Who will Florida pick?
If Penn goes Red, so does Ohio
Florida is already leaning red in polls and Trump did incredibly well there in the primary. Big state this year will be Pennsylvania
Emerald Coast here, we are all about the TRUMP
Kasich is rigging shit with (((Soros))) to #StopTrump
That's the only reason why it's blue
i live in tampa FL
were leaning towards trump
lotta rednecks
the cubans (our main hispanic) are mostly republican since they hate castro
old people love trump...idk why
>live in Connecticut
>young people hate Trump
>old people hate Trump
>Latinos hate Trump
>Blacks hate Trump
>women hate Trump
>most of the men hate Trump
I saw a Trump bumper sticker the other day and almost had an orgasm. Pls nuke
If trump wantsbto make a difference with Hispanic voters in Florida, HE MUST CAPITALIZE off of this.
I'm from Miami and the callers to the Spanish radio shows fucking despise Hillary
Floridian here (Central Florida)
Trump will win, it's clear.
MA resident here, all I see is Trump support. I've literally only seen 2 hillary signs/stickers.
Central Mass? Boston has got to be cucked out the ass.
Trump will win no doubt
Downtown Orlando here, it's funny.
Nobody is wearing Trump gear around but every guy I talk to is "secretly" voting Trump. It's a somewhat liberal city. I bet you'll find the same "silent majority" idea in a lot of places in the country.
I'm hesitantly confident Trump will take FL. More so now with all of the problems with the Dems recently.
Hillary if that state has any sense. They made the right choice in 2008 and 2012. I have faith Florida will come through for us again.
You forgot one vote from Maine, buddy.
Pretty much. I've seen people starting to come out for Trump on Facebook, or people who are "secretly" for Trump.
And Orlando is filled with so many disgruntled Bernie shills, that I doubt half of them will even go out to vote.
And New Hampshire.
I voted for Obama in 08.
Make no mistake.
Hillary is no Obama.
After the night club incident he won Florida
Virginian checking in. I think that state will narrowly go blue this year. Many Virginians like Tim Kaine and will vote for the ticket based on that. I think that it will be very close though. Tons of Trump support from the South. Not really about Florida, but I just wanted to give insight to "blue VA" this year. Too bad, maybe one day my state will uncuck itself...
maybe Obongo shouldnt have gotten comfy with Castro if he didn't want Hillary to lose it
Even here in FL nobody puts Trump shit on their cars or in front of their houses. I don't know if that'll change getting closer to election, but everybody expects their property to be vandalized.
I've seen two or three Trump stickers, all in this same month, and I practically popped a boner seeing that first. At least, I wanted to honk my horn and give 'em an ol' thumbs up or some shit, but I didn't.
I voted McCain in '08.
Make no mistake.
Trump is no McCain.
But she is Obama's choice. That should be enough t.bh.
>Trump is no McCain
thank god, McCain is a Democrat
Spot on. Furthermore a lot of people in FL I know are expressing/messaging support in indirect ways. Like tightening border policies in the wake of Pulse/San Bernadino etc.
You'll have to throw us a bit of a bone for not being more outspoken down here, there is an enormous liberal hispanic population. Our asses might get jumped. I live on Lake Eola (like *downtown* downtown Orlando) and one of the major speeches after Pulse was by some activist who stressed hispanic (never once mentioned generic American) pride and did the whole goddamn speech in spanish. I'm a fluent spanish speaker and was more than a little disgusted.
He's not a Democrat but he is a war hero and a decent man unlike Trump.
Who else is #FeelingTheJohnson?
A 2008 McCain v Hillary battle would have been weird; they're so close in terms of policy (or at least they were back then).
Yeah, the North seems to be largely leaning Hillary. My family in Northern VA are all HillShills, and so are many other of their government-employed colleagues.
This is how the election goes
i am from the future
go tell a veteran that
Mr.Daddy gave me my job so I could crash multiple planes
OK fine but you've made no point at all.
Trump is still way better than Hillary. The fact that McCain has better credentials than Trump is hardly relevant to this election.
How will I die?
Are you from the Worcester strip? Eastern Mass is totally cucked.
Live in st. Pete.
Not voting for Hillary and possibly may vote Trump.
Only way I'd vote Trump if he may change his mind on min wage, wants to be non-interventionist over seas, and changes his mind on common core dismantling.
The house votes in these cases and the house is Republican dominated
No way Trump wins in Michigan.
I countered no point with no point. And I will continue.
Hillary is still way better than McCain. The fact that Obama has far better cult appeal than Trump is hardly relevant to this election.
No way Trump could be nomin-
oh wait
I knew that would happen. GOP voters are fools.
No way Trump becomes Emperor of Mankind
I live in St. Petersburg, FL, just outside Tampa.
We're usually a liberal leaning city, but I can say I've seen 10 Trump stickers around the city and another 20 around the Pinellas Cnty area. When I went to the Tampa rally back on June 11th, the highway downtown was almost flooded with Trump.
I couldn't even pop a boner cause it exploded.
as opposed to democrats voting for freakin hillary? disgusting
>Co going red
>PA going blue
NV, NH, and NC are kind of debatable.
Florida checking in. I'm predicting red, just like the governor's race
Otherwise what?
>GOP voters are fools
yes we should all vote the way you want us to vote oh great ivory tower liberal
your party lost the white working class, Trump is doing better with hispanics than was every projected, and you are facing a revolt by the bernvictims.
Shitposting on Sup Forums should be very low on your priorities if you are really worth what you are being paid.
Penn and NC to Trump?? umm....
Also seen only 3 hillary's and seen 13 bernies. Needless to say, Tampa Bay is not gonna stay home on election day this year
Live in St. Pete as well.
Leaning towards voting third party. I need a shove into Trumps direction.
Can confirm petersburg is liberal leaning and seen many trump signs... although far more bernie signs. very few hillary signs.
Changes his mind on min wage to what stance? And he pretty much is talking about non-intervention by way of withdrawal from NATO and more isolationist stance. Not happening on common core.
more people voted republican than democrat in the michigan primaries this year
>I've literally only seen 2 hillary signs/stickers.
Keep in mind that Hillary has very few real supporters. But the majority of those that will vote for her are those who just prefer her over Trump.
either trump or Stein.
i am slowly changing mind towards trump
If a blue state goes red, I'm going to cry tears of joy.
this is where our unknowing ally Jill Stein comes in
No the point was that Obama had better cult appeal than Hillary and therefore won the primary and the state of Florida in 2008.
McCain lost the state and the election. So in fact I do have a point directly relevant to today.
Any stance other than lowering min wage, even a $12 min wage is acceptable.
thats unfortunate about common core. i hate to think kids will learn creationism as science fact
Trump is against victimization, wants to make all people (niggers included) stronger. Will end harsh democratic policies hurting minorities
Can confirm, Florida is a red state
I live in a literal border city in commiefornia yet I've worn my MAGA hat in public and my dad has a bumper sticker. no excuses
drumpf stumpfed
thats why those living in swing states are "holding their noses" democrats and independents hate hillary other than hardlining loyalists
colorado is going blue sorry guys, weed people flocked there
I hope he shitposts all day tmrw
I see. how will removing min wage improve wages? would it actually raise wages at the end of the day?
I know this is just speculation, but I don't think it's going to come down to Florida. There are 5 states that are key right now: PA, OH, FL, NC, VA. I think Trump will get at least 4 of those. He may also get Michigan.
Trump won't win CO, PA, OH, NC, NV, IA, or FL.
it might not be worth anything but if Kasich doesn't endorse the Don I wouldn't put Ohio in the red unless Trump is up 5 in the polls.
Trump will win CO, PA, OH, NC, IA, VA and FL.
>New England
dont respond to obvious bait posted by a fucking spaniard no less
definitely trump no doubts.
New Hamster is going red
>live in hawaii
>everyone against trump
havent seen anything trump
>Colorado and Pennsylvania going red
40 keks
you guys had the most badass delegate though
thanks senpai :)
As Ohio goes, so goes the nation.
If you don't win Ohio, you won't win the election. We've selected the president correctly every time going back to 1960 and only been wrong twice since 1900.
That being said, Trump will win Ohio. The people here are starting to slowly warm up to him. Anyone but Clinton really holds true for many.
>Pennsylvania not going red
Fuck off, Canadian.
I keked
The debates is the key to all of this
P.S. kiss the goy
Colorado is a stretch, but Trump has a 0.5 lead over Clinton in Nevada according to RCP.
So Cruz wins the presidency?
Springfield here, Literally the opposite. Damn it sucks living with all these roodypoos
ohio's not going red this year he's got a much better chance at florida.
They have to pick between Hillary and Trump
PA is now officially a battleground state, and that was before the DNCleak shitshow. It's highly likely PA goes red this time.