Why on Earth did Lucas think Jar Jar was the key to... ANYTHING?
Why on Earth did Lucas think Jar Jar was the key to... ANYTHING?
Jar Jar was the key to selling a shitload of toys.
Funny alien make kids watch movie and buy toys
I think he meant because his speech concluded (intentionally) with the republic giving special emergency powers to the supreme chancellor, and that's how the empire begun
alaso sorry gor bad england
He was a fully digital character than spoke and interacted with the rest of the actors, and illicited an emotional response from viewers
It would have been amazing if he turned out to really be the sith lord.
>be george
>just wanna hangout and eat kid cuisine and watch gameshow network out on the skywalker ranch, financially secure for life
>constantly bombarded with fucking IDIOTS bothering you about starwars
>go to sleep one night, irritated as always
>jar jar comes to you in a poetic dream
>final step in your master plan and the key to all this
>fast forward ~16 years...finally free, richer than ever. Plan worked.
I don't think George is happy, he would trade the money to not be seen as a joke by all his fans, he loves Star Wars and now that people know he was simply a cog in the creative machine in the OT he looks visibly depressed.
The prequels was his attempt to say that he was the reasons the old films were good, but it back fired. He's a cuck.
In Phantom Menace it's heavily hinted that he's the real sith. Yoda says that there are always 2 siths which would make no sense until you realise that Darth Maul wasn't actual sith.
He was part of Darth Sidious' plot to kill his master, Jar Jar.
As I've said, it's hinted through entire movie, where you have scenes with his lips more or less synchronising with what the character in front of him(mostly Padme) said or Gungans being legit afraid of him.
This is also the reason for the title - it's Phantom Menace. It's there, in the movie but you can't see it outright.
Obviously then it got retconned for whatever reason(see - the amount of background on Count Dooku we get in the 2nd movie, he's basically just hinted by a line or two, like they've already had a material ready but had to introduce him out of sudden), but that's typical Lucas' spinelessness, Luke was also supposed to join Vader and kill Sidious in RotJ.
Jar Jar is the key to people realizing that Lucas is a hack.
Jar Jar embodied all the risks and new things Lucas was trying with the prequels (particularly The Phantom Menace). Lucas was essentially saying "if we can get people to accept something very new and very different in Star Wars, then these prequels are going to be a big hit."
Clearly, that didn't happen because people just want Star Wars to be the same movie over and over (see: The Force Awakens).
Nah, prequels were just bad cinematography-wise.
Pacing is shit, writing is even worse(especially Anakin's lines, not even "I hate sand" variety just all of this) there are some basic geography-continuity errors everywhere. You can see a lot of interesting things Lucas was trying to do here(with all the "Star wars is for kids" mantra the trade federation-separatist-civil war plotline quite mature pick, but it's executed so badly that it became a meme) but all of them are wasted.
TFA is extremely derivative and made-by-committee - you can basically bet that when making the scenario, Disney sent the writer a single page with bullet points showing what kind of situations should happen in the movie.
It is however a solid movie from the craftsmen perspective.
>the black guy is the villain
Why so racist Sup Forums?
>Pacing is shit, writing is even worse(especially Anakin's lines, not even "I hate sand" variety just all of this) there are some basic geography-continuity errors everywhere.
Same with the original trilogy.
I'm pretty sure what he meant by the "key to all of this" quote is that considering how much of a straightforward comedy character he is, with so much emphasis in the film, that if he doesn't 'work' then the whole movie won't work
The dialogue was horrible no question but otherwise what are the "geography continuity errors" everywhere? Why are all the interesting things Lucas was trying to do "wasted" exactly? There were many things built around the world building in the prequels like the two clone wars shows.
well he was the sith lord that manipulated a lot of the main characters behind the scenes
>now that most people finally realized how bad the prequels were, Sup Forums contrarians are actually defending the prequels just to remain contrarian
He thought people would like him the same way they did ET or Yoda