>DNC cucks him out of nomination
>Won't bring up Clinton's emails or scandals in debates or speeches
>Endorses Clinton rather than running as an independent or in the Green Party
What was this guy's endgame?
>DNC cucks him out of nomination
>Won't bring up Clinton's emails or scandals in debates or speeches
>Endorses Clinton rather than running as an independent or in the Green Party
What was this guy's endgame?
As far as I know he has a handful of policies he really, really wants to see happen and Hillary promised she will run on some of the issues that are important to him.
He doesn't want to be gassed.
>Hillary promised she will run on some of the issues that are important to him.
He's pragmatically recognized that a third party win is unlikely and that such a move would result in (publicly sanctioned) tightened controls by the party to prevent outsiders like him from running on the ticket.
He is genuinely concerned about the prospect of a Trump victory.
He is trying to move the momentum of his campaign past this election season into a broader, grassroots effort to pull the party leftward.
He genuinely despises Hillary Clinton.
Add all these things up and he has a very strange hand to play, which is why you see him doing odd things like endorsing without conceding.
>hillary promised
his endgame was the shekels
He's being blackmailed
he got a shitload of free money and doesnt have to do anything for the next four years
Get most of his policies passed while still looking good by "endorsing" Clinton.
Bernie was the true keikaku master all along. We all fell for it.
>He's pragmatically recognized that a third party win is unlikely and that such a move would result in (publicly sanctioned) tightened controls by the party to prevent outsiders like him from running on the ticket.
bullshit. He has the numbers to put the green party on the map.
>>DNC cucks him out of nomination
No they didn't you leaf faggot.
He was part of the plan all along, you dumb fucking leaf cunt.
he tried to run for president on his own terms
but the us political system doesnt work that way
You honestly think Hillary will make College and Universal Healthcare free, raise the minimum wage to $15 and stop fracking?
Seriously you're lying to yourself when you think that
>No they didn't you leaf faggot.
>He was part of the plan all along, you dumb fucking leaf cunt.
>piss off Democrats so bad they leave the party
yeah. great plan.
>all these anti-semitic posts
>No they didn't you leaf faggot.
Actually, yes they did. The emails prove they did.
I drove down to both Seattle and California few times and voted for Bernie - pretty upset that nothing came of it.
you clearly didn't donate enough money, then
He doesn't have an endgame and wants to keep the ball rolling towards a more perfect society.
they told him to not bully hilldawg so he didn't.
Sure is that outcast candidate he claimed to be huh.
Sanders couldn't go third party/independent after running in the Democrat primary. There are sore loser laws that prevent primary losers from appearing on the ballot so ass-blasted losers can't sabotage whoever beat them by running independent.
It's not like Sanders wanted that anyways. He got shekels out of the whole thing, plus I'm sure he was guaranteed a nice position in Shillary's cabinet if he can help her get elected.
Nice retirement and able to complain until he dies like he did before doing nothing.
The Democrat establishment found an old commie kook to make Hillary look more moderate. They underestimated the DUDE WEED LMAO vote and it ended up getting out of hand and they've been on damage control ever since. But at the end of the day despite Bernie being an independent he will tow the line because he's just grateful to get a bigger platform to spread his message.
It was to make Hillary more centrist.
*look more centrist
>What was this guy's endgame?
Raise a quarter billion for Hillary's campaign.
No refunds faggot.
Ok so anyone else think Bernie sold out ?
Why doesn't he call her out on shit?
Surely can't use the """muh party unity""" excuse now after the DNC leaks.
He's a cuck
Not even hyperbole, he is a fucking cuckold.
>Bernie dies before he can go full McCain on Hillary's betrayal
He's the Ubercuck... Basically the patron saint of cuckery...
Nice post, just a note--it's "toe the line"
making himself rich
with jews, you lose
No endgame just a stupid liberal jew and cuck.
To give socialists a first hand lesson on capitalism.
According to reddit, he started a movement or something
>What was this guy's endgame?
Donation shekels, What else?
to keep donald trump from winning, obviously
he sees hillary as slightly misguided whereas he sees trump as holding completely opposing views
He's a cuck, this is the only way for him to get hard.
How do you think Hillary convinced every other Democrat to not run against her?
This was all part of the game. Sanders is playing his role.