his next leak will virtually guarantee an indictment of Hillary Clinton
I don't know how credible this site is,
but if this is true, the fun is just beginning.
You fucking Yanks really know how to throw a party,
I'll give you that.
his next leak will virtually guarantee an indictment of Hillary Clinton
I don't know how credible this site is,
but if this is true, the fun is just beginning.
You fucking Yanks really know how to throw a party,
I'll give you that.
Other urls found in this thread:
An Australian, who is a Swedish citizen, is hiding in the Ecuadorian embassy in England exposing American and Western corruption at the bemusement of Russians, Chinese and Jews.
Most peculiar species, Earthlings.
didn't he say the last leak will also guarantee an indictment?
when is this next leak suppose 2 b coming
Praise Kek!
I take back all the things I ever said about you, Canada.
Anyone think assange grot a dump file from gucifer before he was arrested? Or is it from Putin?
She's literally immune
you could have a video of her killing a black child and she would still walk free.
the Clintons are literally beyond us.
hes beens aying this for a while now
Hasn't he said that before?
this is real globalism, baby!
Shit this could backfire if she gets indicted and Bernie gets nominated
He gets butthurt on twitter when people say its putin, so its definitely putin. Based fucking russia
Could the democrats nominate another candidate if she gets indicted?
>your face when it turns out hillary clinton is actually an ayyy lmao
Id rather have bernie. His socialist shit will never pass the house, and he's not Lucifer reincarnate
I hope you're not just another shitposting leaf and this is real
That article was posted July 22/2016.
It didn't say when the next release would be.
so what did hillary actually do? everyone says she is evil and stuff but what she actually do?
you have more in common with us than you do with britburkas
If Hilary does get Indicted does this mean Bernie is the defacto nominee?
Do you have any idea much such an outcome would save this election?
This data shouldn't be released until after the general election. If Hillary goes to jail, Bernie could become the nominee and he could actually beat trump
The democrats can do whatever they want. They are a private organization who runs for office.
>increasingly nervous etc. etc.
there's literally no way to indict when the negress in charge of the DoJ is in Clinton's pocket. The most this can do is sway public opinion, which is still good but not as major
But the DNC has already invested so much time and money into Clinton that it will be hard to compete against Trump with a new candidate. And he hasn't even started advertising yet.
The election won't stop, but Bernie is the true pick of the DNC. those fucks need to either re-evaluate the votes, or let Trump win.
>Krispy Indicts $hillary on stage
Yes but that would guarantee them losing the election. Its the only reason the republican establishment didn't fuck Trump over.
How has Assange not been assassinated already?
Why would he post the emails before she's nominated? :^)
Bernie would get BTFO by Trump if that happens.
This sounds suspiciously like the stuff he said on June 13 which went through the media, and I haven't heard this claim renewed recently. Any other link than some blog site?
Trump don't need to advertise, Hillary is doing a wonderful job for him.
Thanks Assagne. Hope to see a hero's welcome when you return to burgerstan.
America would be the prime suspect. As far as i know they are the only ones who want him dead.
Is it morally right that I want to see the world burn?
What's the date on this article? He says this about a lot of his leaks. I'm thinking the juiciest won't probably come out until closer to the election.
I give a toast of whiskey, to your vodka.
There's an encrypted file with some supposedly twisted shit that he has a dead man switch set to release the password in that situation.
yes obviously.
but it should happen. not to BTFO Shillery, but because Bernie was the democratic choice.
the DNC has a hard and very expensive decision and all eyes are pried open on them.
>ser barristan the bold yet not so old
Aside from immigration shit, his foreign military and economic policy is also pretty spot on.
Yeah, their brand would be shit though. Stealing the primaries for a literal traitor would have to convert some people. . at least you'd think.
That's true. The MSM and Hillary Clinton are all the advertising he needs. Best of all, he doesn't even have to pay for it.
Riddle me this you fucking morons, why would Putin benefit from removing a politician he can easily buy?
And don't say a "no fly zone" because Trump will probably fuck him in the ass worse.
>this was the plan all along
>Dumbledore on his way to slay Lord Hildemort
Deep down I like happenings too user. But also deep down I know that my current NEET lifestyle would end if that were to happen.
Thanks leaf we try our best
>sold state secrets to foreign donors, including most of the middle east countries (SA, Qatar, etc.)
>runs a money-laundering scheme through the clinton foundation
>basically funded/bought by anyone with the money, but in particular china and the middle east
>involved with a child sex trafficking ring along with bill clinton, their contacts are mostly in south/central america, but used to have bigger ties in britain
>accepts "donations" to the clinton foundation and in return gives people political positions, even if they're completely unqualified
>clintons have a well-known reputation for murdering anyone who might testify or expose them
>your face when this is just a xeno-operation just like stellaris
>clinton and trump revealed to be xenos
I didn't say it would be good for them, fuck they already lost by choosing Hillary.
>Hillary gets indicted
>Tim Kaine is their default new nominee
>yfw democrats have a republican nominee because they elected a criminal
Are you an idiot? Putin already stated that war would be "inevitable" if Clinton were in charge whereas Trump has openly admitted that he respects Putin and wants to strengthen the US / Russia bond.
And you seem to be forgetting that George Soros owns Clinton so Putin would have a very hard time buying her out.
Brah, can you count?
Kek favors all repeating digits my friend. Its an honest mistake
She could murder a baby on live television and wouldn't go to jail
Speaking of Stellaris. Please judge my Jihad race.
You're probably right, but if nothing else it might drive a few more votes away from her.
Yes, he has.
Depends when it's released.
Just something I found at another site.
Thought it might attract some attention here.
Putin is our ally, they want to remove kebab, we want to have stable economy again. We are better off with Russia on are side than against us.
Bernie is a sellout. There's no way he'll ever recover. He Jewed out after endorsing Hillary.
>teasing your fucking leaks
>instead of just posting them
attention whoring faggot
well bless you then
because Putin is the president of an incredibly poor country on par with Spain
No, it's actually morally wrong to not want it to burn. God did the same to Sodom and Gomorrah. The world of today is no different than those places of the past.
No he can't. Bernie kids don't vote and older Hilldog supporters would take Trump over communism.
>Be Australian
>Create the website WikiLeaks
>Throwing Banters to others all the time
Is there a better life to live as a Australian than Julian Assange?
>Absolute convention chaos. Half of the delegates/participants will want to continue to have her as the nominee, the other half will not. There will be punches thrown, 1968 all over again, no way the media can ignore it and the reason for it: Wikileaks. They will have to discuss it.
He said the upcoming leaks would. The ones recently posted are part of that series of leaks, and supposedly now saying the next one is the big one. Can't wait.
>his next leak will virtually guarantee an indictment of Hillary Clinton
Pure attentionwhoring at this point.
She owns the system.
What are people gonna do, lynch the judges and CIA exec floor until they get their will?
The Democrats already have a Republican nominee. Hillary is just Nixon 2.0 with more greed. Everything else, all the social shit, is just window dressing and base stroking. Hell, she nominated a VP who was pro-life until he needed the DNC support in the Senate.
Tell more
Putin loathes Hilary. I'm sure he would like nothing more than to see her fail
I've been wondering for awhile if Putin would let america burn with Hilary, or expose her and try to become allies with a MAGA whitehouse.
I've been saying that shit will hit the fan before the DNC convention and killary won't get the nomination. But that's was a lot of praying.
Probably has to do with taking bribes through the Clinton Foundation. Straight up direct corruption.
Er, you do realize that for Wikileaks to be effective, people need to actually read them right? The DNC stuff was just an appetizer.
No. What he said was that he had enough evidence for the DOJ to indict her if they wanted. Which they don't, so it's irrelevant. The best his evidence can be used for is Trump campaign ad fodder.
I don't have that good of a vision. Besides, QUINTS ARE EVEN BETTER!
This week's going to be so great. Get comfy lads.
Fuck correa but ayyy
Bullshit. Hillary is immune to the laws of the united states. She can literally do whatever she wants without penalty.
She will agitate relations with Russia with the meddling in countries affairs to overthrow "oppressive government leaders". Putin isn't going to let it happen next door.
USA needs to stop the shit. Same stuff every time since the 80s.
>Oppressive govt?
>Arm the rebels!
>Overthrow govt...
>Oh fuck, the rebels are now a terror group
>Oh fuck, they're attacking everyone
>A new group wants them gone
>Arm them now!
>Oh fuck, a new terror group
>would have to convert some people
Yeah, nah. They all just want the D.
There's no reading in to or learning about a candidate. Judging on character, no way man.
The D. Give it to them.
I can agree with your point.
Let's watch it
His time to step in is coming?
kek wills it praise kek
She was probably compromised and blackmailed and is now a spy for Israel. That would be a hell of a leak.
>virtually guarantee
meaning it won't in reality
I consider her evil for her role in Syria and Libya. She claims credit for persuading Obama to attack Libya. Child soldiers, tens of thousands dead, a massive refugee flood, and the worst part is that it wasn't the rebels they backed, but Gaddafhi's men, who rescued our boys at Benghazi.
Take it from a LEAF FAGGOT to blow this way out of proportion
Here's the reality of this.
>Virtually guarantee
To say "virtually" means that it's not 100%.
>Hillary is immune to the laws of the united states. She can literally do whatever she wants without penalty.
Basically this.
There's no justice in America. The FBI, an organization I once greatly admired, has proven beyond any shadow of a doubt that it is totally corrupt. These are sad times for America.
I would agree with you, but consider the fact that a dump that is too large would be a flood that many would go through too fast or not at all, and they would maybe miss important points. It would be talked about for a little while and then buried under some new big story. How do you keep people's attention?
Dump so many here and there, and keep promising more. Give people time to talk about it and look at it, anticipating the next batch. The media has a harder time burying it when you're promising more and delivering more.
It's annoying, I'll give you that, but it's seemingly necessary to keep people's attention and keep it from becoming stale.
yes because it's airspeed that forces a plane upwards, not groundspeed. all airplanes are driven forward by the engines, NOT by the wheels
You're an idiot if you think he wants anything more than seeing America burn. He's afraid of the Clintons. He's helping Trump win for a reason and it has nothing to do with wanting to be allies. You have to be a naive child to think he wants any sort of peace and prosperity for the U.S.
That's all I know about it, you can probably find it with some googling
Assange is just going to post some irrelevant emails between the DNC and Hillary or some shit. If he actually had anything big he would have been killed by now