So why does Sup Forums love this guy....?

So why does Sup Forums love this guy....?


Because he is not an open border cuck or a criminal.

He's our last, best hope to turn this nation - and western society - around.

He knows he's the last bastion of hope for whites. He knows our demographic is shifting and Islam is invading slowly. He knows mexicans are creating an irreversible demographic shift and are sponsored by marxist jews hoping to turn this country into a welfare state that can be controlled with victim politics.

He knows.

because he makes you mad


Can you imagine if 2012 Sup Forums got ahold of this thread and saw future Sup Forumsacks worshipping the host of the Apprentice as the savior of Western civilization

>not a criminal


Because he's not afraid to put his country first and be proud of it

People are tried of being told what the "correct" opinion is - what people see in Trump is how people use to feel about their nation

search his name, watch the triggering that ensues.

Prove it

Why is his slogan "Make America Great Again" when America was never great...?

Shilling and memes aside, folks. What do you actually like about him? Why do you think he's going to change anything?

He's your last chance yanks

2012 Sup Forums would tell all of you faggots to stop memeing, learn actual arguments and get the fuck off this board and head back over to Reddit, /r9k/ and FunnyJunk.

He is retard just like Sup Forums

Because he's gonna bring down america.

He sends liberal cucks and kikes into butthurt tantrums.

Don't you have some muzzies to kill or something?

Because he says he is for nationalism over globalism and believes the nation state is the key to peace and harmony. Sup Forums is willing to take the risk and promote Trump on that alone.

Dude, early 2015 Sup Forums would have laughed it's ass off. Even I would have balked at the idea. Yet here I am, hailing Donald fucking Trump as the last chance of western civilization.

It's a sad, but true testament to how far we have fallen. Thank god he knows what's up. Thank god he's uncucked the Republican party and spoken the words that need to be said.

Hail the fucking God Emperor. Disguised as a jester for years, he pulled back his cap and showed his mane. Stabbed the king in the heart and roared MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.

Well the majority of us here are while males who see SJW/feminism/PC as a threat to our lives and feel pretty fucking powerless and belittled, this man empowers us like you have no idea.

SJW detected. Pic related, literally you.

I remember being here in 2012 and literally talking about how Trump was not going to be in the running against Obama, when he was thinking of it back then, saying he was a democrat in disguise, that he wanted the presidency for selfish reasons, and that none of it mattered because of the meteor coming on 12/21/12

Now that i know Trump is literally doing it because he loves this country, I would die for him. I would fucking die at his command.

The wall just got 10 ft higher

He has become Kek, destroyer of memes


>implying he'll do anything about SJW's other than make them fatter and angrier

He's racist like us, or at least has goals in line with ours


You're a tool.

Because he is Sup Forums


Sup Forums is a board for losers and likewise, they like losers.

Definitely not a Hillary supporter.
But whatever, user.

Like i give a fuck about fuckin inmigrants, see my country flag, MEXICO motherfucker.

also true

He's politically incorrect.

Canada is a country for losers

You're in the right place then

So a butthurt Bernout? How's that fart-in at the DNC going, fampai. :^)

>Why do you think he's going to change anything?
Because he's not a cuck.

Not a Bernie supporter. Try again.

I don't. It's just literal paid shills. They keep claiming Trump hasn't spent money on his campaign. That's false. He's just thrown it all down the drain of 4book.

Because he actually gives a shit about America.

If Trump is a loser then what the hell are you, leaf?

Stay there

>Someone was actually paid to type this
I'm sorry, brah.

Same. Someone on Fash the Nation recounted a story of some user who got a few minutes to talk to Trump. Apparently that user said "you realize you're the last hope for white America, right?"

And Trump replied:

...."I know."

Given the leaks, it's going to have to be escalated to a shit in.

look at how edgy and radical I am
this man will CHANGE things

>someone was paid to accuse me of shilling
CRT going in to overtime? Give it up, your party has been caught with their dicks in their hand and dirty money in the other. Fucking kike.

i don't like him.

Holy fuck, he looks young. It's been 8 years.... Jesus...


Name 1 country greater

Maybe you should elaborate

Not the topic at hand, user. Stick to my statement.

A God.

Cause Sup Forums is full of disenfranchised young idiots who can't find a waifu to put up with their horrible personalities and complimentary piss bottles

He will make America great again

Honestly I originally just liked him for the memes.

Now I realize he's actually one of the best things to happen to American politics in decades and we're absolutely blessed to have him.

who is that im uninformed guys

Only Dr. Trump can bring Hillary back to life.

>Republicrats are an anti-jew party
Step up your game or get a pay dock.

bell curve


because of who hates him

we will see his actions when he swears in to office

also he will remove kebab

Thought he was a meme at 1st, but that was all just an act

Slowly find myself agreeing with him about almost everything, something that's never ever happened in politics before

Asking that automatically makes you a newfag, you realize that right? You haven't been around in the past year to answer your own question.