>Wonder Woman isn't a cuti.......
Wonder Woman isn't a cuti
doesnt even look like gadot
I'm so sick of this retarded meme fuck off
Just say your opinion
>Just don't let her take the hat off......
Hateful, rat-faced kike.
She is though.
> Cutinite is a liptinite maceral formed from terrestrial plant cuticles, and often found in coal deposits.
> Cutinute is found in coal
>reddit memes don't get posted on 4cha-
For Christ's sake Lois, you're the one that needs glasses.
ITT: Post better Wonder Womans than Gadot
>implying you wouldn't be her goytoy
She's plenty cute, but that's a shitty quality for Wonder Woman to have. Cute is for kids, she's supposed to be a commanding and intimidating beauty. Instead, we have this.
butt blasted Sup Forumsestinian faggot
triggered kike/shabbos goy scum
I wouldn't, but I like attractive chicks.
go back to your sandbox faggot.
>>Wonder Woman isn't a cuti.......
Cute is a new meme for Skeleton now?
her bones are thicc
No, she looks like a man
Wonder Woman needs to be a curvy woman
Not him but I think she's qt and I'm Arab and I hate Zionism.
only if u love bones
First trangender to play a female super hero?
go back to russia, ovendodger
fucking 8 inch high heels cant fix her man arse
This is
T HIC C for DCcuks
wow that drawing on the right really convinced me you fucking retard
Yes man, she can't act!!
>Her headshape isn't weir-
>looks nothing alike
>conchita wurst isn't even a tranny, just a dude drag
Fail harder nigger
Did you see the new TV spots? They actually made a dozen Amazons jump in that scene, looks even funnier
Daily remember lazy Skeleton
She will wear those glasses for 2 minutes before breaking them on the alley scene, so what's the point? They can't even do her alter ego right.
I think he meant that the 2 might be men
Wonder Woman is a QT, but the movie is still gonna be shitty.
But she is.
Muh dick
I am acting!
She really has to stop putting her hair in a bun.
*inhales deeply*
Meanwhile in Marvel...
Damn now I have to
Okay you start
Her and Charlize should of had a impromptu arm wrestling match during that film.
4ft tall
when will womanlets ever learn?
Marvels Jewfu is top notch tbqh just look at those two
kek what the fuck is that guy in the background holding up?
Dude i can tell you she is wonder woman
You just have to be at least 10 feet within her
[Spoiler]BBBRRRRRRRAAPPPPP[/spoiler] to know this is true.
Will she look passable or like shit in the WW premiere?
I expect they will use a hologram like they did for that Tupac performance that one time.
I have some bad news for you...
hateful rat faced kike