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I really don't think blm cares about jews.

This hack is still relevant in any way?

All in good fun

watcha doin' rabbi

There is probably some text he left out like "the goyim knows"

Hey Rabbi whatcha doin'

Jews can't handle a bit of weak banter, as usual.


Holy Allah pol, keep that shit here.

So did anyone actually send these? Or are they just false-flagging to smear all Trump supporters? I don't suppose it matters but I'm curious.

What makes him think it was a Trump supporter? Like the entirety of africa and the middle east hate Jews.

(((Dana Schwartz)))

Hey Rabbi

oy vey it's annudah shoah


Now is the time to up the pressure and isolate them further. They cried anyway back when we were totally polite.

So fuck it. It's culture war.


>still relevant
when was he relevant?

Even if it was true;
>not just ignoring it
>what are "sticks and stones"
>"turn off your computer and just walk away"

Sure, I sent them.

Better now?

The Jewing is just getting started lads.
You really think they're gonna let Trump win?

Trump is not anti-semitic Hitler fool.

His own daughter married an Orthadox Jew.

a middle eastern muslim getting shot in the head???

No shit but does that matter?
The (((media))) says he's Hitler

woah she looks like the low impact Australian man

don't be rude goy.

this :)

>Is this making America great again

No but it's a start.

>Is this making america great?

please don't tweet this to him and say, "no, this is making america great again"

please don't

don't do it


Came here to post this.

photoshop should be illegal, distorted and warped morbid images like this shouldn't be allowed to be made or distributed


Filthy kikes are worried about someone sending them a picture but want to import of Muslim fundamentalists who believe it is their religious duty to genocide them and will actually do it.

how are you not supposed to catcall when this blob of pure sex comes wobbling in your direction?

these feminists demand too much

Never been a hug fan but him cutting a wrestling promo selling him attacking Lena Dunham was pretty lulzy.

>watch out fascists

We're about to wake up all Gentiles of all races to what is going on. The Jews will not be content until they've mixed us all and destroyed all of our homelands.

>blob of pure sex

Comedians can't take a joke now?


Eh he was always d- list but still getting work. Remember seeing him on celebrity poker, those shitty vh1 best of lists, and he had his own show for awhile. God that show was shit



>stormfags throw shit at j00s
>why do j00s keep throwing it back?

Here, let me spoonfeed the explanation for you.

>turn off your computer and walk away
is the standard advice supplied by the 卍twats卍 sending this shit.

卍trumpists卍 send insulting imagery to you because they want you to stfu. Your options become:

STFU and reward 卍them卍.

Shitpost about it and piss 卍them卍 off.

Keep in mind that standard advice from animal trainers is
>don't reward misbehavior

he had a career but he was never relevant. he's just another heeb crybaby starving for attention.


Its true though that some of the twitter autists need to learn to use a little finesse

Any normal person who sees that pic is not going to take it as a joke. You need to be more subtle

Why does this Jew have the exact same face as Ben Shapiro? Are (((they))) growing (((them))) in vats?

God bless Assange

Thicc as fuck

Oy vey! (((We))) are being accused of constantly organizing and spreading propaganda! How can we organize and spread propaganda to stop this?

He made it to D list status with his work on I love the 70s/80s/90s. His career only exists because he's Jewish and has Jew connections though. Unfunny and untalented.

It doesnt matter if they cant paint all his supporters as anti-semites.

those are fake

I'm sorry, are you implying that showing power levels on a normie social media site might hurt our image? Are you telling us we should CENSOR ourselves? Maybe (((you))) are part of the problem!

>Any normal person who sees that pic is not going to take it as a joke.

It was never intended to be one.

You all need to hide your Trump power level, change your avatar to a black person or typical Bernie Bro for strategic shitposting

i thought ben signed all of his pictures

That's irrelevant since there's nothing wrong with the images.

>willingly become a deceitful internet shill

You're scum.


God I love you guys.

It wasn't JEWS who decided to give Eastern Europe to Stalin, then invade Austria, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Estonia, France, Greece, Hungary, Illyria/Jugoslavia, Lithuania, Moravia1, Norway, Poland, Romania, Switzerland (Mad Adolf wanted to go in but was talked out of it), Tunisia, and Ukraine. It also wasn't JEWS who decided to give everything east of Berlin back to Stalin at the end.

Now you're arguing that we should let your team get a chance to trash America the way they did every time they got power in Europe and Africa? You lost then and you'll lose now. How about you save time and just GTFO my country? There are lots of nice unoccupied houses surrounded by caution tape in Bosnia, you can try to fix one up and shitpost from there for a while.

1Yes, I know Moravia is a subdivision.

it's very telling they know who the bearded figure is
It may seem strange to you but in that context 95% of people would just see some ugly bearded guy.

Anyone have the image of the black dude with a white wife complaining that people keep editing in a "creepy silhouette" or something to that extent?

Thanks, me too.

He's jewish? I now understand how this unfunny hack got work on television.

oyyyy veyyyyyy it's anudder shoah! :DD

looks a lot like this jew

The Balfour Declaration was conceived as a means of convincing Jew in these nations to get involved in the war.

If you look at social media you see real time examples of how easily Jews are manipulated by convincing them someone is anti-semitic.

A Jewish leaf even.

I like how he includes "anti Trump" in there, just in case anyone thought this was actually real and not the 7 millionth example of Jews attacking themselves and then crying out in pain


>tfw some user's contribution from another country's chan is relevant


no shit nigger

How is it that comedians are the most unfunny people on twitter?



>implying this isn't a DNC false flag

>the Jews were TRICKED into thinking the Axis was anti-Semitic

Uh huh. What drugs are you on? I ask because I want to make sure I never take them.

> I haven't gotten mtv residuals in twenty years and the dvd isn't selling HALP.

Guess we can expect him on a dozen unfunny podcasts now.


Maybe burqas aren't such a bad idea...

Which one of you doltz did this?

lmao, pic related


Eh, while self-harassment and false flags can occur, sincere harassment is a lot more common.

Also, we're kind of on to the scheme where you send a bunch of harassing shit to some chick, then announce that the fact that she's talking about your harassing shit is proof that she faked it. Your shills reused it too much, too early in your attempt to undermine our culture.

alright which of you autist sent this email ?

Why would it be? Alt-right autists spam this kind of shit everywhere all the time.

I like Michael Ian Black and the whole Stella crew, but they really should know not to feed trolls. It's incredibly easy for 1 or 2 people to message a lot of people. It doesn't mean anything.

It's funny how the media called ww2 the second world war as it was happening. Hitler called it just a war, and the first world war he called the Great War



I find Lena interesting.

Usually there's something you can find decently attractive on a person. But Lena, she just has nothing going on. She's like a magnet that attracts "unremarkable". It's insane.

And she sort of looks like ChrisChan too.

>1 or 2 people.

This. There's at least 3 or 4.

Acknowledge it pol.

Jeb wouldn't even fuck her for a vote.

Only if this is a 'I love the 90s' episode