>this triggers the americuck
Let's trigger burgers, no one here likes them anyways
>this triggers the americuck
Let's trigger burgers, no one here likes them anyways
A fucking leaf, this is a job for Straya chan.
you should shoot yourself in the your foot while it's in your mouth
If digits OP dies tonight
hows those canadian hospital waiting times going for you
>all these triggered Americans
*sips tea*
Didn't chinada recently legalize "sexual acts with animals not involving penetration"?
Don't you have a dog to go suck or something lmao
I'm not an obese American who needs to go to an ER every day so I wouldn't know, cuck.
its almost 2am here and i am sipping beer.
give me a fucking address shithead and i'll come over and snap your fucking neck.
Honestly as long as the owner and their animal keep it between themselves idc. If its his way of expressing love to his pet, then whatever. Let him be
>someone bothered to make these
As much as I might hate America, but your thread is shit and so are probably you.
East coast then?
Don't forget your concealed carry permit, private!
at least my country hasnt been cucked beyond recognition
I would take waiting another hour to have your arm set in a cast over receiving a bill for $100k for a broken arm.
I have no mouth but I must scream
Kek. Saved.
>If its his way of expressing love to his pet, then whatever.
OP, everyone
This is now a (you) thread
>sips tea
Triggered americuck BTFO
Well why do you care so much what he does in his privacy?
Tell me, leaf, how I knew the OP would be canadian
Great story and videogame
I was literally reading this and thinking "Is it a leaf?" and it is. Like, I'm fucking 4/4 for today. You leafs are so fucking stupid and easy lmfao fucking stupid leaves.
Wild West was way cooler then you'll ever be. Get over it, fags.
no shit
>implying i need one for my hands you limp dicked snowback
Dude you're making us look bad c'mon man
Hows your police force? Ohh-oh...
check your flag mudslime
I could ask you the same question considering you started this thread
OP is literally defending Canada legalizing dog blowjobs
You literally have a child as your leader who just does whatever will make the most amount of people the quickest.
Literally Sugar President.
Baby Sugar Canada.
If you realized at in point in your shit culture, that you didn't need a culture, that could've been a culture, but you're a fucking leaf now so good luck.
American keks dropping in.
Once again, why do you care how an owner may express love to his pet? It's archaic to judge people based on the fact that they don't express love in a heteronormative manner.. If you read a book, maybe you'd understand.
Hmmmm really engages cognitive activity...
This can't be real.
Why do you get so triggered by how americans post on an american imageboard hosted in america?
It's archaic :^)
>less guns=less people being shot
why can't burgerturds understand this simple fact?
>inb4: switzerland like an amusement park for saudi bitches and retired cartel bosses with the population of a large city could be related to a real country
Bitch, my world scramble makes as much sense as your whole country.
America's hat is just one step away from America's bitch.
>nobody should mutilate his own infants
Why is our own territory making fun of us? Doesn't it know it has a lower population than California?
>taxes paying citizens should be entitled to free ealth and free education
You're replying to the thread you cuck. You're the triggered one.
>america is a continent
Yeah and you're the one who posted the thread in the first place, centered around your concern about what american posters do within their own homes :^)
>muh army, muh marines
>getting beaten by vietnamese farmers and afghani goatfuckers equipped with 50yo rifles
my sides
is that a drawing of slavoj zizek?
It's not
it's working great for mexico right?
it's me one last time... i need to hit the bars before last call...
>51 replies
i've made more replies on fucking /ck/
op is a fag
>Not realizing guns have been in America since its founding
>America is as big as Europe if not bigger
>Mexico sliding guns through the southern border illegally
>Corrupt politicians most probably doing illegal gun deals
>If we were to try and round up all guns now criminals would just keep theirs while complying citizens would get screwed over
>Black market has assloads of guns
>Rising globalist agenda aiming to defang the local population through false flags and corruption
>Niggers commit 50% of the murders in the US despite only being around 13% of the population
Do I need to spew more burger meat?
Burgers taste good? I have a six pack so why not eat tasty food?
Lol the fact that your ok with beastiality shows you've already lost. Only a matter of time before your allowed to show your "love" for your animal in public.
I baked this for you friend
>Not knowing what a ball is
Wew lad
Look at all of the big talkers. Internet badasses huh? Funny because I know for a fact that in real life you'd shoot me a smile, lower your gaze and keep walking.
I could spinning back fist at least two of you chuckle fucks at the same time and not even spill my beer. Keep talking online, it's cute. Really cute.
It's really painful to see Americans try and watch 'british' humor (their words) - they have no sense of irony, at all.
Canadian posting is like British humor to them. They think we're just really unfunny and they can't understand what's going on. Some part of their culture makes them irony blind
wtf i hate Americans now
get out of here you cuck
that's a fivehead.
OP = faglord
Well, I wouldn't have a big problem with that. We already see animal genitalia... What's the big deal? If I saw some guy expressing his love for his dog in public, how is that different from me kissing my wife on a date? Or hugging her son when he scrapes his knee? Love is love, deal with it.
Do you know how I can tell you have a shitty government job, that pays half of the Canadian equivalent?
Nice gif retard. You misquoted it. Stick to pasta and baking shit.
OP delivered
I really enjoy the America Canada conflict as we don't try to hurt each other's feelings, we just wave dicks (Canada is insecure of our dick size, because America has a big throbby cock (also a lot of venereal diseases)).
Annexation of Alaska when???
Post Canadian memes
The arrogant OP smirked quite jewishly
Your tripping egos are not an argument or bants
didnt trigger me, its so poorly drawn and autistic it made me laugh, keep it up OP
Is that from a show?
I think its working OP
don't you the different shots you mongoloid
Mission accomplished.
Please leave actual humorous shitposting to Australians thanks
We just have to handle the bantz and we'll be fine
Yo leaf, you entered your Trudeau sex toy for the day raffle yet? Great idea they had getting rid of a draft and just having your president fuck a random boy in the ass every day haha
You're a wannabe Australian.
It's a fucking Aussie flag leaf the Aussie is Aussie
Yes your country is very uncucked:^)
Amerifats, everybody.
After church tomorrow I think I will have a few burgers and then do some target shooting. I hope it's sunny because my motorcart is solar powered and last time I had to call that fat lady for assistance getting back to my car when the battery died. Made in China crap.
How's it feel having your mommy be our new slap hoe?
Yeah, the life of a gluttonous faggot like you sure is hard.
It's your mommy too, shit for brains. We'll have the last laugh, Americuck.
why are so many people butt hurt most of these are pretty funny and represent like 60% of Sup Forums users
I sometimes forget you're part of the commonwealth
Please after Truddy lets in another 1 million muzzies you can come down and have a nice burger and use my power scooter B)
sometimes we forget about you entirely