Does anyone have the "Hollywood vs. Reality" NSDAP pic?
Does anyone have the "Hollywood vs. Reality" NSDAP pic?
i do. bump to let me find it
this 1 right?
>tfw blond/blue eyes
>tfw people look at me whenever Hitler is mentioned
is that bad
you might be a cuckservative
The point of the post is that jews put all the blame on whites you kike
rmember when anne frank was hot? my grandpop said he fucked her once, got her pregnant. he has pics to prove it, too
na, socialist actually. i've never voted republican. why give nigs rights when we can give them 200$ a month and make them rely on the state as a provider. wirst thing we could ever do is have them make it on their own. keep them cucked 4 the state, mad at the world, and voting democrat 4 life. ROFLMAO, its like we have them voting to stay slaves. they're so stupid. hurr dindu durr
is there any way we can get african americans to believe this and shoot themselves??
>worshiping dead losers who died before your parents were even born
America will be first to harness the full power of meme magic!
just like a jew to exaggerate. no one worships them. we must remember the past so we dont repeat it though. else jews will lie and fake another holacost. jews are literally sub-human neanderthals who lie at every turn. if the holocaust was real, why no proof, jewboy?
You realize nobody obsessed over the holocaust more than stormfags/white nationalists.
Even more so than Jews.
Nigger whites were 99%+ of the Waffen SS so it's not unreasonable that Waffen SS officers are depicted as white people on tv shows
Jesus christ do you want diversity quotas?
when their lies have shaped our society and keep people like me and possibly you from being proud of heritage i say we don't talk about it enough.
typical jew double speak.
bring up holacost every 5 seconds then cry when others bring up reality vs jew hollywood. remember, this thred is in response to jewlywood propaganda
How old are you?
Litteraly all they mention as far as WWII is Pearl Harbor, Hiroshima, and Anne 'My Dad Wrote the Book' Frank
>Even more so than Jews.
Don't forget the six gojillian.
>Even more so than Jews.
yeah for sure, all white nationalists are pushing for more holohoax museums
Wait, you don't believe in the Holocaust? How old are you, stormfront member?
You realize majority of people just don't give a fuck?
I never heard anybody talk about the Holocaust other than history class and Sup Forums.
I personally don't care if it happened or did not happen.
There is a museum for probably anything nowadays. Does it trigger you that much?
Know this. In a hundred years from now. Literally nobody will care about it.
Holocaust denial is a bannable offence on stormfront you fucking retard
t. actual stormfront user
you hear it every time anybody cries about antisemitism, sexism, or racism.
you is why America is cucked
you is literally the typical american who lets niggers move in all around him and wonders why his stuff always gets stolen, kids always lose money, and wife always gets raped. then he still defends multiculturalism and says the jews have nothing to do with it.
>going on stormfront
>Implying a lot of stormfront members don't deny the holocaust outside there anyway.
>Not understanding a joke.
Damn, you need to get a better sense of humour.
>says something wrong
>gets called out
>haha I was just pretending to be retarded
>I personally don't care if it happened or did not happen.
Then why mentioned it in the first place?
>says something wrong
When did i say that stormfront allows to deny the holocaust (You say it doesn't, but i don't know for sure)? show me.
Does it trigger you that much?
>Know this. In a hundred years from now. Literally nobody will care about it.
Says the Kikes who paints swastikas on their own doors then cries racism
>Kikes in charge of hypocrisy
I disavow this fellow American. He is probably a jew shill.
>I was just pretending bro