There is no way in hell, that this open borders faggot can win. If you vote for him you essentially throw your vote in the garbage. Johnson's policies are closer to Trump. So you may as well vote Trump, because Gary can not win. A vote for Gary is a vote for Hillary.
>also smoking weed when you're in your 50's doesn't make you cool, it makes you gay
Johnson is Cucked
Ok. I'm still voting for him though.
Why? whats the point?
Libertarianism has a great intellectual history goring back to John Stuart Mill, Ludwig von Mises, John Locke, etc. And now the actual libertarian party is a fucking joke. If libertarians want to be politically relevant, they need to join the Republicans and push the party toward libertarianism, but they are too stupid to do it.
> Johnson's policies are closer to Trump
Nigga wat?
>nige posting
>voting for an open borders globalist
>you scared
He's going to siphon votes from Hillary maybe he will get 1 Trump voter on accident but he's nothing like him
>a vote for Gary is a vote for Hillary
At last, you admit it. The 'he's no threat, he takes votes from Hillary' meme was wearing thin.
Johnson/Weld '16, fagbags.
>Claims Johnson wants open boarders
>"He's closer to Trump
Putting von mises with enlightment thinkers is hella silly nigga. What was the racist "libertarian" website that pandered to cuckservatives called? Vdare or some shit. Damn cant remember the name but whatever its called its shit and you should go back.
In polls he takes about evenly from both sides
I'd think it's a good thing for you guys, he's helping remove your shitty two-party system and ultimately doesn't change the odds of the election at all.
He looks like a child molesting piece of shit too.
They guy is scum.
Bump. Because Gary is only a distraction give to us by people who selfishly care about only their special interest and not about the safety and survival of the nation.
cool post.
I can vote in america, and judging by your flag, you can't. So I'll vote for this faggot and you can have fun in Aussie fun land.
You are a worthless American. Johnson is literal scum but I guess thats why you would waste a vote for him cause you gotta stick with your own kind
There's really no point to voting. Once the majority has reached a desicion it's over for your state.
>b..but he takes votes from Trump
get reckt faggot
This. Fuck Hillary and fuck Trump
Open borders is good for this country.
Voted for him in 2012 I couldn't give a shit about the wasted vote argument, that's a logical fallacy.
Anyways, about open borders, this is his official policy:
>Having served as Governor of a border state, Gary Johnson understands immigration. He understands that a robust flow of labor, regulated not by politics, but by the marketplace, is essential.
>He understands that a bigger fence will only produce taller ladders and deeper tunnels, and that the flow of illegal immigrants across the border is not a consequence of too little security, but rather a legal immigration system that simply doesn’t work. Militarizing the border, bigger fences, and other punitive measures espoused by too many politicians are all simplistic “solutions” to a problem caused by artificial quotas, bureaucratic incompetence and the shameful failure of Congress to actually put in place an immigration system that matches reality.
>Governor Johnson has long advocated a simplified and secure system of work visas by which willing workers and willing employers can meet in a robust labor marketplace efficiently and economically. Aspiring immigrants would undergo a background check, pay taxes and provide proof of employment.
>Making it simpler and efficient to enter the U.S. legally will provide the greatest security possible, allowing law enforcement to focus its time and resources on the criminals and bad actors who are, in reality, a relatively small portion of those who are today entering the country illegally.
I will say that it's not the best but It's far from "open borders." No matter what you still have to have a Visa, this isn't some European Union level shit here. Regardless, there's no Mexicans where I live so Immigration is probably the lowest issue of importance for me. I could see this being a bigger deal if you lived somewhere where it mattered.
Johnson is a fucking faggot. I remember dealing with Johnson supporters during the '12 election cycle, when I was supporting Ron Paul, and they were pure cancer. As a Ron Paul supporter, I absolutely hate Johnson. He does not represent liberty whatsoever.
It's funny, actually, because the GOP has quite a few people who are more libertarian than Johnson. Moreover, the American libertarian movement really started within the GOP to begin with. So, to everyone saying that he's going to steal more from Clinton, I think you're wrong about that. It's going to be Stein who steals more votes from Clinton, while Johnson is going to steal more from Trump.
People who complain about the two party system need to understand that within both the GOP and the Democratic Party, there are different parties and cliques. The myth of the two party system is just that: a myth. A paleoconservative is much different than a neoconservative in the GOP. A libertarian is much different than a neoconservative in the GOP.
Yeah but the Republican brand name is dead and run into the ground. It's totally unmarketable now.
Think about it....are people really excited to vote for a "Republican" this time, or are they excited to vote for the "TRUMP" brand?
Kill yourself.
I'm always excited to vote for pro-liberty republicans. Even the Tea Party Movement was exciting before it was hijacked.
Trump is pro-privatization
>muh buddies will run schools and hospitals
fuck that dimwit
That's not my question, though.
The majority of the people out there following the Trump bandwagon. The name "republican" is hardly dropped at all. It's all about the brand name now.
party system is cancer
I don't disagree.
But still, the Republican party is unmarketable currently. I assume they'll be trying to sink their tendrils into the Libertarian party and use it's somewhat unblemished marketability instead soon enough.
I didn't bring Trump up at all, but I really don't see anything wrong with reeling in the federal government as I believe they are too bloated and too intrusive. At least with Trump, I know that the Supreme Court will lean towards the right.
>since they can jump the wall, let's not do anything
That's just stupid
>No matter what you still have to have a Visa
And those who can't get a visa would still enter your country as illegals. It's the same shit you have, but with him your wages would be driven down even further because some of them can work legally
I live in a red state and I don't know if the constitution party will be on my ballot.
Is he even married? Does he even have kids? Fuckin weirdo
thats all political talk for open borders retard
You're not wrong, but I think that the Idea is that if we make it simpler to come legally, we can actually deport and fuck up the illegals instead of this wishy washy sanctuary city bullshit we have now.
And the more legal workers we have, we have that many less moochers, and that many less underpaid jobs.
>public education is good
and you want to call Trump the dimwit?
He is horrible. He joined in the bullshit Trump is a racist meme. Fuck him.
It's called pandering. Kind of necessary if you want a chance to win.
Fully agree on that user other than the smoking weed part its equal to drinking
>So, to everyone saying that he's going to steal more from Clinton, I think you're wrong about that. It's going to be Stein who steals more votes from Clinton, while Johnson is going to steal more from Trump.
The polls say otherwise dumbass
Also voting for Johnson. Free trade is good for the country.
Johnson voter here (if he gets in victory range).
No reason the government should impose conservative social values, even if you believe in them yourself as I do.
its not about winning you dumb faggot, its about disrupting the 2 party system if third parties get enough votes they can actually participate in debates and then wehn that happens maybe people will realise that they dont have to choose between 2 retards every 4 years
Or we could just deport the illegals now because they're breaking the law you cuck