Why does Sup Forums hate Canada so much ?

Why does Sup Forums hate Canada so much ?

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Because it's a Fucking leaf.

Because most of you shit post on every thread. I don't hate Canada, I just hate the annoying assholes from Canada.

Because every one of you goddamn maplefags posts the same mainstream talking points. If you weren't leaf assholes you'd just go to another board.

But you don't, and that's why we hate Canada, faggot.

Nice 69

Some canadians are being paid to shitpost for hillary, but thanks to them being leaves we brush them off.

t. nigger/spic """""""american"""""""""

A NIGGER PRESIDENT. Be honest you're all jealous, we're everything you imagined America to be as a child.

Were huge faggots that are as annoying in real life as we are on Sup Forums fuck i wish I was from texas

You've made millions of us filthy rich we rely on you buying up all of our stuff so this is why we support Hillary. Also you're our two tier healthcare system.


4/5 of the largest vpn providers are Canadian but you already know this nigger president guy.

One flag to troll them all,
One flag to cuck them,
One flag to integrate them all and in the coldness fug them
In the land of weedman where the shabbos lie

Pure seething envy.

I'm sorry for the left winger Canada trolls Sup Forums, I'm a nationalist just like you.

I'm an American who moved to Canada. Holy fuck am I glad that I got out, we're all brainwashed into believing that America is a great country. It's not. Here I can own a pick up truck, lots of land, and never have to interact with blacks

How do I get in on this?

It's true though. You'll shit on Trudeau for saying he's a feminist while your Jewish ruling class opens up your borders and lets in 20,000,000 illegal economic migrants. You'll shit on Sweden/UK for being 92% swede/brit when you're 61% 'non Hispanic white' which not only includes Europeans but Arabs, Jews, Berbers, Turks, Persians and North Indians.

not surprising, the best posters come from canada

Fuck you you're jelous that we have milk bags and you don't . you fags have to drink out of a fucking box we are so fucking alpha that our beverage needs to be in a fucking bag.

It's not just Sup Forums, it's the WHOLE INTERNET

kanada and kanadiuns are retarded fuckwit loser mooches
>hur dur muh free healthcare eh?
Lazy fuck, afford your OWN health you lazy fucking weasel.

Kanadiuns are FAGGOTS

kanaduh was a penal colony for pedophiles and rapist.

When you're in a thread and the Hillary Defense force is here

pretty mad that a few Canadians can shut down the forum, still?

just like we shut down the White House?

btw this meme is retarded we flew the union flag above parliament for the first century of confederation and the ontario flag was adopted after and because of the leaf flag. our old flag is the union jack not the ensign and I shit you not Israel is the reason we had to adopt our own flag.


Everybody watch the Clinton Cash doc


I think you got to fite the kangaroos for that crown.

I share a twin city with you fucks and I have to go across your shitty border patrol every time I want to visit my mother (who married one of you scumbags btw). You are literally all fat and disabled and tattooed. Like significantly more than our side. And yet you all act snobby towards Americans because you dipshits were told by the world that "Canada is ahead of the u.s. in everything XDD". You get away with being useless medical taxpayer drains on society because everyone believes you are polite. You're not. You're rude. And it's probably because you're descendants of the French.



Israel did you a favor. The leaf is aesthetic and meaningful. The union jack is a slavemaster's brand on every flag that incorporates it.

Cos burgers have the bomb.

It's jealousy plain and simple. We're objectively better in every single way except that we have 5 months of winter, not that it matters as we have a half decent government that requires employees to give you 2-4 weeks paid vacation minimum. We pay taxes on par with the Americans but receive services that outmatch most western European countries. God bless this great nation and god save the Queen.

im just here to shitpost

I believe this and will try to remember and research before thread archives


>Why does pol hate Canada?

-A fucking leaf



I think it's clear why.

>imply we wouldn't collapse without the burgers

OP, it's because Canadian posting is usually sarcastic or making a deeper, metareference to something else. Most of the autists on here have American flags and get frustrated trying to understand us, because they'll never know how good busting feels



>we shut down the White House?
Nigger, there was never a "we"
"we", you I, or anyone else reading this shitty thread has ever done anything beyond expectorating or jay walking
Stop appropriating historic victories as your own

Because your flag is a fucking leaf and you guys are almost always sjws shitting up this board with your awful trolling

You leafs are all wanna be Australians but your bantz is ten times worse

Left wing Canadians are some of the most obnoxious people in the planet. Their entire identity is 'did we mention were not American'? They are just as bad as dopey left wing Americans who will totally leave the country if Trump gets elected but want to go to a country like Sweden with an even greater amount of whites

We deserve the hate.

Who /apathetic/ here?
Let the lesser countries get mad it makes no difference.

But I like Canadian boys :c

The UK decided it wouldn't even give Australia and Canada a courtesy call to tell us they were invading. We had to learn through international media and the shitty UK government of the day assumed everyone would fall in line and die by the thousands like we did during the World Wars.

Then there's the EU backstab that they thankfully reversed. When people wonder why the commonwealth isn't close just have a look at the eternally indecisive anglos the monarchy has a higher approval rate in Canada than in the UK.


Pretty sure it was in the 90s, some of us may have been around

I hate retarded leaf "humour" so much

Canadian boys are mine fuck off

>you're jelous that we have milk bags and you don't
I'd rather have it out of a box.
>Salty leaf

Tits or GTFO

Canadian shit posters always get more angry replies, auscunts only get dick riding.

>oh lmao xD nice shitpost kangapoo Ur an EPIC shit poster XD le FPBP meme xD

Pretty racist against those natives bro.

Fuck off user you're clearly jelous

It used to be a place full of cabin dwelling conservatives and now it's full of limp-wristed manlet liberals.

Our middle class is infinitely better off by virtually all measures, even your right wing heritage foundation had ranked Canada's economic freedom significantly higher every year they've done their report. America entrenches poverty and if you make less than $80k a year you'll pay less tax in Canada and we provide near complete tax immunity for the working class. Think of the barriers you've faced and then ask yourself if Canada has solved this problem. Chances are we have.


Because, on the whole, you're not a very chill people in spite of the stereotypes.

Oil dropped 50% and we still ran a $1.9b surplus last year. Obama and his Jewish ruling class called your tenth consecutive $500b deficit a strong recovery.

Wow it's almost like we have the same amount of resouces but 1/10th of the population and don't have niggers

first post fat post


If you have Kwik Trip convenience stores in your state, you too have acces to this treasured bagged milk just like those Canadians do.

canada pre late 1960's was GOAT...

todays Canada is a cuck shithole.

So you're Canadian? Fuck off leaf faggot

What sector in particular? Services make up the vast majority of our economy and we're the only nation with more post sec educated citizens than not.

why not?

Maybe it's because if America never imported slaves, they could live in a sweet left wing paradise like Canada and everything would be fine, and no blacks would ever leer at them

it's resentment, they know all their problems stem from the bad decisions of their forebears. At least you don't have to pay some taxes to Britain, though, right?

Because they got tired of scapegoating Australians all the time, so they invented this fiction that we are these terrible shitposters.

I don't even buy the left wing meme. Tailoring policies towards wage earners and taxing passive income at the same rate is not a left wing concept it's an honourable common sense policy. Not engaging in 6,000b wars for Israel is not a left wing concept it's common sense policy.

We're only the "most educated" country because anyone wanting to be a tradesman here has to undergo college education instead of vocational training. eg. electricians, plumbers, etc.

Even our hotel & restaurant industries are full of hospitality management grads.

That is not what passes for tertiary education in other countries.

t. Trudeau's cum receptacle

Human beings hate marxism because marxism is anti-human

I'm a Canadian boy :3

how did he get that job

how can I get that job

This. There's still a few based fuckers up north. I met one on /k/ and he mailed me some clips for my SKS. Thanks, based Robin if you see this.

without a h1b type program* .. we had enough uproar and protests about TFW berry pickers for fucks sake while the Americans let in 20,000,000 illegal econmic migrants.

I don't have anything against Canada except these couple of days they've been promoting islam.

It's the shittiest place on earth. You don't hear many leafs whine about how cucked Canada is because 90% of us are shitskins.

t. The 10%

Ay cunt I take pride in my shitposts

Canadians won't ever figure it out, they're too fuckign stupid and autistic, must be something they put in your healthcare.

Reminder 4/5 of the top VPN providers are Canadian and Americans need to use a VPN if they don't want their gestapo NSA recording everything they write online.

Nigger everything you do is recorded also.

>what is Five Eyes

It's mainly your guys fault anyway. Toronto is the most libtarded place because it draws way too much from American politics. Why do you think BLM just magically showed up there? We have no racism problems here yet all of a sudden thanks to the US we have an imaginary problem.
Even our conservative places aren't racist or anti-gay really. The US is leeching all your shittiness into canada.

>It's the shittiest place on earth.

Stop living in Alberta, welfare baby.

Don't you mean "we're" mr. nigger president? You're not fooling anyone.


That surely makes up for our countless college grads who have to study fields that Swiss students can start working in before they finish secondary school.

Alberta has the highest average net worth in North America by a large margin. My city fort mac has an average household income of $140k per year.

Lol blaming sure is fun. It's not your people at all...

lol this useful idiot again. we find it hilarious you'll ignore your 20,000,000 economic migrants and 40,000,000 negroes while spending your entire day shitting on our 30,000 Syrian families and our odd arab phd immigrant. Your Jewish ruling class must love you.


Alberta? I wish.
I'm in intercity southern Ontario, aka the ghetto that stretches from YYZ to the Hammer. I hear gunshots down the street almost every night, there's a big who steals tire nubs and tries to sell them to you, there about 5 welfare families all in a row on my street who are always screaming and they're home all day doing nothing while some people are trying to work from home dear god.

Just nuke us already.

20,000,000 illegal economic migrants. Only Americans will sit around online shitting on 92% swede Sweden while they are aggressively being made a minority in their own lands. Your Jewish ruling class only allows you to shit on muslims and requires you ignore the 40,000,000 niggers or the fact that 5/8 babies are born to non ethnically european families.

I can confirm canadians are not sentient, they don't feel or think like normal humans do, they're almost like a different speicies, similar to africans. Too much race mixing caused them to turn into niggers.

We've always had niggers and immigrants. You haven't. Islam is cancer.

What sick fuck paints this

This useful idiot assumes everywhere is like America. No, CSIS does not have secret courts like the NSA and Canadians would never stand for this. Our entire security establishment is overseen by a non-partisan privacy commissioner and most importantly members from every political party.