The Problem With The New Samurai Jack

The episodes 1 and 2 establishes the daughters of Aku as this relentless, highly skilled death squad who are capable of pushing Jack to his limits. It seems like they're going to be a reoccurring threat with a great sense of dread behind them.

They are then unceremoniously killed off save for Ashi. Ashi shakes off years of childhood trauma and indoctrination in 2 episodes. She doesn't even care in the slightest that Jack killed her sisters. She starts wearing flowers and adopts Jacks world view without any residual bitterness or emnity. Even when she kills her mother in ep 8 she doesn't emote in the slightest. Now she's the waifu of the man she was trained from birth to kill, a man who's actions directly resulted in the death of her family

There's a lot to like about the new season. It's just that Ashi's character development is terrible. She's gone from lawful evil to lawful good within such a small time frame it's laughable. To top it off she has no real discernible personality. I haven't seen her faults brought up but it's a significant problem imo. Jack having a female companion is great in theory. But the execution is bad.

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I mean, story and plot were never the show's strength. It was always about the art style and the action.

This. Ashi is great and she gets naked.

Take your virgin ass back to Vichy OP.

True. But they spend a great deal of time setting up Ashi and the daughters of Aku for a mediocre payoff.

The show is great

>Ashi getting naked twice this season
>All this sexual tension all episode long
>finally make out at end of episode

>Ashi voiced by Tara Strong


Haven't seen the first four seasons, is there a chance that they will get released on blu ray?

maybe around the same time or after the release season 5 on blu ray.

I didn't see any problem with that, Jack showed her the D and she converted, just like in real life.

It seems unlikely they'll release the old seasons on blu-ray in the near future.

The reason for such fast character development is because it's 10 episodes. If their were more planned episodes the character development would be better. But who knows maybe after this we will get Samurai Ashi or Samurai (enter Jack and Ashi's kid's name here)

This. You could start a /pol9k/ thread with that story and people wouldn't question it with the right setting (Syria, for example).

fair enough. But Ashi shouldn't have become sunshine and flowers. A hasty romance is fine if maybe they left the door open for Ashi to overcome childhood trauma. But as it stands now she's just a vapid waifu.

>spend your whole life being treated terribly and dealing with the most horrible abuse a child could be put through
>suddenly an attractive, kind person of the opposite sex treats you like you're worth it for the first time of your life
>I can't believe she changed sides so quickly guys

for real?

Again that's a fine arch if it had more time to develop. DBZ did something similar with Krillan and Android 18. But as it stands Ashi made a complete 180 in personality and overcame years of indoctrination in like a week.

not all people are the same and not all people who are brainwashed will take a long time to change sides

She was obviously kind hearted from the beginning and was obviously happy to let that part of her flourish

Would you really want to watch a full season of filler just to get to the point? As far as you know when she was looking for jack in that one episode months passed

When the totality of your existence heretofore has hate and aggression, the spiritual collapse needed to turn good is not undertaken lightly. You cannot have a redemption story arch for a character and not have a moment of temptation and indecision that shows they themselves have chosen a path.

Maybe I'm harping on this too much but all I ask is that if she doesn't run around in flowers and maybe she would be a little more prone to anger and aggression in contrast to Jack's level headedness.

No. But if the whole point of the sisters of Aku was for Ashi to shack up with jack we shouldn't have spent so much time on them. Like Jack and Ikra had a better arch in one ep since it conveyed a greater passage and time and had a better focus

>and maybe she would be a little more prone to anger and aggression in contrast to Jack's level headedness.

she literally is you blind twat

have we been watching the same show?

To each his own. My interpretation is that she really doesn't have much of a char. but that's an unpopular opinion I take it.

>To each his own

No, you're just wrong on that point and you don't want to admit you just said something dumb

jesus put a sock in it you cornball

She has absolutely zero character. She wasn't completely evil as a little girl, turned evil, changed her mind, then turned good. She has as much character now as she did when she was just saying "Praise Aku, Aku is great and good, Aku will smite you. Die die die!". She has no internal conflict after she changed her mind after she saw a butterfly, no real personality traits, no independent goals, and no actual opinions or beliefs other than "Jack good, Aku bad". She's shitty waifu bait that either should've died with the rest of her sisters or actually developed some type of character that wasn't "I'm cute and gotta find/save/love Jack".

Literally no way for me to disprove that. I thought It was a fairly innocuous point worth discussing: that the pacing was rushed and Ashi is universally lauded as Jack's waifu when maybe she shouldn't be. Samurai Jack has never had a constant companion before (reoccurring chars sure) and never one with a romance. Ashi was rushed to fit the mold.

>tfw gf

> mfw is assdevasted again for Ashi not being some butch lesbo or some shit.

* tumblr


How was the new episode? Looks like some people either really liked it or really hated it.