It's bad. Really, really bad. Nothing is funny or interesting.
Goes out of its way to undermine and negate and retcon literally everything from the previous 7 seasons (characters, setting, events- everything) and make it's own season meaningless (IT'S ALL A DREAM)
Was hoping ep1 would be a one-off but nope, they just went with it.
Everything is slow and unfunny. Dialogue is torturous. Milks the fact that Woodhouse's VA died IRL several years ago.
Plot is overfocused, characters underdeveloped. Nothing is funny or interesting.
Visually looks like ass, everything is DARK and washed-out like a Snyder flick.
Insultingly bad. Nothing is funny or interesting.
RIP in pieces. At least seasons 1-7 still exist.
Jacob Taylor
Oh right, I need to make this post appeal to Sup Forums-
"Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people!"
that should do it
Zachary Garcia
You didn't abandon this show during Vice?
Hunter Fisher
Yup. Show is ded. Happens to the best of them. The writer ran out of ideas.
Ian Harris
You forgot to mention that nothing is funny or interesting.
Daniel Davis
>forgetting that the show died beginning with season 5
Noah Gray
Still the best animated waifus in television history. I'd watch if the animation studio just made their own R34 online porn of Lana and Cheryl having dyke sex
Lucas Howard
How can you retcon anything if it's a dream? How stupid are you?
Ayden Martin
Didn't even know it was back on. Last season was terrible.
Jace Watson
cheryl with her hair down and messy gets my boner going. everything else is garbage.
Parker Rodriguez
I loved this show but after the first vice season they really didn't know what to do.
I wish they would either go back to 50's isis or stick with vice.
Sebastian Long
archer as a whole is terrible. we got this shit instead of anther season of frisky dingo or the xtacles.
Owen Anderson
>Milks the fact that Woodhouse's VA died IRL several years ago.
Ryan King
>be adult >watches cartoon
Mason Hughes
is anything about it funny or interesting though?
Jeremiah Edwards
cry harder
Ryder Flores
>watching Archer in 2017
Do you also play WoW and listen to Evanescence?
Juan Lewis
there's at least 1 frisky dingo reference an ep
you can tell Reed wants to do another season for it
Jacob Baker
Is Pam supposed to be a guy this season?
I agree the dreamland setting is fucking bad.
Josiah Long
Would you fuck dreamland Malory though?
Alexander Morris
Autism everywhere.... Archer s8 rocks!
Benjamin Parker
Yeah I did. Fuck what are they thinking do they just get money for the season before they've actually conceived it?? Or are normies so dumb they will continue to tune in even when it's proper bad
Michael Cruz
how come you are complaining about a cartoon made for children
Eli Phillips
>8 seasons
Man, I remember dropping this show at the beginning of season 4. It's a shame to see something good turn to shit. Same thing happened to Bob's Burgers.
Levi Flores
I'd fuck Malory in general.
Liam Gonzalez
I genuinely don't understand.
The worst thing about the past 3 seasons, consistently, has been Pam and random yelling instead of jokes. So their solution is...more Pam, and more random yelling?
Caleb Morgan
>R*ddit Humour: The Show is terrible
Wait, you just figured this out?
Jordan James
it's been shit since the first episode
Tyler Rodriguez
>50's isis
Or 80s, or 60s, or 30s...the show's timeline never made much sense tbqh. Like the most popular running joke from the early seasons is about Top Gun.
Connor White
basically ages wise its the 1980s, which is why woodhouse could be old but was able to serve in the 1st world war. Why archer is his age, why lana sported 70s fashions when she first met mallory. Why archer was in his 30s and was born in the 50s. and a lot of other references.
the technology was all mixed for rule of funny/rule of cool. but overall the ages and most of the refences play it ni the 1980s.
Juan Hughes
>Bob's Burgers
That show was only ever slightly amusing at best.
>muhh quirky kids
Jack Long
I enjoyed the first two seasons and there's nothing you can say to make me falter on my own personal opinion.