ITT: people who did nothing wrong
ITT: people who did nothing wrong
Pic is what victory look like.
>tfw you don't even know what capeshit movie this guy is from
he committed the crime in being in one of the worst movies I have seen to date
I think you mean capekino
This movie was great until the girl showed up, and then it became generic action chase movie
it's Ivan Ooze from the first Power Rangers movie
>user has seen so few films that this mediocre capeshit is one of the worst he's seen
Are you lucky or pathetic? Either way you don't belong on Sup Forums since you have no real interest in the medium
LOL shut the fuck up
>not barefoot
>did nothing wrong
she made me fap so hard my dick won't work anymore
Mutants aren't people OP.
you sound like you have no friends at all
it wasn't even the worse xmen movie
>first ever mutant
>gets fucked so easily
>the horsemen have terrible reasons for joining him
this movie was the pits
>the xmen movie series ends with mutants being exterminated by corn and Xavier killing the X-Men because lolalzheimer's and being buried in some random woods
>The guy who can fly dies in a plane crash.
I laughed pretty hard in the theater when the black dude next to me pointed this out.
Both of 'em.
>apocalypse was right the entire time