What ever happened to him making clerks 3
What ever happened to him making clerks 3
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Clerks III can't happen. One of our four leads opted out of the flick.
Why doesn't he just make another funny Jay & Silent Bob movie, this stuff doesn't have to be mind blowing just have funny scenes.
His weed-addled brain forgot about it.
whats the point of making clerks 3, that just sounds stupid
>one got a ham planet
>other sobered up
>the other two vanished from existence
he only wanted to make it because of his children and wants to put them in movies
Elaborate please
can we all agree after earth was a much better nepotism movie than yoga hosers?
Every film on earth is a better movie than Yoga Hosers.
weed destroyed his career
i never saw yoga hosers but i hear its bad, How bad is it?
Yoga Hosers has cute girls and bratzis. Go suck Jaden Smith's clit you hellbound homo.
I dunno if it'll be funny, but that's exactly what he's doing now that MallBrats and Clerks III have been canned.
worse than can be believed without watching it for yourself.
Jeff Anderson got all weird and opted out. Last i heard he was living in a retirement community in the mountains. Not sure how serious he was about that though. Either way, if he's out there really is no reason to make the movie.
im a fan of his earlier stuff, and im gonna watch it tonight
well he didnt want to do clerks 2 because of how he hates fame, only did 2 because of how well the script was
Someone post the webm, you know the one
his daughter has nice ass, follow on instagram for that shit
Its aimed to millennial teenieboppers, but even as a movie its pretty bad.
The 2 girls have no personality, even Not-Dante and Not-Randall had some in Mallrats.
Best part was Haley Joel Osment as a nazi
He is trying to make a Jay & Silent Bob movie again. He had a Mallrats TV show that no one picked up and Jeff Anderson doesn't want to do Clerks III
Of all four, I would have not expected him to be the one to back out.
high school project tier
Clerks 2 ended on a fine note.
Theres nothing more to add.
Doesn't even work for a sake of a trilogy when theres 4-5 other movies in it.
Yeah she really does, shame about her face though.
It was because the Weinsteins never properly paid the cast for Clerks 2, and the guy who plays Randal is pissed off about it.
fuck clerks, what happened to mallrats 2?
Japan makes me want to see Smith's shitty movie.
He's always bitched about Miramax/Weinsteins not paying them for Clerks 2. It's not surprising. But this is shit Smith should have worked on and dealt with before announcing the movie and making himself look like an ass now that it's canned. Same as Mallrats 2
it was gonna be called Mallbratz and would feature his children
Kevin Smith is Wasted Potential: The Director
He's way too busy managing his daughter's career. The phone's been ringing off the hook.
No network would pick it up
Is Kevin Smith proof that it is possible to do too much weed? He's doing capeshit trailer reaction videos now.
No one wanted it, he shopped it around with no takers.
The reason there will never be a Clerks 3 is because Jeff Anderson didn't want to even make Clerks 2 and then on top of that he never even got paid what he was promised for that role.
He has a cooking show now
His Q&A's are a fucking shitshow since he's always high. He never answers the questions he's asked, and goes off on a tangent for 30 minutes. I was listening to one a few weeks ago, the guy asks him
>In comics, why is it people that are born healthy and become disabled are heroes, while people that are born with a disability villains?
And then the fat fuck went on about how it's good there's black heroes in comic books now for half an hour, at no point answering the question he was asked. Not even tangentially, just straight up avoided it
I mean, he's directing, occasionally, for the CW capeshit shows. That's something, I guess?
Was dogma supposed to be funny? It just seemed long and boring.
>Making movies with your family and friends while doing e-celeb shit
Sup Forums handwaves all criticism of capeshit by saying DURRR ITS FUN!!!!!!
Well this is FUN
I fucking hate his smug nigger sidekick
Holy shit, this entire scene hes focused on his daughters ass and her tits are on good display
>we put the foot in the mouth
God fucking damn it why didn't the director show those girls putting their feet in their mouths?
well i have decided, im watching this tonight. im wondering if this will be a bigger shit show than red state
But Red State is a good film
What did he mean by this?
It's deliberate shlock.
she needs to keep working it out
>finance your own indie flick out of blood, sweat, and tears
>figuratively win the cinematic lottery and get wide release
>it pays off and you influence the next ten or so years of comedy on film
>your other films are greenlit and you work with Hollywood a-listers even though you don't play "by the rules"
>critics don't like you but the fans do, so fuck 'em
>buy your own comic shop, literally living the dream
>start smoking a lot more weed
>refuse to change how you direct films because "it's what the fans want"
>refuse to let other directors direct your script because they're "your babies"
>fans get tired, look to greener pastures
>a-listers get tired of working with you, look for the Next Big Thing
>Ben Affleck won't talk to you anymore
>refusal to play by the rules results in a series of burnt bridges
>keep smoking weed and making shit tier comedies to appeal to the hardcore contingent of fans that never left
>relegated to directing WB shows and hosting a podcast about batman
Short of being convicted of actual criminal acts, has there been a harder fall from grace?
Last year I'd have said Shamalama, but no I can't think of one
I saw one of his live shows. It was interesting at parts when he talked about the actual process of making movies and his experiences in the industry but about 75% of it was follow your dreams patronizing bull shit
I was just listening to his episode of the Adam Corolla Show. It was weird to hear him get so defensive. I am a fan of Smith, but he was clearly in the wrong and couldn't admit it.
im currently watching Yoga Hosers and its as bad as you made it out. the dialogue is horrible.
is this how he thinks people talk
What happened between Smith and Corolla? Didn't know there was shit between them