So it's official she's banging this dude?

So it's official she's banging this dude?

so many of you really are pathetic

We have a goddamn /jennaral/. Sage

if im so pathetic then how do you explain these dubs

I want jennaposters to find true happiness in their lives

so is jenna

yea who takes pictures of themselves with friends
what a loser, you can't get worse than being on popular tv shows and being famous, amiright


she needs to move on

she really needs to move on...


>some alpha comes in and calls you pathetic
>you know he's right but as a last ditch effort you call for dubs
>the dubs fail you
>alpha comes back and is blessed with dubs



you need to move on, how autismo are you to make or save that pic?


if singles i am an alpha and a good person

Dwight banging Pam is new canon

Wow, how sad. I really hope she finds what she's looking for in life.

it's not nice to slut shame

singles mean nothing you dumb bitch

Only when he dresses like this.



>mfw your post is singles and i get repeating digits