Why don't jedis turn off their opponents lightsabers by force pressing the button?
Why don't jedis turn off their opponents lightsabers by force pressing the button?
defending against that is a low-level force process which is always running
no idea how general grievous can fight force users though
It doesn't have an off button, only the on button they have to keep pressed to keep the blade up.
That's why when someone sends the others lightsaber flying it doesn't stay on and slicing everything in its path.
>reach for button
>get hand cut off
Good idea OP, why didn't knights just try and grab the sword out of their opponents hand?
why don't they use the force to push the blade back in?
we know force can be used to control blaster bolts, why not lightsaber blades?
He isn't a robot. He coughed to show he was humanoid. I'm sure there's a bullshit star wars wiki article on it.
Vader threw his saber in V and VI.
I think Anakin ignited Obi-Wan's before he caught it when he was fighting Dooku in II as well.
Sure, but he's not force sensitive.
His heart was actually a transplant from a Jedi.
it is explained in a Stupendous Wave video on youtube
something about grievous using intimidation and agressive blows just being all over the place so the force users cant concentrate
How do lifesavers even work? Shouldn't the blade just keep going on forever?
He was force choking the handle
Why don't they just crush heads with the force?
Good thing they made this shit non-canon. Oh, wait.
So... he was a Jedi at heart?
Or force choke them? Or cause an aneurysm? Or stop their heart? I guess that would be bad sportsmanship.
so uncivilised
What blade? They're for rescuing drowning victims you ignoramus
default processes
no idea why general grievous' organs could not be instantly crushed in a fight with a force user, though
>default processes
>tfw grievous is default process
>he thinks they're called lightsabers
obviously it's lifesaver, it saves your life (from other lifesavers),
>go at your opponent aggressively, to the point in which they're just defending
>turn your saber off mid swing
>quickly turn it back on once it's past their guard
Lightsaber fights make no sense if you actually think about all the ways you could game them.
>Lightsaber fights make no sense if you actually think about all the ways you could game them.
They would, but not as depicted in the movies, though the prequel are especially ridiculous.
If George Lucas hadn't sold out he would have been willing to edit new tactics into the films.
>sold out
wtf is that supposed to mean? If he didn't sell out, there wouldn't be any new films at all.
An independent filmmaker selling all of his IP to a giant multigenerational corporation is what I meant by selling out
And? My point still stands, which means that if he didn't sell "all of his IP to a giant multigenerational corporation," there wouldn't be films to "edit new tactics" into. That's my point. How could this have not been clear? What how would these "new tactics" relate to his point? Lightsaber fights would not have become more realistic, or perhaps they would, because just about anything would be more realistic than what was in the prequels.
You don't seem to have the capacity to understand what I've posted at all. George Lucas wasn't forced to sell his enterprise due to financial hardship. He chose to do it. Also, during his tenure as master of the Star Wars IP, he freely edited his publications according to new standards of the time.
Are you a woman or a child? I otherwise don't understand how someone could make a reply so ignorant and dumb to me.
And as I've said, the movies wouldn't not be made if he didn't sell out. When I said
> If he didn't sell out, there wouldn't be any new films at all.
How did you interpret that statement? Lucas, as he has said many times, intended to never, ever make an Episode VII, or another trilogy, or whatever, which it explains what I said.
Why dont they force crush the hilt instead?
The prequels were a (massive) financial success. Your argument has no basis and you've provided no evidence for it. Fuck off, stupid.
>The prequels were a (massive) financial success.
>if a movie is successful, the filmmaker intends to eventually make a sequel to it
That's very specious reasoning and there's plenty of examples that contradict it. Instead of reasoning from this, you should have just asked me when he said he wouldn't make another Star Wars movie, in which I would have posted this link, (as I'm doing now):
TO REPEAT: The prequels were a (massive) financial success. This is a statement which is true, not reasoning. Any reasoning is implied.
The prequels were a (massive) financial success. Fact.
And? What's the relevance or what conclusion are you trying to draw from that fact?
>he admits that the prequels being a (massive) financial success is a fact
because its actually magnetically contained plasma with a retractable ceramic core
Have you seen how slow lightsabers turn on and off?
>it doesn't stay on and slicing everything in its path
>what is saber throwing
So I'll admit that, but what is the relevance to this post ? If you're going to pretend to be retarded at this point, it's not going to work because it's obvious that you're pretending and the reason you're pretending, which is that you basically misread what I said that conflated your original point and are trying to incoherently dodge what I said.
Get a room you flaming faggots
*confuted your original point
That maneuver would just end up with their blade inside your guard as well. It's a bad idea and you should feel bad.
That's when the user deliberately force-pushes the button.
Hence why I said attack aggressively so they're just defending your strikes rather than striking back.
Similar to how Anakin aggressively attacked Obi-Wan who primarily defended. If you did it quick enough you'd land yours before they could react to counterstrike.
George changes his mind all the, he was planning on doing the sequel trilogy before he sold star wars to disney. shut the fuck up you little faggot.
Can you get a source for this? I know he wanted to collaborate withe Disney, which came to nothing because they realized all of George's ideas were shit, but I wasn't aware he wanted to make another trilogy.
Nope, you are wrong. Another millenial faggot who doesn't even watch the OT. Vader throws his saber at Luke in RotJ full blade.
This shit would make more sense if the blade was controlled via the Force and there was no on/off button.
That would explain why non-Force users don't use lightsabers.
But whatever, Star Wars is just convoluted as hell and back.
We know that J.J. Abrams is a queef.
He used the Force to keep the button pressed.
I hope you never get into a real fight because that tactic, even though it is with fantasy weapons, would end in your death. Bad idea man
You three are dumbasses. It's child's play to hold down the button with the force. Fucking retards. Try not being a blithering moron for once.
>non-Force users don't use lightsabers
Han and Finn used Anakin's lightsaber.
I said nothing about holding down the button. I just watch the movies. You are fucking wrong in saying that light sabers don't stay powered up when they a thrown. Vader does in the original trilogy. I'm not an ultrafag like you who needs some kind of scientific explanation.
Better yet: why not use a gun?
Pretty sure its a well established thing in SW canon that non force users can barely handle a lightsaber if at all
Because guns are for fags and jedi can deflect gunfire with laserswords.
No it's not. Just some stupid fan fiction shit in some stick EU novel that is no longer canon probably.
Han Solo and Finn use a lightsaber just fine. It's just not as efficient without the ability to have force reflexes.
Why isn't a shotgun a thing>
Why dont jedi use the force to stop the guns triggers from being pulled?
>General Grevious
Sit down faggot
How does one even program a background process in the force?
Han cut open a Tantan. A non force user shouldn't be able to use one in combat without killing themselves or at least severing limbs. One of the many stupid things in VII
How fucking hard is it to use a flashlight that can cut things? I bet even a nigger could do it.
No, because you don't know that Finn isn't force sensitive. Even if he doesn't have any, he's been trained in melee combat like other first order troopers. You won't kill yourself with a lightsaber. It's just a balanced sword with a laser blade. Just don't cut yourself.
>even a nigger could do it
Case in point. The only special addition here is the colorblind adjustment.
Have you seen him fight Obi?
Grievous got his ass annihilated.
mace dindu went out the windu
Wrong the new movies were in production before lucas sold the ip
lol no they were not. Lucas had some fucking notes from like 1980 with scribbles of his ideas. Nothing more.
Let me make this very clear: I like George Lucas, he's my favorite film maker of all time. However he did NOT have things all written out since the beginning. He had rough ideas that constantly changed with every film.
>I like George Lucas, he's my favorite film maker of all time.
You don't have to validate your opinion here, user; this isn't /r/eddit
And was he intending to make them alone?