Hollow Man (2000)

What would you do if you were in his position?


shitpost on Sup Forums

i wouldnt rape
just kidding haha!!!


take a shit in people's food and wipe my butthole on their scarves

>What would you do if you were in his position?

Go back in time and prevent myself from ever watching Hollow Man

probably live in terror of being caught and experimented on and live an even more reclusive life

I'd fart in people's faces at the mall

did he even rape? Thought he just went to his waifus house at night and looked at her boobies while she slept

Not gone down the fucking well I guess also drive the fuck home I guess.

he raped Rhona and groped the redhead.

If it were me, I'd go for that Shue. Probably lay off the coffee and twinkies tho.

aren't you worried about invisible flecks hitting their face?

Catch hypothermia


you can't really do much if you think about it besides rape and murder

you could stalk female celebs and leak pics online of them

but the phone would still be floating around

Watch my wife get spit roasted by 3 big black cocks but never live through the shame of her knowing I was there watching.

there are cameras small enough to palm user

sneak into their house while invisible and take pics while they sleep. hide phone in asshole.

so if you cover it with your palms is invisible?
in that case you could steal things, as long as you could store them in your ass


punch random people on street would be fun. also groping hot women. and of course like kevin bacon break into their house and rape them. standard stuff

Just palm a credit card and buy stuff online

rape someone

and shit in the sidewalk


i wonder if typing would be hard with invisible hands

nootka... sound?

The eye thing would drive me crazy eventually.


I'd be blind because your eyes need light reflecting off your corneas in order to function, and having invisible eyeballs defeat the point of invisibility.

Take vitamin D pills.

if youre going to rape her whats the point of her being of legal age

>not being able to touch type

Become a spooky ghost.

>live in empty houses
>scare the shit out of new owners
>wait until the "professionals" get called in
>move on letting them think they accomplished something
>repeat with the next empty house

I would also reveal myself to the most aware "professional" (the one who realizes his skill is scamming people and does it well) and work together to make loads of cash.

So close.

I'd rape Rhona Mitra.


Yeah I'd do this.


shitpost about it on Sup Forums obviously.

steal money, rent a house in the woods, then shitpost all day

I would pet cats and watch their cute faces when they will be like "wtf, who pet me just now?", haha

So if he jizzed on someone's face when invisible, would the spunk become visible or stay invisible? Would the person feel it but not see it.

I'd sneak into some celebs apartments and start taking lewd pictures of them with their own phones when they don't realize and at night post them on their twitter accounts.

i would rape my girlfriend

Same thing as any superpower. Figure long and hard how to use it to build an huge financial empire and then use that to quietly fund revolutions, leading to bigger power plays, and on and on.
Really any "power" is best used to leverage other powers to an infinite end.

there's some hentai where the guy is invisible and the spunk is visible but its not permanent, watched it thinking that the guy is going to be arrested after semen samples are taken.

Look at this faggot

Masturbate even more

Assassinate corrupt politicians. Also fascists and communists.

this 100%

Haunt a movie theater. Plenty of food, movies and chicks there.

Assuming I could still see because we're not joyless faggots like I'd rape and murder so much. Like, there'd need to be a new term for the amount of raping and murdering I'd do.

i would fuck wonder woman

I'd become a spy.


Rape definately

i'd become user and be forever alone

kill people, rape people, kill then rape people, stalk camwhores etc

jerk off to people while they're doing their chores then see their reaction once they found out cum on them

> Also fascists and communists.
fascists there aint no fashos anymore. its what commies call patriotic people

Home row usually has small bumps on each side.

Post diicc pics on Sup Forums

Rape everything

>get a glass needle
>get rat poison
>go to an antifa protest
>stab every commie
repeat it

I'd do this but with hiv positive blood

Become a ghost writer

go to any lefty latenight show and yell nigger in their microphones. Same thing by every starshit set

>stalk seth mcfahrlane
>kick him at least 10 times a day in his balls

Make the same thread and ask for ideas. Are you invisible op?

Samefag itt xD and no one would notice :D

Trololololo hahhahahaha :D

This Kevin Bacon guy sounds like a real jerk.

travel the world for free
see wildlife since i can't be harmed by predators
kill some terrorists and politicians

I bet you could find some influential Spirit Cookers to think you are some kind of god.

They can hear you, smell you and some snakes can 'see heat'

When the invisible man has to poop at what point does the poop become visible
Is it only after it leaves the anus or is it when it's fully formed in your colon meaning that when you have to poop people can see your floating turds

Why such hatred for the left-handed?

In "Memoirs of an Invisible Man" he would quickly digest food and it would turn clear when it left his body.

Destroy every capeshit movie set

Become pusy slave of emma roberts

By no circumstance would I want to keep myself a secret, as soon as I do that, the danger of being killed accidentally or caught to be experimented on increases, so I'd be quick to shout about my invisibility to any form of media outlet willing to lend me an ear.
Then I'd move somewhere sunny, star in porn, there's a definite market for an invisible man in the POV sector, and beyond that, maybe as a practical effects actor for both films and theatre.

>travel the world for free
Is the only one I'd consider, and then only if I had some invisible clothes/was immune to the elements.

I'd just take shits every where

>invisible clothes
you mean naked?

I think I just will kill people

No, like I was wearing clothes when turned invisible that got invisible with me. Don't want to die because of hypothermia while travelling.

i would leak nudes of all world presidents kek

then i would kill all world presidents and create anarchy

Go to high schools and put my penis in qt girls poopers.


ITT people forgot that thermal imaging exists

Would help the world by offering my services to the police. Scare criminals while stealing something. Break into homes of suspicious people who watch certain things online and catch them.

>I'd suck the tits off her

>Dies from snakebite

Probably move to LA and live in famous peoples houses.

yeah bro, like everyone uses those these days, like you can't go out in the street and not get watched with thermal goggles and such, so cool, let's fukken watch game of thrones bro, i fucking love it, you like tyrion? i dirnk and i know things, ahhahaha so fucking great

But you don't look invisible on thermal, just a naked man walking down the street.