Theres still time left. Tell Trump to #FencePence and veep Lambright

Mike Pence is the wrong VP choice for Trump. Only Wayne "the face of Sup Forums" Lambright can help Trump win.
>entrepreneur (REAL entrepreneur unlike Drumff)
>the face of Sup Forums - meme magick
>braodbased mainestream appeal
>#BlackLivesMatter supporter
>will win California for Drumpf

Drumpf should #FencePence and pick Lambright.

Other urls found in this thread:

Why haven't you killed yourself yet?

Hey Lambright, post a pic so we know it's you.

Maybe you shouldn't call him Drumpf.

Why hasn't Drumpo made you VPOTUS yet?
Is that because you haven't tried.
Don't knock people who are at least trying to change the world. You're a kike slave.

I am a Wayne supporter, noy Wayne.
Thanks for the compliment tho. Wayne is pretty based.

Why not?


Lambright here.

I just woke from a nap. Ready for a whole night of killing off the haters.

Love this song!

Goyim is his game!



If only I could tell people the truth. FUCKING Revolution!

Fuck off Lambwright.

We all know you are CIA.

The cunt tweet I made.
I have been tweeting it. Getting lots of female friends.

You must get alot of rest with all that seroquel you take, right wayne? what's your dose at now?

stop forcing yourself you applepro beta male

What flag do you stand with? You can only choose one!

Imagine a politician that has the balls to say "Fuck Israel". I'm that politician.

I have two mac's and 6 pc's
What you talking about faggot?

If the shit heads are going to shit on me I'm leaving.

My numbers are up.

Hillary poison pill

Hillary and bones

Most scary team.

Hillary and Cruz for jews

Welcome to our pool

Imagine if this was real. Damn. 4th Riche

Sad truth is that Trump is a shill for Hillary

I made that last summer, before trump was a sellout.

I learned for outdoor growing you need to put them in a greenhouse here in California and with stoners loving domes I figured to make bank off it.

Getting it all lined up.

Sell for about 1000-1400

I want you to imagine saying "FUCK ISRAEL" on your twitter and facebook.

It's liberating.

copy my logo and do it. let them know you're not their GOY/BOY


Only a man who does what he wants is FREE

Living the dream.

>Using "Drumpf"
>Not killing yourself

Freedom! Taste it while you still can! Trump does. You should too!

>cannabis domes

should just call it the shit-gloo because thats all it ever will be.

It's best you ask my brother Kevin Lambright Maple works, Montclair CA.

What's your name on twitter?

Come fuck with me.


a nerd like you probably never even touched cannabis

Donald Trump's Presidential qualifications:

Obama is against Trump... Check
The Media are against Trump... Check
The establishment Democrats are against Trump... Check
The establishment Republicans are against Trump... Check
The Pope is against Trump... Check
The UN is against Trump... Check
The EU is against Trump... Check
China is against Trump... Check
Mexico is against Trump... Check
Soros is against Trump... Check
Black Lives Matter is against Trump... Check
Move On is against Trump... Check
Bushes are against Trump... Check
Planned Parenthood is against Trump... Check
Hillary & Sanders are both against Trump... Check
Illegal aliens are against Trump... Check
Islam is against Trump... Check
Hateful, racist, violent Liberals are against Trump… Check


It seems to me, Trump MUST BE the Best Qualified Candidate we could ever have. If you have so many political insiders and left wing NUT CASES all SCARED TO DEATH, that they all speak out against him at the same time!


He's not a Lifetime Politician... Check

He's not a Lawyer... Check

He's not doing it for the money... Check
He's had real jobs outside of government....Check

He's a Natural Born American Citizen born in the USA from American parents.

Bonus points!

Whoopi says she will leave the country...

Rosie says she will leave the country...

Sharpton says he will leave the country...

Gov. Brown says California will build a wall...

Cher says she will leave the country...

Cyrus says she will leave the country...

The Constitution and the Bill of Rights will prevail...

Hillary will go to jail...

The budget will be balanced in 8 years...

Americans will have first choice at jobs...

You will not be able to marry your pet...

You will be able to keep your gun(s) if you qualify... (Not a criminal, etc.)

Only Live, Human, American, Registered, Citizens can vote...

You can have and keep your own Doctor...

You can say what you want without being called a racist...
