One Tom Cruise will save you from the rest, who do you choose?
One Tom Cruise will save you from the rest, who do you choose?
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I would like to see immortal Mummy Cruise go up against Lestat.
This is an awesome post aside from the 1.91 MB jpg. I'm going to go on a limb and choose Les Grossman. He has serious connections.
Maverick has a Tomcat so he can blow all the other Tom Cruises sky-high.
Grosman, his hands are big and he's part of the (((masterrace))).
Can we agree Rain Man Tom Cruise would be the least likely to survive?
Edge of Tomorrow Cruise easily.
>every time he dies time resets so he can prevent it from happening this time around
>even if they don't kill him, just me, he can sudoku and re-do the day
>hundreds upon hundreds of combat operations against impossibly fast and agile alien foes
No contest, at this point EoT Cruise must be fucking Batman when it comes to combat.
Not to mention his power and his futuristic gear and weapons.
I like the digits, but Ethan Hunt would just tailgate the jet and rip out some critical wires take Maverick down with no survivors
Lestat is the only answer
>with no survivors
this is how baneposting starts
>Les uses Rain Man vehicle salestom to broker a deal to sell F-14 to Maverick
>Vincent (Collateral) "convinces" Maverick to drive it for him
>simultaneously, Les uses him to get an F-14 for Cole
>they are dispatched on air raids vs Jack Reacher, the Magnolia faggot, Vietnam Tom and the other Vincent, who all die
>Lestat was hiding in Cole's plane and attacks him and they both go down
>Ethan Hunt hangs on to Maverick and Vincent (Collateral)'s plane and they all go down
>The last samurai commits seppuku
>Minority Report Tom predicted this all and informs Live Die Repeat Tom who prevents it all from happening
>All Toms still exist
Yo, homie.
What's lestat?
>current state of Sup Forums
That my briefcase?
Why, you want it back?
You're an angry little guy.
Doctor Bill uses his Illuminati connections and all those Toms eat dirt.
* PEW*
* PEW *
I can't wait until the Collateral imagedumper fucking leaves.
Leave and take your boring images and boring text with you
>one tom cruise will save you from the rest
doesn't really matter what I pick then does it?
he really is a faggot
For you.
I haven't seen the thread yet but yeah at least post 1080p .png
Should I watch Mission Impossible?
sorry, should have specified (if you pick the right one) will TRY to save you. sorry for the confusion
depends on what one
The first one, haven't seen any
Les Grossman obv - unless the others somehow contact the UN to get a binding resolution they are absolutely fucked
>not picking Groundhog Day Tom
Please provide detailed explanation of how Groundhog Day Tom will be defeated.
Edge of Tomorrow Tom has extreme hax on, even if a character ingenious enough like Ethan Hunt could work out how his power works and how to nullify it he couldn't do it since every time he starts to catch on the timeline gets reset.
Ethan Hunt will wear an Emily Blunt mask and drug Groundhog Day Cruise, Groundhog Day Cruise will wake up with a pint of someone else's blood in his system
Edge of Tomorrow Tom is the actual Tom Cruise
>no minority report cruise
>no jack reacher cruise
Jack Reacher is bottom right
bottom left
You should probably leave too
oh I thought that was the mummy cruise, my bad
and last but not least fuck all women cruise
What if I don't want to be saved from vampire Cruise?
>is tempted the whole time with loli kirsten dunst (didn't he see Spider-Man?)
>still makes out with Brad Pitt
Decent question
>he thinks it ever ends.
>fight Lestat
>loses because ROUND 1
>sucks him dry
>Lestat is not 2x immortal
I change my mind, Double vampire ftw.