When you treat inmates like animals, they will come out as animals.
When you treat inmates like animals, they will come out as animals.
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if you break the law once you should be shipped out of america. breaking the law is pure degeneracy, same as drinking and smoking.
We treat our prisoners like animals because the vast majority of them are niggers and spic AKA animals.
You can't rehabilitate them when it's in their basic nature to be violent criminals. They just need to be locked away from civilized society so we don't have to deal with them.
Norways prison is full of whites. Americas is like the zoo full of monkeys.
>Implying the majority don't go in as animals
>pic related
Besides, you can't expect a country like the United States with as high a population as it has to have prison systems as well as somewhere like Finland. Those prisoners in Finland probably have a better standard of living than a lot of people in America, not to mention how expensive it would be in taxes.
That idea only works when the criminals commit crimes of necessity, because they couldn't get a job due to a lack of skills.
It wouldn't work in the USA, where our criminals kill because some nigga was steppin' in on their territory, or because he saw Jamal with the newest pair of nike's and decided he deserved it more than Jamal did, or he sees a pretty girl and decides she has no choice but to spread her legs for him. Our criminals don't commit crimes because they need to, they do it because it's fun and it makes them REAL NIGGAS!.
Nigga all them fools in that pic are gangbangers, you give them more freedom and they will just make more shanks, order more hits and make it easy to conduct drug business. And they were gangbangers before going in, the jail didnt make them that way.
>they will come out as animals
Implying they go in as upstanding citizens
as if that matters. a lot of them are kids that went in for some hilariously small amount of party drugs, kids that might have had a chance at life. They go in innocent and come out murderers. It doesn't matter if "most" of them were already fucked up.
>The main focus of the prison system should be to reform criminals by means of education and rehabilitation so that they can ultimately integrate themselves back into society.
>So let's put them in a place where they're stripped of most of their basic human rights, locked up in tiny spaces for hours on end, and buttraped by other inmates on a regular basis.
American logic.
ywn watch Cenk do a seedy expose on the dark underbelly of homo rape between neonazi hispanic prison gangs
why even live
Redemption only comes if you want it. If you can't see why the law is punishing you you're a sociopath and deserve a fucking bullet instead of a cell. Fuck your clockwork oranges.
Yet most prisoners are in for stupidly small amounts of drugs for 5-10 they were using for themselves. It's almost all drug related offenses.
You think all 1 million prisoners in america is murderers and rapists?
Dense motherfuckers.
The prison system is fucked beyond all comprehension. Truth is, in the US it always has been fucked.
Impressionable, naive teenagers go in, gangbangers come out. t-tthanks US justice system.
>Truth is, in the US it always has been fucked.
In the 1800s our prison system was considered to be so revolutionarily humane and effective that the French sent Alexis de Tocqueville here to learn about it.
Of course, once he got here, he learned about much, much more.
Escape from New York would work great in reality. Prove me wrong.
I'm a firm believer in the 3 strike rule. 3rd strike you're either out of the country, or a bullet to the head. It all depends on how bad you fuck up.
> Lets put small time offenders under the tutelage of hard timers and career criminals guaranteeing better connected super criminals.
>The prison system is fucked beyond all comprehension. Truth is, in the US it always has been fucked.
Truth is that it's been fucked up since the prisons were privatized and they started getting paid per inmate. Prisons are basically just med-high sec hotels and hotels hate having empty rooms.
For doing drugs?
Too bad there isnt a way to avoid going to jail or something.... Really makes you think.
American system is way better and more cost effective.
Corollary: When people act like animals they will be treated as animals.
I do think most prison systems need to change though.
No one has the right to tell you what you can or cannot put into your own body.
Fucking bootlickers get out god damn. You don't belong here.
It's just icing on the cake. It was fucking awful and got even worse when the war on drugs was launched filling the prisons to bursting, constantly up to even this day.
That didn't last long, and despite this information we also don't exactly have a great look into how prison was on average.
And the only reason it happened was because of continuing reports of catastrophes and the constant nagging of Dorethea Dix. There was an incident where 80 prisoners who were put in solitary confinement either went insane or committed suicide. In one prison.
Checks out
>american government
>cost effective policy
>Impressionable, naive teenagers go in, gangbangers come out. t-tthanks US justice system.
That could be improved. Teenagers go in... corpses come out.
>get arrested for downloading .mp3 file for free
>get deported
fug :DDD
Our house, our laws, our rules.
Doors right there if you dont like it.
They always act like these are poor innocent victims caught up in the justice system.
>He only had 3 crack rocks on him.
Who did he rob to get it?
US spending per prisoner is way lower than in any Nordic country dear satan.
>Faggot tier reply
Implying 'we' have any say. including you.
But keep shitposting fag.
>No one has the right to tell you what you can or cannot put into your own body.
And I don't want him putting holes in my body, to get shit to put in his.
>Sup Forums
(((1 post by this ID)))
Any say? Im a happy law abiding citizen who's doing well. U mad?
>Doing drugs
>Shooting people
One of these, is not the same as the other.
Also here's some great news, you can legally defend yourself because in this great nati- Err, in some of this great nation, you can carry a gun to defend yourself with.
Your argument, is fucking retarded.
Gonna ban anything because people are willing to kill for it? Fucking hell you're autistic.
I see you took my advice. :)
>Literally ignoring 2/3 of my post so you can continue bitching about free dope and how this place ain't like Amsterdam and Norway.
>literally ignoring 2/3 of your post that is only 13 words long
>Didn't even make any points to begin with
How many niggers in Norway?
This is retarded and would never work in the United States. In Norway do they have rampant drug use, and insane violence throughout the prison population? And if not, it's not because they give the inmates a college dorm room to live in.
Treat animals (niggers) like animals somehow an issue
Depends on the country and its laws. I am about to be charged with assault because I physically defended my property from some low life thief. I think I would be fine in the US, but in Europe 'citizens cannot preform policing work'... even though our capital city is filled with terrorist cells and our politicians are robbing the population
So here is the question: am I an animal or is the EU just a cucked hellhole. That motherfucker stole from me and I am about to be charged
People who have no clue what goes on inside of a prison eat this shit up. Inmates are master manipulators. They think of ways to do it all day long. How to get things they want. Of course they're telling the cameras that they're treated like animals because they know that's what the cameras want to hear.
Who is going to pay for it ?
>I want drugs, but have no money
>I know! I will rob a person that has money, then I can buy drugs!
>Oh no! While I was robbing this person, I also stabbed him. But at least I have money for drugs.
You think drug possession is the only crime these people commit? They will rob your ass, then kill you, just to get their shit. They will sell their kids into prostitution. You see them as victims, without seeing their victims.
Prison should be about removing bad people from society so that the good people can live in peace.
That should be its primary purpose.
And if the prisoner reoffends in a serious way on release, you lock them up for life or give them the option of death.
>white people can be rehabilitated
>niggers remain niggers in any environment
Why is this so hard for these cucks to grasp?
>literally all drug users are unemployed and willing to murder someone to get their fix.
This fucking meme..... You'd think there'd be 10s of thousands of deaths every day if this was the case.
Or we could actually treat them like animals and euthanize them.
I can hear the degeneracy in your voice.
You're trying to convince others that drug use is fine, even if it's illegal because you're not stealing and killing anyone for drugs?
You're cut from the same cloth.
just fyi, you know that's denmark and not norway, right?
I'm trying to say, as I said earlier (if you could read you'd notice it) that no one has the right to control what you can or cannot put into your body.
Whether or not drug use is a good or a bad thing doesn't come into it, you fucking nigger.
>Land of the free
The greatest meme of all is dying and it's thanks to faggot cucks like you.
just make them work.
and i mean hard.
like dig coal or in quarry with big hammer in hand.
Not all white people can
>Have older half brother
>56yo, been in/out of prison most of his life
>Shit they caught him for runs from possession with intent, burglary, GTA, etc
>Tells me about things he got away with
In a just world he would have been popped in the head, and thrown in the hole.
Garbage in garbage out
you should start reseaching stuff before you austim spikes up
There are laws in this nation all must follow.
How hard is it to wrap your head around that?
Bitching on a stormfront moped racing forum isn't going to change the fact that if you break a law, you are punished.
>Land of the free.
I can't believe for 3 generations myself and my father's side fought and die for our constitution so you have the "freedom" to shit on what should or should not be free.
Fuck you..
I hope every drug user gets caught and goes to jail with Tyrone, then you can chill with homies and do drugs smuggled in someone's ass.
meant mainly for my grandpa and great grandpa before you bring some shit up like
>ib4 oh yeah vietnam and iraq huh blahblahblah
All those Scandinavian countries have low corporation tax and rely on free trade any way.
It's just income tax that's extremely high.
America clearly different problems, including collapse on infrastructure spending.
Bootlicker faggot
Pussy is afraid of anything that would upset his masters. The definition of a good goy.
Just kill all the violent criminals it saves taxpayer money who gives a damn if the reform or not shouldnt have done the crime in the first place.
>wanting the government to have that much power
fucking WEW
Well,shit. That video said that it's not their fault they're scum. It's all society's fault. We should just let them do whatever the fuck they want. If we hug them enough, it'll be all better.
I see you've been watching way too much Lockup or whatever other prison "documentaries" are out there
Prison isn't some gladiator school where you have to fight for your life from day one
The image of the jacked inmate with the swastika tattoos is a media misrepresentation of the minority as the norm
Yes those guys exist but they are a small minority and always in prison for shit like armed takeover robbery or assaults that go well beyond exchanging a couple punches
The reality is that prison is an incredibly boring place and fights are rare even in max houses where violent criminals get sent
90% of prison blocks consist of a bunch of out of shape dudes playing cards and watching tv and taking naps
If you want to rehabilitate criminals you need to make it so that they don't end up coming back and you do this by providing prison programs where inmates can learn skills such as welding and coding (such things used to be prevalent but not so much anymore as prison budgets are always the first to take a cut when a state is facing a budgetary shortfall)
Another thing that could go a long way towards helping criminals become productive members of society is to stop making it impossible for them to find legitimate employment and you do this by making record expungement a much easier process
How hard is it for your head to wrap around that not all law is just?
When millions upon millions of your citizens are being incarcerated all for the same thing, your law is fucking tyrannical. By definition it is going against the will of the people.
It would be different if the prison was bursting to the seams from murderers thieves and rapists etc.
Those are actual crimes. They cause harm to others, infringe on their rights.
Doing drugs does not.
I don't know how much more clearly I can explain this very simple concept.
>When you treat inmates like animals, they will come out as animals.
Did it ever occur to you that a lot of the bastards who get locked up act like animals in the first place? It's kind of the reason they commit crimes and get arrested in the first place.
Because only white people can be rehabilitated
Most drug users don't end up in prison they end up in county jail which actually sucks more because you can't go outside and there's a lot less to do overall
Also many drug users who do end up in prison end up there because of the crimes they commit to fuel their addiction
A woman can just suck some dick for her fix but a man has to pay cash
Youre saying 2-3 percent of america goes to prison for drugs? You know what demographic that is right? It aint the white collars. It aint the normies. Its Jamal who cant get his shit together and blasts fuck the police loudly while smoking in his car. Add stupid domestic fights and block party scraps over bammer weed and you pretty much nailed it.
>I'm here for the job interview
The concept of prisons on the 20th century was "Rehabilitation Centers" but burgers found a way to make money. You burgers sure are greedy as fuck. Stay pleb.
Prison is the problem itself, turn every prison sentence into an execution, done.
of course it needs to change, thanks for stating the obvious.
These idiots think the prisons are filled with kids busted for having a joint. They can't fathom that Inmate #1122111 did some really fucked up shit, and was busted for dope.
American prisons act as if the punishment for a crime is the horrid conditions and threat of violence within the prison system.
This is why you have repeat offenders. Prison is not meant to be a holiday but if it is a horrid experience the likelihood inmates can return to being a normal member of society is limited
What did I do to receive this punishment?
The media portrayal of prison is nothing like reality
Yeah it sucks ass to be there but not because of the reasons the media says (rape, assault, etc which are quite uncommon even in maximum security) being in prison sucks because it's possibly the most boring existence in the world, you're cutoff from your friends and family, and the food is absolute garbage
The problem with recidivism isn't that prison turns inmates into animals it's that it's almost impossible to find employment if you have a felony on your record and many inmates never had a job to begin with so their skill set consists of selling drugs and beating up debtors
It also doesn't help that almost all of the prison trades programs have been axed completely
You used to be able to learn welding, carpentry, and even coding but not anymore
If you want to solve the problem of recidivism you have to bring these programs back and stop stigmatizing those with a criminal record
Does anyone have the one with the teacher and black students?
They are animals when they go in. The sad truth about criminal justice reform, especially sentencing reform, is that it will fuck over the communities it is meant to help. Flooding the black community with nonviolent felons is just going to create even more violent felons. Are broken window laws just? Well, they work, so if BLM and liberals get their way it is back to 80's violent crime rates.
The US incarcerates nearly 1% of its population. "4.4 percent of the world's population, it houses around 22 percent of the world's prisoners."
22 percent of all prisoners in the world are in US prisons. This is unacceptable that America is supposed to be "the Land of the Free"- yet we remove freedom from more of our citizens than any country on Earth.
Hopefully things, can get better if Trump gets elected (and probably worse if Hillary gets elected.) Trump's wall and anti-illegal immigration stance would cut down on incarcerations of Mexicans and other Latin American illegals. It would also help blacks get jobs.
Trump lost his brother Fred due to alcoholism. I think Trump can emphasize with drug users and treat it as a medical problem instead of a criminal problem.
No one is denying that black culture plays the biggest role in creating criminals
If only Booth hadn't offed Lincoln then they would've all been sent back to Africa
And thats exactly why we should just put them down like animals instead.
>Americans think they prison looks unfair
Holy fucking kek, did you see the entire video? The narrator said that drug addicts who spends nothing but the drug they used have shown to lonely and more isolated from society and basically have have no support from friends or families. So the only thing that cope with their sadness is drugs. It's not society's fault for not caring, it mostly just depends on the individual itself
>we remove freedom from more of our citizens than any country on Earth
Prisoners aren't innocent, sure there are some innocent men in prison but that's a fraction of a fraction of a percent of all prisoners
They're in prison because they committed serious crimes
Smoking pot doesn't land you in prison anymore, it gets you probation and community service
Robbing a liquor store will land you in prison and for good reason
they robbed the store so they can buy drugs.
That's usually the case
>They're in prison because they committed serious crimes
In most southern states you can get 20 years if you're caught with weed twice. It's part of the "broken windows" theory of crime prevention. Crack down on petty crime and you'll deter serious thugs
>In most southern states you can get 20 years if you're caught with weed twice
Cite the statutes that allow for this please
>run a prison complex where prison owners care only about making money (which includes making deals with judges to get convictions just to fill their cells, even if they're innocent or if the crime is trivial)
Wow gee why are our prisons so full
florida has similar cases
Just send the subhumans to us, we know how to deal with undesirables desu.
Because nigs are gonna nig
The only states where blacks don't make up the majority of prisoners are places like Vermont and Maine and Wyoming where you have a greater chance of seeing a yeti than a black person
shit didn't your guys pres greenlight addicts for murder by the public?
Let's see his full sheet
They're given too much freedom in US prisons. Russia has a superior prison system because they actually are treated like animals and don't have any rights.
Nigger and spic criminals need to be constantly beaten and used for slave labor. The ones incapable of conforming should be killed.
The average incarcerated nigger isn't even fit to be called an animal. I would happily throw the switch on any of those worthless sonsofbitches.
we have roving gangs of vigilantes and our cops straight up rub-out perps desu.