Times when real life was Kino
>mfw this dumb lib off'd himself
the entirety of hwndu
It's unreal how good these photos are
This is some natgeo shit
yeah it's amazing how there were professional photographers present at an exhibition of professional photographs
>that cinematography
>when the government comes for your waifus
I remember that. Here, have a better quality photo.
What's crazy is the pics from his funeral are equally as kino.
>he baited him for weeks with the prospect of the SoS job as revenge for the whole tax returns incident
>he got to gloat to Romney about taking down Obama's shit when he wanted that job
top tier rusemaster
What did he mean by this?
Was this pic staged or photoshopped heavily? Something about it seems very artificial
beat me to it
This entire documentary is true War-Kino
Artificial so SJWs can make police look bad.
damn nature. you scary
what manner of sorcery is this?
I miss fat threads
damn that's a depressing picture
Kurds are based as fuck
This looks like shit. OP asked for kino, not images that really make you think.
Christ I can't imagine what it's like to watch your own son die, I remember when my friend from college was killed on a hiking trip and his dad legitimately went insane with grief.
I hope I don't die before my parents.
>53 responses
>no photos of Nazi Germany
I really miss those vertical banners. They look so aesthetic, but now they've got these unhelpful connotations. It's a real shame.
Like a Mann film.
In the very beginning at the top near the building, you can see all the shit fall off the top and start its way down.
A lot of top tier aesthetic was ruined because of the Nazi reputation. It's a huge shame.
>mfw this dumb lib off'd himself
kek this was recent.
Someone post the Robbie Rotten one.
>no one has posted this yet
Came here to post this.
This should have been the first image posted
I wonder what was going through his mind at that moment. Any hopes? Fears? Regrets?
god, that is a human being
>tfw that picture is part of history
It really is. The Lichtdom is another casualty. Such a neat idea, but we won't be able to do it again.
"tfw you fell for the transcendence meme, fuck this hurts"
>that finale where Sup Forums took his flag
You might say he was...The Mole.
This used to have No Church in the Wild in the background. Sup Forums was glorious back then.