It's happening in South Cal!

Just heard the boom!!!

It's fucking happening!!!

I'm freaking out!

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low energy post.

this happens all the time all over the country and probably all over the world.

just look it up, probably in local news and stuff, theres more cases of this happening. its probably nothing

Seriously what the heck going on?

It's probably just some queers consummating their marriage.

secret aircraft breaking the sound barrier. bet there's a base within 200 miles of all the booms.


Chemtrails can be highly explosive depending on the chemicals used in them. Ammonium Tetroxide in the atmosphere combusts with the chemtrails to produce an explosion.

its just underground tunneling. fuck off, faggot. there's giant tunnels ALL OVER the US.

That is the Earth's crust slowly splitting in two.
>California slides into the ocean.
Big one when? SOON!

If doubles god's angels are sounding

Why is it proportionally nothing rather than something it's borderline retarded to think this way and I'm going to prove it.


damn, check mine




the military is testing secret shit

probably sonic booms from planes.



I live about a mile from camp pendleton and I'm used to hearing artillery fire but every since the Turkish coupe the booms have beeb shaking my house, they are seriously deafening

re-rolling for San Andreas fault massive earthquake

>Just heard it

No you didn't faggot. That article is from two weeks ago.

First thought desu

this. the booms are always military.

Poseidon is finally going to swallow that shit hole

Kek wills it

That's not how it works.
San Diego and most of LA are already on the pacific plate. The fault is sliding southern California north.
In 5 million years it will be in Alaska.

Camp Pendleton, one of the biggest marine bases + March Airforce Base which is a huge Air Force base, constantly see the cargo carriers and warplanes flying in and out.

Camp Pendleton does artillery training all the time too. It's like people are just retarded or something.

Both those bases are smack dab in the middle of SoCal

sounding? Like putting an object in your wiener hole?

God is giving us one last Chance to repent

>July 7th

if you live in SoCal, near the beach or an air force base, you probably hear booms all the time

loudest boom I've ever heard was from a returning air craft, the Discovery, I think

have heard a few from jets, too

t. Seal Beach, CA fag here

San clemente? Hello friend

The sound comes from Saturn

happy earthquake!


There's a man going round taking names.

Be silent you fool heretic. PRAISE KEK.

Who /talega/ here?

if doubles, today was a good day.

The wildfire in Santa Clarita turned the sun red today. Still was a shit day but it was cool

i literally just heard a boom here right now. it was 9:39-9:40pm i was smoking on my balcony. i live in the sfv in so cal. about 10 miles south of that big fire.i live on a hill overlooking the sfv and this is the first ive heard of this phenomenon. wtf is going on.

The San Andreas fault! I can't wait California is going to finally fall in to the ocean. Look for the blue glow in night sky. When tectonic plates shift they cause an electrical charge that can be seen as a faint glow in the sky.

LoL there goes Hollywood and all the fucking Jews, Oakland and all the niggers and the rest of CA and it's illegals

Scientists are always baffled.
They can't see the forest for the trees.


Its fucking underground drilling my the US government that transports above top-secret experiments and Aliens.

You know what it really is

I live in VA Beach where Jet noise is the most annoying shit you'll ever experince in your life on constant 24/7 basis where the fuckers are two inches above your fucking head

and the loudest shit was from when I lived in Florida during the shuttle launch loudest fucking thing ive ever heard but at least that didnt shake the house. These fuckers shake my house from being so god damn close.

No shit! It's which more than normal sounds.

It's called planes breaking the sound barrier you faggot. Shut up, go to bed. Fuck off.

Street Fighter tournament maybe.

It's moon that light the blue sky glow.


confirmed to know a GRIP about cali

Yup i got pics

I have heard the sound of boom all the time, But not this kind of boom that I never heard before.

So be nice.

Rapid inversions of air pressure differential. Don't. Worry. About. It.

I was talking about above the fault not the hole god damn sky

i just hope terrorists don't touch the liberal utopias of the USA (ny,ca,etc). i just want the people to accept me when i move in.

swamp gas


Is it the trumpet sound again?

>tfw live in California

The government started the wildfire so you cannot witness UN troops rolling out. The wall of fire simultaneously provides cover for their operations & allows them to force you off your property, evacuate.They are coming to enslave you in FEMA camps you fumb piece of shit.

This race war bait is just to distract you from Project Jade Helm & executive order 13603.

Have fun being shovelled into FEMA death camp mass graves.

Or like this?

Aliens gonna gas socal jews,mexicans and nigs

((((((((((11.4 EARTHQUAKE))))))))
It's Habbening

Ah yes, the "trumpets" and "horns" that signal the beginning of the end. Classic.

please be true

i find this a slightly disturbing image

Does kek use angels as messengers or just memes and repeating digits?

LA here

Didn't hear a goddamn thing

Long Beach here well moved away now but went to high school there. Would love to move to Surfside though used to deliver pizzas to those houses so nice

Please God let the bay area and everything South break off into the sea
>t. Northern Californian

Don't forget Project Blue Beam. Can't forget to check that tin foil box.

So if the world doesnt blow up, god doesnt exist?


is this what christians think heroin is like?

I would have felt it


Everybody watch the Clinton Cash doc


Shit you are like one mile away from me.
Wasn't the traffic fucking bad today?

I don't think you understand just how large that would be
The Richter Scale is logarithmic. An 11.4 earthquake is is over 10 times larger than a 10.0. It is larger than the largest volcanic activity ever recorded. It is 100 times smaller than the event that killed the dinosaurs, which is fucking saying something. An 11.4 is catastrophically huge.


idk i didnt leave the house kek

it's always bad though so no surprise, i used to live down by t street where the taco bell is but i just moved here, i actually almost rented a house in talega

do you ever go to the 24hr? i see a guy in a trump shirt there sometimes


Underrated post

Holy shit the 24 hour fitness by talega? I see Trump hat guy there all all the time. I'm actually planning on going tomorrow


It was me. I transcended into God's dimension and we became connected once again. Biblical prophecy will come to fruition when space-time is halted and Israel is freed from Satan.

yeah right there, never seen a trump hat but some guy comes in there at night with a trump shirt

Oh it was just me fucking your mummy!

stop embarrassing us

>It's fucking happening!!!

A family of beaners had some bad burritos.
Nothing to see here.

Praise KEK.

Don't worry it's probably a just subsurface cavern collapsing shouldn't worry about a massive 8.0 earthquake or higher at all.

Shit man do you have a Kik or something ?

no but if you ever see a manlet in a grey jacket and joggers that's me

AHHH shit sup my SC niggas, was on a run tonight and i heard it too but i live on the capo side of SC and i heard them more towards Mission. no the base.