How come Sup Forums never talks about this show? It's the best sci-fi series in a long time.
The Expanse
There were a fuck ton of threads when the show was ongoing
too lazy to start threads
>watch first episode
>almost all the characters are shit and the cgi is worse than a show from 10 years ago
how about no
There are no good sci fi series.
Actually, I quite enjoyed the other space
There were threads all day up until season 2 ended couple of weeks ago
Hope season 3 doesn't have a drop in quality
I tried the first 3 episodes but it was bland and one of the most boring Sci fi series I have ever watched.
Best ship.
probably one of the best settings in scifi, aside from BSG
I really fucking hate galaxy-spanning shit; keeping it inside the solar system makes it feel more real.
>How come Sup Forums never talks about this show?
Jesus, newfag, we had threads all the time when it was actually on. Nothing to talk about now until 2018.
There are at least 9 books written or planned. You think Syfy will allow a show to go on that long?
Don't even bother getting invested.
Even when it was SciFi, the longest shows ever ran for was 4 seasons.
Hope you faggots enjoy reading.
It's shit.
umm, why does it matter if the show is canceled after getting "invested"?
>How come Sup Forums never talks about this show?
Hello newfriend
First season was pure kino, not much filler and where it deviated from the books, it was to the benefit of the characters who don't get fleshed out much until several volumes later. There was a hyper-vigilant attitude towards making sure every detail reflected reality, modelling things like how to pour a drink in spin gravity, something NO ONE except nerds would even notice. Miller was best character.
Season 2 went off the rails pretty fast, not sure exactly what changed. It's night and day to the first. The autistic attitude to details disappeared; cracks emerged. Best character gets offed too early in the season. Bobbi was seriously miscast and her character got taken for a fucking ride. The CGI is somehow WORSE; guess the budget got spread thinner. Physical power armor prop is pathetic.
I don't have high hopes for a third season.
This question is honestly one of the stupidest things I've seen asked on Sup Forums. Honestly. Please tell me english is your second language and you just don't know what the word means.
it's a stupid copypasta
Do you feel emotionally broken if a show is taken away from you?
You couldn't simply enjoy what was given?
Do you honestly not understand people being upset? Are you being serious or are you just intentionally misinterpreting it?
can you faggots please shut up
the font made things annoying to read
Someone post expanse party wojak.
the threads when it was airing were pretty active. it's gaining popularity. next season is going to make or break it, but i think it's going to get a massive popularity bump once season 3 airs.
as soon as season 2 ended i picked up the books. almost done with the second book. bobbie is so much better in the books. i don't know why they toned down how powerful her armor is, shits like a fucking tank in the books.
>i don't know why they toned down how powerful her armor is, shits like a fucking tank in the books.
because the prop sucks ass. it's a bunch of strap-on plastic plates, one of the weakest things i've ever seen. they don't show it a lot because people will notice it's shit
cosplayers make better power armor.
it really does look like fucking shit in the show. i hope they make it look more frightening in season 3 but i'm not keeping my hopes up.
>How come Sup Forums never talks about this show?
We are off season only got is 24/7 talked here in fuckin offseason.
And this
Best asteroid.
Pretty much my feelings except I don't really mind Bobby but I fucking hate the douchebag they hired to play Holden. Naomi ain't great either
docks look like tape decks flanked by casino chips, can't unsee
wtf dude
>tfw I realized dark matter is better than the expanse
At least dark matter understands what it is and doesn't try to be more than a low budget romp.
too bad the story makes no sense with its low budget shit
>galactic empires using 21st century weapons and props
tape decks are probably before your time desu