Why hasn't there been a film made about that time the Executive Office violated the constitution and fought an illegal...

Why hasn't there been a film made about that time the Executive Office violated the constitution and fought an illegal war in Central America, worked with drug smugglers to supply it, raised money for it from dictatorships and rightwing businessmen and evangelicals, and sold arms to Iran for additional funds?

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There was a movie called Kill the Messenger in which Jeremy Renner played the reporter who first broke the story, it was excellent.

Also, according to Google, Oliver North is working on an Amazon series about Iran-Contra with Colin Farrell as the lead.

>There was a movie called Kill the Messenger in which Jeremy Renner played the reporter who first broke the story,
oh shit I had no idea, thank you

No worries pal

>first broke the story
I fucking hate this myth
Webb wrote in 1996

Bob Parry and Brian Barger working first at AP and then Newsweek broke story of the guns for money for the contras in 1986
Leslie Cockburn had been covering the same topics and produced the PBS Frontline documentary Guns, Drugs, and the CIA
Alfred McCoy had a DECADE EARLIER written The Politics of Heroin about the CIA running drugs in Indochina to fund the Hmong and the French connection to fund strike breakers after WWII
It was updated in 1992 with new information on Central America and Afghanistan
Jonathan Kwitny wrote about the Nugan Hand Bank in Australia in the 70s just as Iran Contra was breaking and many of the same people had been involved in both
Other journalists wrote about things like the El Mozote Massacre in El Salvador and had their careers ruined for it

Yet all anyone talks about is some guy who comes along years later as if he broke a story

Try this on for size sucka
>PBS Frontline: Guns, Drugs, and the CIA

I just want Nolan to direct a dramatic reenactment of US marines' heroic liberation of Grenada.



Sorry for triggering you dude, meant nothing by it, and to be fair to the movie I'm fairly certain it covers the fact that other journalists had ventured down the same rabbit hole and either literally or metaphorically disappeared as a result.

Whatever the case, we can at least rest assured that their efforts weren't entirely in vain since it's now one of the world's most open secrets that the CIA is heavily invested in the illicit drug trade.

I do find it weird that people struggle so much to put two and two together when it comes to heroin and the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan, but I've got no doubt that the truth will out as it always does.


>In July 2000, Taliban leader Mullah Mohammed Omar, collaborating with the United Nations to eradicate heroin production in Afghanistan, declared that growing poppies was un-Islamic, resulting in one of the world's most successful anti-drug campaigns. The Taliban enforced a ban on poppy farming via threats, forced eradication, and public punishment of transgressors. The result was a 99% reduction in the area of opium poppy farming in Taliban-controlled areas, roughly three quarters of the world's supply of heroin at the time.[16] The ban was effective only briefly due to the deposition of the Taliban in 2002

>As had been the case in Indochina during the Vietnam War[36] the US invasion has in fact been causal in a massive increase in opium production, the aforementioned eradication efforts being largely window dressing. A SIGAR report showed a threefold increase in area under cultivation between 2002 and 2014

>opium declared un-Islamic in 2000
>world heroin supply reduced by 75%
>US invades a year later
>opium cultivation in Afghanistan breaks pre-Taliban records

Gets the old noggin joggin for sure

>played the reporter who first broke the story
>I'm fairly certain it covers the fact that other journalists had ventured down the same rabbit hole and either literally or metaphorically disappeared as a result.
Two journalists who covered the dirty war going on the rest of Central America had their careers ruined
After McCoy wrote his book he couldn't get a job anywhere in America, had to go to the Australian National University in Canberra to teach
Newsweek let Parry go because of his focus on Iran Contra, he then went to PBS and produced two documentaries about the October Surprise follow the NYT editorial on it in 1990 reopened the question
He then founded his own newsletter Consortium News which was the very first online news journal in 1995, still going to this day
Nothing happened to Cockburn or Kwitny

No one has disappeared

Communists deserved worse desu

>people who disagree with me must die

>lol I don't care if I'm being assfucked while my government does massively immoral and illegal things, including things that harm their own citizens, if those stupid commies get fucked too
You are without a doubt, a fucking sheep. You willingly ingest massive amounts of propaganda designed to defend the current economic and geopolitical system and actually call yourself redpilled while calling others cucks.


chill out bro

It wasn't specifically directed at his funpost, just at all the other Sup Forumstards who unironically think like that.

Do you know the first thing about what was going on?
The Somoza family dictatorship had ruled Nicaragua for decades across three generations
(Rather like the Kims in North Korea)
A popular revolt overthrew them
They weren't communists
That is the technical Washington term for anyone who resist the Washington consensus for the function of the third world: supplying the first world with wealth and resources
If someone defies this and gets the funny idea of using the nations wealth for internal development and raising living standards - then they are dubbed a communist, and the floodgates are opened on them

It was a tense period of time with the world at the constant edge of nuclear war.

It's funny how people able to look at the past with 20/20 hindsight can insist that the US should've had a more nuanced take on revolutionary movements in the Third World, while simultaneously viewing the US as some evil ogre that really wasn't much better than the USSR ("You are still lynching negroes")

and you unironically ramble angsty shit about le unwoke sheeple, so shut the fuck up

No it wasn't
There was détente
But then America abandoned that resumed militarism and threatening Russia

And it was the aggressor

Went to war against Central America
Aiding the friendly dictators of El Salvador, Guatemala, Colombia, Honduras, and supporting mercenaries fighting against Nicaragua
Aiding the mujahideen in Afghanistan tear the country apart
Aiding South Africa fight against Angola

Educate yourself

Because Hilary and Bill Clinton would be main roles, as would Jeb Bush. All 3 were involved.

Heartbreak Ridge

I lived through it and we knew what they were doing was wrong. No hindsight required. The excuses you are making for that administration's decisions are tenuous at best. Yeah the cold was was happening but that doesn't mean we didn't know right from wrong.

>violated the constitution

But he's right

>Bubba was responsible for Iran contra

When you mainline the national review

>Boland Amendment
>Congress has the power of declaring war

did he send a lot of troops?


>Boland Amendment
not part of the Constitution

AKA the modus operandi of communists. it was preemptive self defense.

because every president since the start of the cold war did it?

No, the national security council fought it by proxy with mercenaries and funding raised from rightwing businessmen, evangelicals, dictators, and selling arms to Iran, it was supplied by the old boys network of veterans of Air America from Vietnam

>we have to defend ourselves against a peasant population of 15 million people, half of whom are under the age of 18

>educate yourself

really putting the wew in wew lad


yeah - thats not engaging in war

if you are looking for illegal presidential wars with no authorization by congress you should look at kosovo and libya where us forces were fighting for longer than 60 days in violation of the war powers act

It is
They also mined Nicaraguas harbor
Which was one the charges brought against the USA when Nicaragua sued in in the International Court of Justice
The USA was found guilty of "the unlawful use of force for political gain"
That's the definition of terrorism incidentally

"They" mined Nicargua's harbor.

Again that was not the US military.

The CIA funded mercenaries to do that.

That's not war.

Nor is it unconstitutional.

This. Neoliberalism is almost as evil as communism

The CIA doesn't have frogmen. It was navy SEALS

It is war and it is unconstitutional because it is an act of aggression, which is a war crime

Two reasons:
1. Hollywood likes to make movies with a clear protagonist
2. NuHollywood has an agenda because it's butthurt over 2016.

Undue American interventionism transcends party politics, something which is unfortunately valued above all else these days thanks to mass media selling out.

To do a credible piece about it, you would have to make it either a documentary focused on ideological geopolitics, or a modern Greek tragedy that focused on the temptation to hegemony that comes with rising to be a great power.

I would've expected the French or Germans to have made such a piece, but they've disappointed.

>The CIA funded mercenaries to do that.
No, the national security council was funding the contras
And the contras did not have frogmen trained in underwater demolitions
The navy SEALS do however

>need a protagonist
Bob Parry, Leslie Cockburn, others
Hell you could get Cockburns daughter to play her
>if you disagree with me you have an agenda

Nothing's as evil as communism. Maybe fascism or baathism.

>hired mercenaries

cia funded actions that use non-citizen guerillas and mercenaries are acts of espionage and not war

an act of aggression is not unconstitutional - even when it involves the US military (ie. the war powers act)

you really need to get a handle on basic terminology

an act of agression is not ipso facto a "war crime"

>it's a Sup Forumsshits argue about history they barely understand episode
These are always so tedious, what else is on

I was talking about American interventionism as a whole fampai, not specific examples by themsleves, (though a miniseries detailing all of them in the greater context would be goat). It deserves its own history

>if you disagree with me you have an agenda

Why do you do this? You get defensive for no purpose. What's your end-game?

every war the US has fought since the civil war has been a war of american interventionism

there's plenty to choose from

Grenada was a pretty just war tebehe.

>American interventionism

FDR may have had an irrational hatred for G*rmans, but we didn't declare war first.


~120 casualties including civilians

Rumble then.

a war germany declared because it was bound by treaty with its ally, japan

japan, which attacked the us at pearl harbor in response to us naval expansion deep into the pacific ocean