Is this accurate?
Is this accurate?
pretty close
why is flyover uncucked?
Stop hating California hate northern California
Still white and conservative
No, It's backwards and upside down.
California is forever BEANED. Sorry, Calibro.
you need to modify the bible belt to show how evangelicals are israel first.
the jew lovers are just as bad, or worse, than the nigger lovers.
states like Minnesota and Illinois (have lived in both) have one huge city where everyone is gay as fuck, and the other 99% of the state is based.
NJ and CT should be cucked, RI semi cucked
MAfag here, we are FOREVER cucked
>tfw just one area of the state brings the entire state down with it
Worst part is just from this sentence you cant tell what state I'm from because it happens in so many fucking states
>niggers farms and military
NC reporting in. Accurate.
this is not an argument. most of the west can be discounted from this because most of our land is federally owned and managed, which takes a fuckload of money and we are helpless against stopping, short of secession.
the southern ones are because of the gigantic nigger populations that require muh prograyums.
If one city is enough to turn the state blue, wouldn't it be cucked.
Top 10 welfare states
Easy, it's niggers
>New Mexico
>South Dakota
Farm subsidiaries, military bases
I'd move North Carolina to uncucked for refusing to change the "bathroom bill"
Oregon is not cucked. Only Portland is.
Colorado used to be uncucked then weed became legal. All of these SJWs starting to crowd my air here.
texas is cucked and the entirety of the south is cucked
the south is literally nigger central filled with poor people
Wash or oregon im gonna bet, leaning to washington
>The South
I see negroes everywhere.
jew york is forever cucked, but pretty accurate.
>be cucked in washington
>feels bad
>wish californiafags would stop moving here and trying to enforce their commielaws here.
As a New Jersey fag, I have to say that many Italian-Americans and other non-white type 'European'-Americans I meet, like Poles and Russians, are the least cucked of the bunch. I don't know why and I don't care to know why, that's just how it be.
Washington's crazy, man. I'm about an hour from Olympia and Tacoma and where I live it's based as fuck. Once you get to the city...Jesus, man you would think I would need a passport because it's completely different compared to the country. Even the country hippies have guns out here, man.
>>wish californiafags would stop moving here and trying to enforce their commielaws here.
Mate those are the refugees trying to escape the commie laws. It's funny because every fuckwad in the world wants to come to California, but the second a Californian wants to move we are called cancer.
That is why it was moved from cucked to semi-cucked
Sorry. We don't want refugees. For every 10 redpilled refugees we're bound to get 1 rich and connected socialists. Look at Europe and understand why we don't want any Commiefags. Stay in your goddamned state, raise awareness and change your laws.
as a Masshole
yes, our laws are fucking regoddamndiculous
our fucking rednecks in the north east and western parts of MA don't fucking vote, so Boston decides EVERYTHING
NY should be semi-cucked because they are the Trump homeland.
Missouri's Supreme Court is on Dred Scott Street. Dred Scott is a SCOTUS case where blacks were stripped of citizenship and declared non-human animals, while reclassifying slaves to be pets legally. Uncucked.
California is probably just cucked, since the barbarians Trump is about to deport make it more cucked.
Minnesota is Sweden-tier and it's Swedish. Forever cucked.
Iowa is uncucked.
The South is based. North Carolina is uncucked.
I wouldn't describe Arizona as totally non-cucked. The influx of Commiefornians and Beaners is slowly turning us to shit.
The south is way Blacker than we are in Pennsylvania. We are one of the less Cucked states.
Californians are the main reason Colorado's going blue. Your statesmen move into neighboring states and bring their shitty liberal beliefs to wherever they move.
change Wisconsin to red. I hate this liberal hellhole.
Same thing is happening to us in Oregon. Portland is bringing us down by electing a super majority of democrats to the legislature.
>Places with the most natural disaster damage gets the most federal aid
You dont say!
It's not Californians voting on our laws, its fucking migrants and shitskins. We need to import redpilled Americans to help us. I have a feeling I won't be able to buy an AR15 by the end of this year.
North NJ = full cuck.
Central NJ = partial cuck.
South & West NJ = uncucked.
An analysis by county would be better - those will be the battle lines.
Doesn't that mean they are more cucked than normal.
I mean, it's that demographic that prefers cuckolding.
Oregon is semi cucked
It may only be Portland, but half the population is in Portland.
>niggers farms spics military
>and even then, hogging the cash means based and not cucked
No, that's white progressives and liberals, who mostly reside in the Northeast and West Coast.
Only mpls is cucked, actually the iron range is cucked by unions, but the rest of the state is fine.
Utah should be semi-fucked due to mormon-mafia control
I'm fucking tired of all you saying that New York is cucked -- It isn't.
The only parts of NY that remain 'cucked' are NYC, and parts of Albany. Otherwise, the remainder is all white and lean towards conservatism based off of numerous polls
Fuck off cunt.
Big cities usually drag the countryside down. My condolences, Yankbro.
Why are Oregon fags pretending they're not cucked? Portland is absolute cancer. If your state with liberal shithole land isn't cucked than Michigan shouldn't be either. Sure we have niggers but we don't have BLM bullshit or pandering towards them. Our senator is still republican, we love guns, and we are pro freedom. Ohio has to come over the border just to be able to properly blow shit up on the 4th of july.
This is true in PA too. I live only 15 mi from the Pittsburgh city limits in a neigboring county and we are at least 70% conservative here.
No where outside of Eugene and Portland is Oregon cucked. It is Gods country outside of those containment zones.
Same with a bunch of those other states you special snowflake fags. Michigan is mostly rural as fuck.
why is it even in the most cucked states, everywhere that's not cities are based?
someone please explain
Sparsely populated areas are less susceptible to social engineering and diversity.
Maryland is uncucking its self...
Remember freddie gray?
I didnt think so
hawaii here, everyones cucked
jews amongst us
bernouts and hill shills
gun laws tighter than ur mum
help uncuck us USA
alaska secession when?
It's an accurate representation of the impotent rage of fly-over states, yeah.
pls stop bullying nevada
we are uncucked I swear
Let's see -
McCreary county, Kentucky has a per capita income of $11818.
I work in New York county, with the highest per capita income in the US - $62498.
Who is cucked? By the way, my income is over $62k.
Your map is a map of the poor states ("uncucked") while those of us who have some money and autonomy are "cucked" or "forever cucked"?
The pathetic middle-aged man who has to beg for some minimum wage job is who is "cucked". Not us.
Everyone who lives in New York is a piece of shit, though--that part is true. You should drown yourselves. California is America.
you forgot to mention the part where a studio costs $1k per month in the city
wow so uncucked you get to spend all your money on rent and parking
>North Carolina
>Even somewhat cucked
What the fuck is happening to Virginia?
You have to look at cost of living dumb ass.
How much is rent where you live? I bet you pay double or triple what I pay for same quality housing.
>$1k a month
You wish.
That's in the fucking ghetto.
Expect $2,600 a month.
Agree there
Welp, we need to get rid of McAwful first user.
>New Mexico
>South Dakota
Don't forget the Native American reservations.
my state is semi-cucked
the major cities in these regions should be forever cucked and the rest semi-cucked
be from NY
not forever cucked
>tfw there's still hope
I live in PA and I can attest to that. Over 30 knows what's up, but anyone younger than that just bitches about conservatives and intolerance.
Is having one of the highest standards of living in the country being cucked?
It seems like the uncucked areas are places that suck. Look at the fucking south. Poverty, retarded people, tons of minorities. Doesn't seem very Sup Forums desu.
I personally live in a nice part of Saint Paul directly across the river from Minneapolis and it is great. Not sure why anyone would chose to live in Minneapoljew.
Utah is definitely cucked. we were the only republican state to support syrian rapefugees coming in
more accurate version. theres no reason to leave places like maryland uncucked