ITT: post things that really make you think

ITT: post things that really make you think


America's existence.

I saw a fat fuck like this at the check out counter a couple weeks ago. He had an open family size bag of cheetos in his hands.

This really make my neurons fire




>thinking is merely electrical impulses in your brain translated into words


>not posting the whole set
step it up Argentina




>high test

I'm sure SHASTA SODA would love to be linked to this pear shaped bitch.

Since I've come this far I'm gonna dump some more fat hate pics



Didn't know there was a set


Why do men even subject themselves to this?

She died shortly after this was filmed

Here's a picture of Leslie Jones

Tits or GTFO


Why does he wear the mask?

>americans will justify this

Why does he wear the mask?


>guy immediately rams his cart into her

Every fucking time

Tell me about bane!Why does he wear the mask?


>Leafy bait

>still dating women
>not literally getting fat enough to go fuck yourself

Hose 10
shoo 4
bout 2

horse times shoe is 40, plus boot is 42

Was this part of his plan?

Do you then have freewill?

Do you have the ability to tell your neurons to stop firing?
inb4 gun

I really hate fat women

>tfw you are too American to fit through a door

>can't even do math
why even live dude

>The media these days encourages men to go for fit, attractive ladies

>implying that 800lb hambeasts were around in those days
>implying this wasn't always true for men

first line in and already picking it apart. this is bad.

The mobility scooter is mankind's worst invention.

>Horse = 10
>Pair Horse Shoe = 4
>Pair of Boots = 2
>1 Boot = 1
>1 Horse Shoe = 2
1 + 10 x 2 = 22

>tfw american doors are also some of the biggest doors ive ever walked through