What are some legitimate reasons we shouldn't vote for Johnson? I want the quintessential argument here, not just a 3rd party candidate would never win.
Johnson the lolbertarian
He's weak on immigration. He's a leftist on most issues (he's appealing to the dems this election). He's a career politician that just runs and runs and runs and runs all while losing and losing and losing and losing. He has a terrible website. He's not a very good orator. etc
He's definitely a Shill...
unfettered free market capitalism is anti-white
end of story
>What are some legitimate reasons we shouldn't vote for Johnson?
He is for open borders. Nothing else needs to be said.
I realize that, I was hoping I could get arguments to use against normies.
Normies voting for him aren't voting for Hillary, let them be.
That said, he and his running mate want to ban guns, so he's not really a libertarian.
Free trade = anti jobs.
You niggas must really be scared to keep pushing this meme.
I keep hearing this on pol but I can't find any evidence of it outside of pol
Bill Weld is a gun grabber and I don't want my guns grabbed.
>I don't understand economics
Thanks for your input, feel free to never post again
This was a fantastic takedown:
Why is anyone replying to you? You are clearly a retard who can't think for himself and is literally asking for arguments to regurgitate like a parrot. Fucking look up his views and policies and form your own points against him. But that must hurt your head something awful huh?
Lolberd here.
First, open-borders are just completely unsustainable, even if we get rid of the welfare and entitlements that attract illegals to come in. Some don't give a fuck about free shit and just want to come here and kill some innocent civilians and may have connections to other members of terror/cult organizations that may house, feed, and provide weaponry to murderers, even without a welfare system.
Second is that this man is a literal LINO and that goes double for his VP who is a literal gun-grabbing neocon.
Third, he supports free trade agreements like the TPP and NAFTA. He should be for free trade but not free trade agreements.
Fourth, he's for killing of defenseless fetuses. The soon-to-be child hasn't a choice whether or not it wants to live or be terminated.
He ran in Nevada and it worked out pretty well there, seems like he's a good candidate for a moderate libertarian imo. Also whos to judge on oratory skills when Trump has 10th grade vocabulary. Gary is charming.
OPEN FUCKING BORDER LOVING STONER, that is my reasoning for why that faggot should leave now.
having a small vocabulary doesn't mean you can't be a good orator. trump is VERY good at making his speeches be effective. gary can't really inspire people and just doesn't give of a leader vibe
>of a leader
I can see that. dude though
I just watched this and its a little offputting, what kind of libertarian thinks obama and hilary are doing a good job?
I feel comfortable voting for Johnson precisely because he won't win. If the Libertarians get major party status hopefully someone who's not a raging faggot with confusing principles (is Libertarian In Name Only a thing?) would get the nomination next cycle
He'll tank wages and lead to way more immigration. Those things are related.
Hes an autistic fag globalist establishment puppet that supports both Obama and Clinton.
He won't even let me get a full auto or a CCW permit in Jew York. Fuck Gary "Sucks The" Johnson
why did the lolberts choose this guy? even glenn beck dismissed him as a liberal faggot in like two sentences
He supports obama and clinton as "good people and effective leaders"
Yeah I don't vote for left wingers, sorry.
Being a leftist on social issues is not the same as being libertarian.
No. The best argument is that you're voting for a loser. He will lose. If you're voting for him, it says a lot about your involvement in politics and even your disposition as a person. With everything that's going on around the world, you wanna vote for a loser? That's how much you care about the lost lives in France I guess. "Muh weed" is more important for you. I don't want anything to do with people like you.
I do have arguments, just not any that are normie tier. Of course I'm also looking up his policy's and listening to his speeches. Im just interested in seeing if there's anything I missed that can be brought up on pol and or what the counter points to a seemingly solid argument are... I like to be prepared and as informed as possible when I decide to take a side on something.
the only thing that Johnson is conservative on is guns. from listening to his interviews, he seems pro-gun rights. aside from that all his policies are liberal as fuck, both social and domestic. dude is a faggot plant
He's effeminate, soft-spoken, and projects an image of weakness. Also he's prioritizing weed when half the middle east is burning and there are terrorist attacks on a monthly basis in the West.
>what are taxes
He is a fiscal conservative. That is his main thing.
The "conservatives" I know voting for him are just whiny fucking babies who literally state they just want to "give the system the middle finger".
Childish brats who can't get their way so they're going to "stick it to the man"
So edgy
>I don't have an argument or anything of value to say
>I'm too cool for an opinion
>So I'm just going to call you edgy instead
Wish we could all be cool like you my highschool friend
He's got some bantz
>he's prioritizing weed when half the middle east is burning
Good. Weed is a domestic industry. The Middle East is where taxpayer money goes to die.
>and there are terrorist attacks on a monthly basis in the West
If you think dragging out our involvement in terror cradles will REDUCE that, you're sorely mistaken.
He might be pro TPP
>libertarians are supposed to dislike handouts
>Gary Johnson has continuously ran on the platform of "if we get 5% of the vote we get handouts"
why the fuck does the LP put up with this idiot
Theres over 100 days left.The whole "YOUR V-v-v--v-v-v-v-v-v-v-vVOTING FOR A LOSER AAAAAAAAAH" BS is an extreme over reaction.If he can't get the momentum in time, then he can't.If he can, then he can.Chill out.
Clinton will win.
Fuck johnson
I despise 3rd parties
The idea that literal nobodies can run. No you should be forced to win the primary's to win.
It's why I oppose independent mps and recently created parties like UKIP
Only The old established parties should be allowed.
Clinton or Trump should win. Not Johnson.
You need to earn the right to run for president.
Loved watching that senile old bastard Ron Paul crash and burn.
Clinton isn't going to win and there should be third parties. Third parties have no chance in the USA though.
>No you should be forced to win the primary's to win.
Hillary didn't actually have to win a primary. Let's be real here.
>Prep the Bull, the post
I don't see anything wrong with that postion or think that the party should have a different stance. It's a 3rd party that is less than an afterthought in US politics. Getting enough votes to be on equal recognition with the other 2 is a goal that has to happen before winning a national office, and for how common the idea is that you shouldn't vote for someone whonhas no chance of winning, it's easier to get voters to vote if you aren't looking for a majority.
It'd be different if he advocated for keeping thise handouts to political parties as a policy matter once the LP were in power. As it is right now, the LP can't get rid of any handouts
I share a country with this person
3rd parties hold primaries too, you absolute dolt. It's nonsensical to insist that America not have different political organizations every form or unform. You want to try to fit today's political issues into a Federalists vs Democratic-Republicans framework?
"give the system the middle finger" is a sentiment hardly unique to johnson voters.
Look. I don't care who wins.
So long as they went through a primary and are official nominees.
She had one opponent.
That's the important thing. And had to go through that process to become the nominee
>letting literal whos run
You need to understand that the common man should not be allowed a place in Politics.
No. I'm saying that the race should be Democrats vs Republicans and there should be no other choice.
But both parties are shit
>She had one opponent.
>two liberal 3rd party candidates
it's over for hill
And that's the way it should stay
I would love to see independent mps removed from British Parliament and the only parties left being the Tories and labour
I think any candidate that isn't focusing on borders and foreign policy is terrible.
Did you just tell me bad is good?
>She had one opponent.
She had one "opponent". If Bernie actually wanted to win he'd still be running.
She was powerful enough to get the nomination through her connections. That's valid.
The same way Trump got his nomination through money.
yeah! Who cares what crippling internal problems we have when we could be killing fucking Muslims across the ocean!
not unique but it's the entirety of his voter base. that's the difference
He isn't a libertarian, he is a demlight anti-gun cuckhold.
>The same way Trump got his nomination through money.
do you really believe this
Implying they both didn't get it through bribes
Of course trump threw some of his weight around to get the nomination, it's legal and it worked
open borders
Of all of the possible candidates in all of the elections that we've had all the way back to Ross Perot, Gary Johnson has the farthest right-wing opinion on economics.
Gary Johnson believes that it is each American citizen's duty to "make their own job" if there are no jobs for them and that all social programs supporting those people unable to find work should be cut.
This is so wrongheaded and ignorant as to be totally disastrous. He has no concept at all of the impact that globalization and outsourcing has had on the job market and on national economics, and he believes that all you have to do to succeed in life is ipen a lemonade stand, and if you run it well enough, you can buy a house.
People are supporting him because OMG MUH LIBARTARDIAN but they are overlooking that his economic perspective would be a crashing nightmare for the country.
I know he used money during the campaign but to say he won because of money is over-blowing it when you look at how much money his competitors used.
True, Yeb spent a shit load
>Supports open borders
>Supports forcing religious bakers to cater to gay weddings
>Supports gun control
>Was gifted an antique replica of George Washington's flintlock pistol and was caught throwing it in a dumpster
>Supports TPP
>He's a pleb and calls Trump a racist
>Says he agrees with most of what Bernie says
He belongs in a garbage can, that's why, stop fucking shilling for Johnson, he's the Libertarian nominee but there's almost nothing about him that actually is libertarian
>Was gifted an antique replica of George Washington's flintlock pistol and was caught throwing it in a dumpster
>Says he agrees with most of what Bernie says
href on any of these?
>Johnson's VP pick is a guy named Weld
The only people I see ever talking about Johnson are Reddit liberals on "Correct The Record" controlled subs.
It's highly suspicious to say the least.. that not a single conservative sub, board, or forum seems to give a fuck about this hippie sack of shit.
I love it when third world countries tell Americans how to vote. (If your flag doesn't look like mine, you're a third world country)
Honestly, as retarded as he is, you'd have to be delusional to think he has a chance at actually winning the election. For that reason, I wouldn't mind voting for him as long as the Libertarian Party gains more support. I'd really like it if Rand Paul ran as a Libertarian in 2020 or 2024.
Johnson's wife funneled him contracts while she was on the board of Intel.
That's right he is another fucking hypocrite who talks about competition and the free market but then gains success through insider connections, nepotism, corruption, etc. He's a fraud who pulls this oh gosh golly act.
What a fucking autistic piece of shit.
Better screen. Washington Times is such a piece of shit site.
Why do conservatives want to force poor uneducated people to have their low IQ babies? Please let them die.
No true American ever throws a gun in the garbage. You throw it in the ocean after you commit a murder.
Oh, and also. If any faggot claims that
>muh vote for Johnson is a vote for Hillary
Just know that it's actually the opposite. Johnson will most likely take away more potential Clinton voters than potential Trunp voters.
what do you expect, its owned and run by the fucking Moonies.
He support private prisons and gun control.
Nope. I don't own any guns Mr. ATF. I lost all of mine in a boating accident.
He is a dumb man.
The 5% popular vote threshold for the Libertarian party obtaining minor party status is the only reason I'd vote for Johnson. I wouldn't want him to be POTUS
Compare the 4 way polls on RealClearPolitics with the 2 way polls. Adding Johnson and Stein to the polling does slightly more damage to Trump than he is to Clinton. Enough to sway the election. Hillary literally pays people to shill for Johnson on conservative websites in order to suck votes away from Trump. All Johnson threads on Sup Forums are started and operated by Hillary shills.
Johnson is controlled opposition funded by the DNC and the establishment RNC that couldn't unrustle their jimmies.
A vote for Johnson is a vote for Hillary.
You can either fuck America with the Hilldog or you can fuck it with the Johnson.
And why do you think there are at least 3 Johnson threads on Sup Forums at any given time? Her campaign pays people to shill for him on not just this website but many others.
can confirm I 100% get paid to post nice things about a third party candidate on a Bhutanian sketch website. All the votes matter, especially the ones here because if the Clintons can win over Sup Forums then they can have control over all the memes. You cracked the code well done,
Polls aren't really a good indicator, especially when third parties are involved. People claim they support third parties just to spite the two main candidates, but they always end up voting for either both of them during Election Day.
Besides, the majority of Republicans have already backed Trump, the only ones who haven't are the NeverTrumpers, but they are hardly enough of them to make a difference.
Compare that to the Democrats, which the party is currently imploding as we speak. Most of the Bernouts will most likely vote for Hillary anyway, but a significant amount will end up not voting anyway, or voting for a third party candidate.
Christ, how can one man so effectively employ the worst things about both major parties? He has guns and weed right, but other than that he is disagreeable on just about every issue.
Johnson 2016
>legitimate reasons to vote for Johnson
-open borders
Basically if you support Hillary but want to pretend that you're a special snowflake Johnson is your man
Bill Weld supported some gun control legislation while he was Governor of Mass, not really sure on the details. He's since said he was representing his state's popular will, but supports private gun ownership. Weld himself is a gun owner.
Note that you can still get a gun in Massachusetts, even after he was governor.
Johnson himself has said he's open to the idea of restricting gun sales to the mentally ill, but admits that it would have to be careful legislation, as it could be easy to abuse such laws. Johnson didn't own guns in the past, he has changed this recently.
There's also the whole flintlock in the garbage can ruse, that's mostly tabloid bullshit.
So yeah, they're soft on guns for libertarians. Key word there is "for libertarians" so they still support gun ownership more than almost any Democract. Trump for sure has a better record on guns. That being said, "sweeping gun legislation" is a bad Sup Forums meme meant to seduce the uniformed and rile libertarians.
All evidence points to the ticket supporting gun ownership and the 2nd amendment. Less than Trump who wants a C.C to be valid in every state, but far more than Hilary Clinton who is a literal gun grabber.