of course you would have no other choice.

We all hope we are ,user.


Everybody watch the Clinton Cash doc

Fucking getting slid, WATCH IT

Probably something bout his hat and beard, then if he thinks it should be illegal to question if things happened the way we're told they happened.
Then ask him how many jews died in the Holocaust.

Please note, you are a redditor failing impressively at humor on Sup Forums. Be aware: pop culture references are not funny. We're a creative bunch, see. Faggots like you, I'm afraid, need to go back.


Shheeeeiiit IQ tests

rolls for trips

now that ive got you...


"I'm a virgin loser. Please be nice"

He's pretty ugly either way and I'm not picky with women at all, you faggots are so beta it hurts.

You could of shortened that and just said you are British

"Did you know ovens did not burn hot enough to incinerate as many jews as they claim?"

I would debate the Holocaust over bullhorns with him.