Is there any science to africans claiming they are egyptians?
Is there any science to africans claiming they are egyptians?
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other than the fact that they same the same continent, no.
its just typical fucking bullshit. its like saying jesus was black.
If scientific proof to the opposite counts then yes.
Not really no, it's just a bunch of descendents of slaves who feel cheap and use this to make themselves important and sheeeeit.
do you have an atlas?
They were a mix of Semites and Assyriacs, with some Greek thrown in later. The closest modern people to what the Ancient Egyptians are the North African Berbers, pic related.
Another Berber QT.
They also hate Arabs and Niggers.
Yes Egypt is in Africa.
Is there any science Europeans claiming as Africans.
Sort of. Part of the problem is that, ethnically speaking, Upper Egypt (the South) and Lower Egypt (the North) were basically two different groups. Northerners were noted as having fairer, more olive skin compared to Southerners who had darker, more brownish skin. They may have been united by a single culture, religion, and (circumstances permitting) government, but they were actually two different ethnicities.
I hope all the blacks find their way back to Egypt.
Why did he transform back into an egyptian pharaoh but manlet sized?
Upper Egypt was also considered far more backwards and culturally inferior to Lower Egypt, and the periods when the Upper Egyptians were in charge tended to be pretty bad for the Kingdom with few exceptions.
Wouldn't it be hilarious if we just flooded Egypt with American blacks who think it's their homeland? I'd pay to see the aftermath
if russia is in asia does that mean that russia isnt white?
same logic
only thing I'm aware of is that a few egyptian mummies have the same y chromosome as bantu, but thats true for of arabia and nubia too, and probably predates the complete desertification of the sahara Honestly sub saharan Africans claiming to be Egyptian. is about similar to an Irishman claiming to be a descendant of the kings of Parthia.
people don't really seem to understand how separating desserts can be. Egypt literally went a thousand years without ever being invaded at a point. and europeans took till the 1500's really to make it past the sahara over land in meaningful numbers.
Africa is in Egypt.
Case closed ladies and gentlemen.
an african country was conquered and became part of the egyptian empire. during a succession war, the african king took advantage of the situation and seized the capital and declared himself pharaoh. since he was a king under the empire, it was not an outside invasion.
They'll find their way back by becoming midgets?
Science? Science was created by the white man to keep minorities down.
Sometimes? It really depends on what period you're talking about. Thousands of years and not all that much consistency does that you know. In fact, Ancient Egypt as we know it got its start when the land was "united" (read: conquered) by the Upper Egyptian ruler. So, at least at first Upper Egypt was generally superior to Lower Egypt. By the time the City of Alexandria was a thing? Yeah, Lower Egypt was a cultural powerhouse and Upper Egypt was a hopeless backwater. But this wasn't always true.
I think the question is more, "Were Black Africans Egyptians", and the answer is "it depends".
If we are talking about the Egyptians who built the pyramids, developed the religions, the written language and so on, then no. If you are talking about a few random Pharonic dynasties, then yes.
At the very least they were middle eastern, and Sup Forums is not about to admit that brown people are white.
Most of pol doesn't even consider italians or slavs white.
I don't see pyramids in Europe. So no. You are wrong.
well honestly I guess alot of that just culminates into the question. what is egyptian? I mean you have empires and kingdoms that last for thousands of years. It almost seems that egypt is the perfect pick for black nationalists because to people who aren't egyptologists egypt is probably the most baffling and poorly understood in true depth by the the layman of all ancient civs
In hindsight, Lower Egypt was always going to be a more prosperous and culturally important area than Upper Egypt. Not because of skin color or ethnicity. But because Lower Egypt included some prime coastline on the Mediterranean Sea, while Upper Egypt had to settle for some coastline on the Red Sea. Lower Egypt had access to all the major civilization that defined the Western World. Upper Egypt had slightly better access to a few markets and trade routes in the Arabian Peninsula. Looking back, geography ended up fucking over Upper Egypt pretty hard.
this, like every american who buys a coat of arms off a website believing their ancestors were all european nobility
Don't forget that the pyramid building period was confined to 100 years out of 4500. For most of it's history, Egypt's relationship with the world is much as it is today. It has usually been a cultural backwater with limited regional influence and little impact on the rest of the world.
No, the most baffling of Ancient peoples to the common layman are the vast majority of them that the common layman doesn't even know existed. Yes, most people have studied the finer points of skin color and ethnicity in Ancient Egypt. But at the same time, there is a lot of common knowledge about Ancient Egypt. This is not true of many Ancient cultures. Ask the average man on the street about the Neo-Assyrian Empire for instance. Or the Babylonian Empire. "I think they appeared in the Bible somewhere" is what you'll get from most.
More like, the country is in Africa, so it's easier for them to peddle their delusions because they can make that geographical connection. The ancient Egyptians had the same cultural roots as the rest of the Near East did. They weren't Black and those fucking losers who's ancestors were probably from Ghana can fuck off because there's literally 0 connection between West African lineages and East African Lineages. A random Ethiopian is as genetically distinct from a Congolese as they would be from a White guy anyways.
*haven't studied the finer points of skin color and ethnicity in Ancient Egypt.
I worked with an Egyptian guy a few years back.
This triggered the fuck out of him every time it came up.
He hated niggers more than any white person I ever met
it depends on whether OP is stupid or just trolling.
Egypt is in Africa. All Egyptians are also Africans.
They were fucking nubian. They had pyramids and shit, but they were only tiny and they copied the idea from Egyptians.
Black guy here
I got blood done at and my hemoglobin PROVEN my blood comes from Egypt. I'll take a picture of my paperwork just to show yall if need be
>Egyptians devolved into grass hut dwelling spear-chuckers who were then enslaved
Was they're an apocalypse or something that basically brought them down to Mad Max levels?
No. Modern day Copts are probably the closest to ancient egyptians as most of thrm come from isolated communities that really havent changed all that much. Egypt experienced two main ethnc shifts. The first being the hellenic (in modern terms greek and assyrian) colonization and the second being the arabization that took place following the islamic conquedt of the region.
The nubians and axumites (modern day ethiopians and Eritreans) however were black and also had thriving civilization right next door and occasionally subjugated by Egypt.
Don't ever speak to him or his queen's son again.
That's an Afghan.
Holy fuck hahahaha
i guarantee you not a single Egyptian in ancient Egypt had blonde hair
The Berbers were heavily colonized by the phoenicians and were seperated by quite a bit of desert from the Egyptians.
But mine were.
So you're a race mix then. Absolutely disgusting.
t. half punjabi quarter orissan eighth sindhi sixteenth portuguese sixteenth english
I have to encrypt every sentence they write like they were hyroglyphes
enough prove
Show me any ancient Egyptian art or inscription which has them with blonde hair? You won't find a single one. Their idea of man was brown, brown-eyed, and black-haired.
Umm, what?
Im on mobile, but paintings clearly show blond people along with black haired individuals.
Fucking mummies have blonde hair and even red hair.
That's probably not true, but when the kingdom was first founded, blonde hair (which began in modern day Crimea) hadn't spread as far, so it probably wasn't particularly prevelant until after the helenization that took place in the final millenium before Christ.
Took me 3 seconds to find.
There was a Pharoh with red hair.
there were also paintings of people with green skin
did they have green skin in ancient egypt user?
Egypt is in Africa.
While blonde hair probably wasn't very common, that statement is plain wrong. Ancient drawings were often more representative of ideas rather than physical characterists. For example, it was particularly common in ancient greece for figures of humans to have pitch black skin and light hair.
Here's another one.
I have better on my laptop (on mobile).
These are just from a 3 fucking second search.
Incidentally, I seem to recall that Egyptians fucking hated the Numidians and saw them unfit even as slaves.
never said there wasn't
but fyi mummies with red/blonde hair were from different countries and immigrated to Egypt
took me 10 seconds to Google this
Wow, so much denial.
Numidians and nubians are not the same. Numidians were desert nomads from modern day Tunisia and Algeria where as Nubians were just to the south of egypt in modern day Sudan.
egyptian paintings also had green skin
so I guess ancient egyptians had green skin as well
oh wait Egyptian paintings aren't photographs and they don't represent reality!
Is there any science to niggers claiming they are human?
Were not talking about some random person on vacation that died in Egypt and somehow managed to get mummified.
We're talking about pharoahs.
Is that one of the repaints?
Looks like a repaint.
Ramesses II had red hair
and you have proof that this is a pure Egyptian person?
and that their hair didn't turn that color over thousands of years?
or that it wasn't dyed?
and once again i said blonde hair... i have no idea whether or not Egyptians can have red hair or not...
So you are part egyptian
Egyptians were probably Africans. Like North-east Africans, probably originating in Ethiopia or around.
Egyptians were Egyptian.
>Osiris' green skin was a reference to his power over vegetation and to his own resurrection.
nice try though
He'll no.
African Americans originate from the west African coast and countries like modern day Nigeria where they were enslaved by victors of the tribal wars and sold of to Spanish/Portuguese Jewish merchants.
Also Egypt is and was distinctly Semitic.
Start by pulling up your fucking pants.
Blonde hair among Caucasian groups arose only once - in Crimea. It is not native to egypt, though the concept of ethnicity was much more fluid at the time. It very likely could have been present in the region for ancient egypt arose. It would definitely have shown up at least in limited numbers eventually just considering how influential the nation was.
That's a God though.
Osiris was a god, not a paharoah.
This feels like a slide thread or just a bunch of summerfags.
DNA even says Egyptians were not negroids.
well like I mentioned earlier, I openly acknowledge that Blonde haired people existed in ancient egypt at some point in time
my point being that the ethnically Egyptian did not have blonde hair in their gene pool.
Yeah, but people (sentimentally) want to tie Egyptians to other Africans, like they want to tie Ancient Greeks to other Europeans.
>Find our way back.
How do niggers explain that modern egyptians arent niggers?
and this defeats my argument that ancient egyptian paintings are not based on reality how?
People are based on reality. Gods aren't.
Are you really trying to pass off an Egyptian deity as an accurate depiction of your average Egyptian?
Here are statues of a noble Egyptian man and woman from around the time of the very first pyramids.
lmao this
Probably egyptian govt will kick them back in the U.S. in no time or at the first sign of "WE WUZ..." lock them all in a psychiatric ward.
>mental gymnastics activate!!!
>ancient egyptians depict gods and demons and things with animal heads on every wall
>but the ones with paintings of people with blonde hair prove that Egyptians had blonde hair
>and definitely weren't depictions of people from different countries and or unnatural hair colors
I am 100% convinced now
Oh fuck mine actually ARE (not were) you're currently talking to the 7th in line for a worthless noble title. My dad even has his own wiki page for no other reason that his ancestory.
Is this really that hard to understand? African Americans came from WEST Africa which is nowhere near Egypt
get a load of this guy
I don't follow.
Gods aren't real.
People are real. When they are largely depicted as brown and black haired, it's a fair assumption to make that they are brown and black haired.
What part of that is mental gymnastics?
Tell me, which class would you expect to be out in the sun more often?
let me break it down REALLY simply so even you can understand
the fact that Egyptian paintings depicted gods and other mythological beings completely discredits them as historical evidence for Egyptian people having blonde hair
Nubians were usually shown as subject peoples to the Egyptians, although there is evidence of mixing. Queen Tiye looked pretty negroid to me.
I wouldn't say it completely discredits. It's possible that some are mythological while others aren't. It depends on what is being represented and only an expert can really say.
Apparently, negroids ruled for a short period of time but only a comparatively very short period.
You fucking retard we're arguing the same side. Literally kill yourself you stupid nigger.
This is like saying that Da Vinci's self portraits cannot be trusted because he painted pictures of Jesus and angels and shit.
They label their gods as gods anyway, there's no confusion. Nobody mistakes a god for an actual person that existed in Egypt since they always label them. If you don't know shit about Egyptian art, don't even speak.
I think it's supposed to be them raising the new generation as kangz
>yfw the egyptian gods are so pissed their former slaves are making a mockery of their former masters they decide to fuck them up with the help of a bunch of basement dweller NEETS
>yfw it works
Who doesn't believe in magic?