Gematria in e-mail regarding Kagame who is a donor to Clinton Foundation

I wanted to post this comment in /cfg, but it looks like only the Meme Division is running strong. Keep up the good work /cfg loyalist!

I'm watching the 'Clinton Cash - Official Movie Premiere' (, and I'm searching for donors listed in the movie via Wikileaks (

When I typed in "Kagame" and narrowed my searches to "Clinton E-mails", "Syria Files", "The Saudi Cables", "Hacking Team", and "Hacking Team E-mails", I found this one link ( that has a bunch of gibberish.

When you translate the page (I'm using Chrome, so I used Google's translate option), you get a block of text that is somewhat decipherable. Reading through the text shows what I think is numerology or Gematria.

Here is an example: "(Saltana Aga © 24 years) and (Youcef Aga © 6 months) a point Black (shin) are on the left cheek, the symbol of UNICEF , has created © September 1963 but the Mafia in each country, rejects the exact date dÂ'histoire of the founding of this organization that does not serve their Integral © rêts personal fears they will lose this easy money at the beginning © detriment of children, and they fear dÂ'êtres sent to chÃ'mage © s. PG = Gas and petroleum were Pà © dà © covered by Khiredine and Jacob PG = Left Foot, it the global symbol (Gas and Pà © petroleum) PD = Two Point the symbol (Oil and Gas) PD = Right Foot it the global symbol of Salah Bey (Train) -George Bush Walker, former PRA © President of (USA)"

Other urls found in this thread:

checking this out now

Is that a merchant? Or am I seeing things?

I-I see it too

I've been telling you guys about this sort of thing for YEARS man.

wtf am i reading pol

I have no idea.

When you look at the page in its original form (untranslated), it's like an index or table of contents towards the end of it.

However, I found it really odd and worth posting about when I translated it and started to see numerology and cyphers.

I'm hoping someone is able to find a clue in it.

... Leon, car In Arabic there is a word (Sabaa ¢) meaning NUMA © ro 7, and there is one word (Sabaa ¢), which means lion DL = Two Lion (7 â € "7) SABAÃ,NE MINA EL Matani.

someone has to download the docs at the bottom

Retards, it's the raw data of teb actual docs. Trying translating the attached documents. Which in it self is very weird with a long list of names.

The text encoding is definitely fucked up, whenever you see a é replace it with the letter e and it will properly translate.

There are some links in that email. Search through there


got some weird shit her dudes

Would a speaker of French like to translate this?


Can anyone translate this?

What is this supposed to be?

I'm having better luck just translating small sections of the webpage. I'm also using Bing Translator ( to get a different interpretation.

My uploaded file has a screenshot of what I'm talking about.

Here is an example:
"Here, the photo of (1981), my two sisters (K.H) Khroufa 16 years and
Hayes 13 years, Chaqua´une, she has a cross tatoage to the level of its
knee Hayes left in Khroufa in right, and the great weather re cat
a tatoage to the front cross (+. +. +) are the symbols of the three
RÃ © actors.

(+) RÃ © actor of the Château de PÃ © oil

(+) RÃ © actor of the Château de gas
(C.G) - Robert - J.S.K

(+) RÃ © actor of engine cooling of
train - Salah-

Kroufa and Houria (K.H), are the symbol of KAPPA and Chaqua´une
sign the cross tatoage to the level of

his knee, Khroufa Ca´est the symbol of
Kia and Houria, symbol of Hyundai

The House is on behalf of Hayes Carrot (C.H) or Bia © n Hayes
Benkerrout (H.B) ca€™ is the minnows me thing
The House is on behalf of Khroufa
Carrot (Ç.K) or Bia © n Khroufa Benkerrout (TB) Ca´est la mà © me

They are the files attached, if u just download them and translate from the file it is a lot easier. Its not corrupt.

Yeah but was it part of an email or something else, what do you think it is?

Like I said earlier, a lot of the weird symbols can be replaced with the letter E or a ' or an A for a clearer translation

this thread is interesting. bumping and lurking and lurking and bumping

Put it on 8pol I think their cfg is still going strong.

bump, should be a frog on his way to translate

>Reading through the text shows what I think is numerology or Gematria.

It's jsut failed unicode translation, I could make a script to unfuck it if I was not so lazy.

This thread seems like it's interesting, and could use some bumps. I'll also just throw in something I was thinking of earlier (a bit drunk, buty hey, not very) about Kek. The hieroglyphic depiction specifically shows a computer like structure and helix, almost dna behind it and a man in front of the structure. What if this is a communication not of definition, but of activation. Meme magic could work becaue the image (in hieroglyphs) itself rather than showing someone browsing the internet, using the computer-like structure for a simulation of life. A sort of "bug" in the system showing up if you will. I'd post this in a kek thread but I refreshed like 5 times without seeing one.

Looks like a fair translation. The French is shit to begin with.
Makes no fucking sense either way.


>H.R = Rafat......el.Hagan

>Refaat Ali Suleiman Al-Gammal, better known as Raafat Al-Haggan in Egypt and as Jack Beton in Israel, was an Egyptian spy who spent 17 years performing clandestine operations in Israel.

Don't know if relevant.

I've gone through most of the text that I thought was sentenced based, and read through it. Through the Bing Translator.

I'm concluding, and I could be wrong, that some guy is just e-mailing a new friend. The guy doing all the talking is explaining to the new friend his thoughts on conspiracies or world events.

The guy is also telling his new friend about people in the images that he has sent, and their symbology significance, hence the conspiracy theory angle.

There might be more to it, but I'm not sure. It is interesting, but I think it's just some guy ranting about shit to his new friend; maybe they share the same beliefs or my be the new friend was really interested in what this guy had to say.

I hope I didn't waste anyone's time. I did learn about Semiotics, and plan on furthering my knowledge of the subject. Thanks!

Higher resolution please. It's interesting.

Yes it is a merchant. If you are on a lap top tilt the screen way back and take a look through squinted eyelids and the merchant shall reveal himself to you.