Sup Forums why are women always bluepilled? Is it genetic?
Sup Forums why are women always bluepilled? Is it genetic?
Women tend to be emotional-driven in their impulses, way of thinking, and life choices.
Can I atleast get a stefan molyneux? I dont feel like watching something this long without looking at the bald skeleton man
Why do you wanna watch a greedy jew
>being "into cheese"
What the fuck did it mean by this?
They're pack animals at best, they desperately try to be like everyone around them. Even when they try to be unique its often in the most bland and cliche form possible
Do you think this stems from the protect the young sort of biological impulses?
It's a quirky statement to fill the void that exists where interests, hobbies, and a personality should be
>swipe right
>pretend to be bernout
>take her to some faggoty left-wing shit like slam poetry or something
>get her stoned
>give her a hard dicking
>just as you're blowing a huge load in her hairy snatch, scream, "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN" in her face
Behead all those who insult Stefan
That and the fact most are genuinely stupid.
I know one who's in a relationship with another man and woman who all mutually are attracted to eachother.
I despise it so. It's degenerate and destined to fail horribly. No amount of "communication" can maintain such a travesty.
Women thrive on emotion rather than logic.
>I'm into Kendrick Lamar
If this is the first thing in her bio she is undoubtably a horrible person.
Atleast stefan "protects the eggs"
Why do women constantly end up "being unique" and ending up in like one of 10 configurations?
No its because for most of human history women stayed in the village all day with other women. Socialising was their hunt, they've never had to make logical decisions or hard choices. It simply hasn't been necessary for their survival so they never developed the ability
>Do you think this stems from the protect the young sort of biological impulses?
This post is not spam
I can't read that tag but I have a feeling it has an L and at least one X after it
Underrated post
>get arrested for """""""rape""""""
>Developed the ability
Surely this has to be genetic due to its persistence throughout generations.
Hmmm, I sense a lot of triggered women watching this
btw who is this, the passable brunette or the manjawed blonde?
>surely this has to be genetic
Yes, that's simply how they're wired
>get charged with rape
>using tinder
Literally end it all familia
Also this
It's not genetic it's hormonal. Also, they don't have to worry about their consequences because men save them. They are driven by emotion.
Yeah I guess that kind of kills (no pun intended) that reason. What do you think?
Wouldnt selective breeding traits cause logical women to be more common?
One guess
>not using it to find actual tumblr sjw meme people in the real world
It's a proven fact that if a photo on a service like tinder has more than woman in it, it is always the ugliest one.
Nothing wrong with being emotional, but women misplace emotions
This is a fact I heard from a friend of mine.
She is a woman who also works with brains.
She said that women have MANY LITTLE wires through the tops of their brains while men have ONE BIG wire.
Basically this means men can focus INTENSELY on one thing at a time while women only can look at EVERYTHING only a LITTLE BIT.
TL;DR women can't dig deep enough to know (((who))) is really behind it all
They did farm work too
What I can tell you about emotions is that they're detrimental for a society because emotion enables people to build and destroy relationship bridges. When a woman uses happiness and laughter while interacting a child, a child responds the same way. The child feels secure that it has someone in the tribe it can trust. It's these emotions that women use that co-built the hunter-gather society with men to create a sense of unity.
This was sort of gathered from my emotion and motivation psychology book.
Women aren't naturally exploratory like men are. They're designed to build nests, so it's safe to say that they'll do something similar in their minds and refrain from delving too deeply into controversial subject matter unless their peace of mind would unravel.
>because men save them
Then why would they push for feminism if it destroys their ability to press the reset button?
Then shouldnt they be making simple decisions like supporting israel because israel doesnt like bad sand people?
I've noticed that every girl on tinder who lists their mbti is always XXFX, I've never seen a single T.
>They're designed to build nests
If that was the case wouldnt they be pushing for strict border control and trying to increase security with decreased liberty?
>caused logical women to be more common
For what purpose? They're the submissive parter, men don't want an equal in the relationship, they're capable of making decisions without the help of a woman.
>go to jail for rape
Extremely hard question to answer, but let me put it this way. In a disaster scenario some people panic and others pull themselves together and tough through it. It just so happens that woman tend to panic.
It's all about getting sexual mates. They'll go out of their way to appear cool. If we lived in a nationalistic society, they'd try to be super nazis. It's men who define what kind of society we live in.
Apparently women realize they're killing babies, user.
>If that was the case wouldnt they be pushing for strict border control and trying to increase security with decreased liberty?
not when the male leaders are weak. or women.
>tfw INFP man
Because that would require conflict.
If its all about mates then why are women fat, feminists and interested in social justice? I mean you get a fair number of women who are into "trucks and hunting" who obviously want to fuck their dads but you would see more of that if it was 100% appealing towards men.
And opportunism being generally favorable for that gender since primal times?
its okay, some of us have to be failures britbro
Ofcourse, but that requires no logical thinking either. Your husband tells you when it's time to reap and time to sow and you move the dirt when he and where he says
>wanting to meet sjws let alone liberals irl
Please do not be insulted, but are you actually retarded?
>If its all about mates then why are women fat, feminists and interested in social justice?
cultural decadence.
Fuck user there are people sleeping in my house
Imo women are in general more socialized than men. It's why there are fewer female weirdos, but also why they seem to have more safe/mainstream politics.
Well user, you only get one egg. Better get the most alpha man. By golly if a nazi makes her cum, she's going to make nazi babies.
>2 broads in the picture
Do I swipe for a pair? Why do bitches do this shit?
>take picture with half a dozen other skanks
The fuck you doin, bitch? You can't be every fuck hole in the picture!
I'm ok being a failure, just want a qt gf desu
>tfw a 5/10 sjw bitch rejected me last night
What.. In the HELL kind of piercing is that? Jesus, is this a cringe thread? It must be territorial, I use tinder and live in Texas and rarely run into these failed abortions.
me 2
>implying I dont send them to shit parts of town intentionally
What do you even do for fun?
This makes sense
>is this a cringe thread?
It is 100% OC from me
Relax man, we will crack the programming soon
if there's more than one in the picture it's the profile of the fat/ugly one.
man this shit is too spooky for me.
They don't think far enough into things pr consider pros and cons, just pros.
Just like communism sounds fine if u explain it in one sentence, but after 10 seconds you realize it doesn't work and there's too much room for failure, just like how a girl will tell you she's hungry but can't even think of what she wants to eat, her brain can't go that far.
Of course it is. After a woman's husband got killed by rampaging armies of ultra-alphas, who lived to pass on their genes?
Red pilled women who resisted and had themselves and their families wiped out or blue pilled sluts who "felt like this was a new direction" and started fucking the new guy and had more kids?
>Then why would they push for feminism if it destroys their ability to press the reset button?
They haven't thought that far ahead. Women usually focus primarily on what feels right to them. Same as all humans, but men tend to be more Machiavellian. This can lead to a huge problem. A divide between the sexes. The NWO/Jews/whatever you want to call them who push the whole feminism agenda all have a crucial thing to gain. They have crashed the family by manipulating the mentally weak.
Kendrick is cool. I bump his shit at my house parties.
I made a tinder just so I can find these people in your pics because we are in the same state. I want mighty keks from them for Sup Forumss amusement
>I enjoy working out
What else would this woman have to sell herself as? Hot, athletic, successful, intelligent? She could however make herself presentable and try to appear us a conservative girl (ugly women always exist), if being conservative was socially acceptable.
How do you know that the person in this picture is bluepilled? Trump is not redpilled. Kendrick Lamar has great beats and incredible flow with dindu messages that plenty of people don't notice/don't care about.
Literally because you men lost your sense or honor. You became degenerate misogynists and porn addicted cucks. Women followed and became feminist whores after that.
I have a dick and I cant decide what to eat so I think that is a poor comparison
So how does one rebuild this family structure?
Dont steal my OC
Can you deadlift a truck?
Wouldnt any of those be more effective at bringing mates?
You sound like a wigger
I have a theory that I think explains the majority of gender differences I can think of.
Women are intellectually myopic.
Men are intellectually systematic.
Intellectual myopia leads to blue pill, left wing politics and many other typical feminine traits.
Please stop, I dont want to get angry before I goto bed.
Women are like animals meant to be tamed and trained.
leave them alone don't redpill them, they're everyone's feasts. it's your fault to make them so interesting in films and medias, now everyone wants them.
Having no principles is a great survival strategy. Women are incapable of compassionate sharing of resources without an expectation of reciprocation. Men share resources freely because they have an understanding of group well being. If you'll screw over everybody else for the benefit of you and your offspring you tend to get ahead.
This is all limited to small group dynamics in pre-agrarian societies, but the biology and evolutionary psychology is still there. Men had no firm idea of who in the group was their child, so they protected the group. Women knew definitively which offspring were theirs, so the focused on their kin. This is a part of the reason why nomadic tribes had rules against "marriage" within the group. To keep you from fucking your sibling or half sibling.
Fitting in and being "kind hearted", is more important than being right. Alot more important.
>left wing
more left wings have the balls to actually go out screaming. most right wings are delusional betas. Sup Forums taught me something.
I sound like a wigger? Based on what? The fact that I called Kendrick Lamar a dindu? Kendrick Lamar and Eminem are the only rap I listen to.
A few generations ago, Men were great at taking care of women, and the women enjoyed it, mothering and all that.
So these women grew up with no hardships, no pain and suffering, and a few generations later women just started wanting to feel something, anything, and here comes a liberal recruiter, promising good times and good feelings helping people and that generation of women got sucked up into it.
Those women had kids, and taught those kids to take up causes just for something to do, ruined their youth and never really had a chance to transform into adults.
They are, quite literally, rebels without a cause.
>vomiting your politics onto tindr
>fucking tindr
When im dicking ladies I could care less about there stance on palm oil
>The common rule is that if a chick uploads a photo with multiple women in it, the profile is almost always going to belong to the least attractive one in the photo
>These bitches both look like dog shit in human form
>makes games where europeans literally have the biggest advantage all throughout the entirety of the game like nonsensical juggernaut master race caricatures
>hates europeans
How many left wing shooters have shot up right wing summer camps?
The fact that you listen to any rap music
> it's your fault to make them so interesting in films and medias
Because they can & will, have it both ways.
Just look at rape ffs.
If you don't listen to any rap music, you're essentially a delusional philistine.
Isn't "Feel the burn" originaly used in athletics? Like, to fire someone up?
if so kek
>being poly doesn't mean ill sleep with you
>self proclaimed slut
Dude fuck off. You've clearly never listened to what Stefan has to say. Greedy? How? He thrives in the free market you socialist nigger loving faggot.
Women are generally retarded. There is a reason why they couldn't vote in the West for a long time. And why they still do not have voting privileges or a political voice in many societies around the world. Women destroy societies when they get power. It's simple. Men have to be on top, as it is the natural order of things. When women become on-top and in charge, then things get fucked up really quickly. A classic is example is the feminist capital of the world, Sweden.
don't complain about racemixing when you keep distributing your films and medias to the third world
>"being poly doesnt mean I want to sleep with you"
>"self proclaimed slut"
Ayyy the lmaos
I'd dick her anyway
>I'm a cancer
Weird. Usually libshits aren't this self-aware.
From what I've observed even the most successful and professional women seem to be unable to think beyond their immediate needs.
They never think deeply about much of anything. Their focus tends to be on shallow things almost exclusively.
They perform work as they are trained and how they've been told but beyond that it's just ...nothing.