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The kids probably said they threw the game to make up for the fact that they fucking suck.
>not playing arms race mode
wew lad
>discussing women
This is a slide thread
Any responses below or above me were made by OP
Do not reply
>tranny on the mic spamming about how they are a girl
>fuck this then I'm out
> having women on your team
Wrong webm.
>Play a casual shooter
>Get pissed when you have 10 year old quikskopers who talk trash on your team
Another one
Sorry m8 they throw the games because the fucking female is getting boosted by some beta orbiters. I do the same fucking shit fuck them I'm not going to be there boosting service for there faggot fucking twitch channel fuck them
>and in other news, women seeking attention on the internet reached yet another all time high today.
1. Teenagers play this mostly
2. Russian play this mostly
3. Sore losers will say anything and will use anything against you; in this case, your gender
4. its an online game. people trash talk. deal with it or leave
what was the expected result of throwing a grenade at a door
99% sure that none of the shit she is whining about ever happened.
And another one
Women get paid stupid money just to stream crap on twitch
What women don't understand is that men does this shit to men ALL THE FUCKING TIME yet we rarely complain.
You wanted equal footing with us, now you got it and of course it wasn't what you really wanted.
Women sufferage was a mistake.
She was probably trying to throw a flashbang through a window or opening.
Trash talk on these games are especially common place. It's a male bonding exercise.
If they don't like it, don't play.
>people troll her
clearly in silver scum tier, she should get good
I wonder how they manage to get attention to their stream. Probably quality gaming and witty banter.
1. Pull the pin out quickly.
2. Aim the grenade out the door opening.
She failed on both counts.
Studies show female soldiers are prone to these sorts of errors. Further evidence that men and women are not equal.
If those are real I'll eat my hat.
Honestly, they should just allow full on nudity. Let's not beat around the bush, here. at least be honest about what the platform of this streaming service is about and who it caters to
Maybe if she didn't make it a point to let everyone know she's a female then things may have been better off. Females are generally shit at any competitive games and only play for attention.
Alex Jones is definitely fucked Cenk's wife, assuming he's married. He already fucked Eric Andre's after all.
When I played WoW people did kind of flip their shit when girls talked on vent or whatever.
It was really annoying because WoW is roughly 40% female now I believe and all these r9k-tier forever alone virgins ruining my raids is getting kind of annoying.
I deal with sexist retards at work all day, I'd like to play a video game where people just don't give a fuck.
It's not sexist to have lonely virgins drool over women on their vidya games.
Probably not a good idea to announce your gender on a game full of dweebs.
Please tell me this isn't real.
Literally everyone I meet on WoW nowadays is just a burnt out college grad or oldfag with like 4 kids. When I used to play a lot it was all permavirgins.
The worst are the parents though, especially the moms.
>hey guys can we take a 30 min break, i gotta feed my kids dinner. Did I mention I have kids? Yeah I have kids. So what I'm a mom gamer xD. I have kids
Obvious exaggeration but isn't far from the truth. The dads are pretty bad too.
I miss playing with stoner NEETs and perma virgins who could go 5 minutes without trying to inject their personal lives in the game. What the fuck happened to not talking about real life? That shit used to be borderline taboo unless you knew them for like 3 years.
>playing arms
Enjoy killing bots half the fucking time you fucking scrub
What ranks is Sup Forums at cs go ? You fags better not be silver noobs
Dmg here
In most games you use voice chat so women get quite a bit of shit. It's sort of annoying.
Quite frankly in a game like WoW where there's a fuckton of married people and whatnot it's not acceptable. It's a community based game and these tards are ruining it.
I know a ton of my guild mates that are married are sick of it. They have wives, they play WoW as a form of entertainment. I'd like to not have some random kid sperg out because a girl went on voicechat. The guild makes schedules for a fucking reason and these people ruin everything and you stay up at night for like 2 hours in excess because you have some r9k'er sperging out at the random girl that just happens to talk.
I have seen streams where people fork over $20 to girl gamers doing absolutely nothing
she would thank them by tipping her fedora... and no, not joking
Is it possible for your guild to simply set an age restriction? kick out those that you don't want.
I don't know how WoW works. haven't played an MMO for years so I do'nt know.
>mentioning its 2016
Was this a common practice before le current year man, or is meme magic real?
We have an 18+ age restriction, verified via ID but you still get the occasional retard
Can't you kick out those you dislike or is it messy somehow? i guess it could be irritating after a while but i would think there would be a way to ignore them in game or actually ignore them by not paying attention to them
Based Canada speaks the truth. I hate to use the term "normies", but those type of people really do dampen the atmosphere of MMOs. And they do it deliberately - they know that bragging about their sex life annoys other people, but they do it to feel good about themselves. Which I suppose isn't a bad reason but it's an awful environment to brag about such things.
I've never touched ranked mode.
Fuck internet friends or pugs.
>Play a online game
>Make sure people know i'm female
>Mad when people know i'm female but refuse to pay me attentions
>Muh Soggy Knees!!
Can we ban women from internet already?
>Sorry guys, can't raid tonight. Wifey wants to go out.
What's even worse is those bf/gf duos becasue, and it never fucking fails, soon as there is drama (and there will be) the entire raid group explodes. EVERY FUCKING TIME
Seriously ? The game is really fun when it's competitive , it can get just as frustrating but I still play it everyday. In higher ranks , you actually do meet decent chill people but once in occasion you get that annoying wigger or chicano who is stupid as fuck and talks like a retard. Kids are pretty dumb too at the game
We all agree the real thing that killed the CS community is skins right?
Women are crap at CS. They should stick to whining about muh wage gap and trying to convince themselves that they're happy being used up whores.
I do the same thing in any competitive game I play. Girls are boosted to their rank 9 times out of 10 and don't deserve to be carried by me or anyone else. I'm not working for free, if she wants me to boost her she can pay me.
>not shitty vac
Skins are pretty stupid , never saw the appeal of it though I buy cases time to time to try get a rare knife I can sell
It's like she doesn't understand that she is throwing an explosive.
Yeah you kick em of course, but nobody likes being mean to people. At the end of the day people playing video games are still a bunch of fucking nerds lol
Nerds suffered rejection their entire lives and now they have a random dude that bitches about a girl on discord chat and all of a sudden it's not fun to deal with.
I once left a guild within 10 minutes of being invited because someone said this. Not even kidding. I had just resubbed after missing an expansion and I sperged out.
VAC has never been good though, at least there's Overwatch which I guess adds something
The recent skin market has flooded the game with casuals
>I literally just had two immature little kids throw a game just because I'm a girl.
Why are women such terrible liars
I know! Show me your tits, or I'll throw the game.
I should try that sometime.
It's all that Super Male Vitality.
>Girl enters game
>First thing she does is mention she's a girl
Why do girls need constant attention?
I tap out the second people start bringing their real life shit into an online video game. No I didn't come here to spend the night listening to you run your mouth about your kids or your significant other. Believe it or not I paid money to play a game in peace and not be held hostage with your insufferable drama you creepy narcissistic fucks. In downtime in between fights or whatever, they can't even have a conversation about something other than themselves, their "family" or some creepy forced sex jokes.
Pisses me off so much. It's the reason why I don't play persistent online games anymore, and completely avoid voice comms.
>Sorry m8 they throw the games because the fucking female is getting boosted by some beta orbiters.
Never played CSGO. How does that work?
>I went 0/15, everyone is so sexists for not letting me win
>Why do people keep letting me win just becasue I'm a girl. Do they not think I can hold my own. Why are people so sexist
There's no winning with women.
>I hope you're not all silver noobs
It's called being an adult. My guild during vanilla WoW was all married couples and we we nearly cleared Naxx before the expansion hit.
I loved it, they were awesome guys, some of their wives played the game as well. We had one transsexual actually, and I think 4 or 5 gay people in our guild.
>implying they knew off the bat she was a girl
Do you play with your wife's son too?
>Seriously, people need to fuck off with boasting about their personal life in video games. Nobody fucking cares and it just detracts from the game.
> much anecdote neener, neener the post.
I'm gay lol
Its real senpai. Think her name is Kristiplays or something
this is clearly just a shitty infomercial
the military ones were hilarious.
Welcome to the internet, cunts. Enjoy your stay.
Hence why I said I sperged out. I had previously quit the game because of my old GM getting engaged( he had never talked about having a gf before except like once on vent). Once he got engaged everything fell apart because he wouldn't shut up about for months and it basically acted as a free pass for everyone to do nothing but talk about their lives on vent. It was really bad during the last week or so of ToC.
It was probably irrational to quit a guild over something like that but still.
Also it does matter because you chill in the voice chat all day long usually. You get to know everyone.
Nobody wants to start shit but occasionally you do get someone that does that
It's been a pretty common thing for quite some time now. I'm sure it goes back farther than I can remember, but people used to say shit about how it's the 90's, and to get with the times.
I don't know how current year man got the title. I'm pretty sure even his predecessor would say that shit too.
>What the fuck happened to not talking about real life? That shit used to be borderline taboo unless you knew them for like 3 years.
this, what the fuck is with people thinking random people on the internet give a shit about their life?
And another one
>It was probably irrational to quit a guild over something like that but still.
Fuck no that's not irrational at all. If the majority of your time in a guild involves listening to dramatic, attention-whoring normies discuss inane topics, then you're gonna have a bad time. There are plenty of other guilds that need players and don't ramble on like they're on Jersey Shore.
>Falling for an obvious troll post
And another one
Maybe its confirmation bias but it seems like everytime a guild gets too cozy with irl shit, it devolves into vent turning into their personal support group.
Wife left you? Sure senpai lets talk about why she's a bitch for half an hour before a raid. But fuck me, I'm not letting every night become a 3 hour therapy session for your marital problems or student loan issues.
Of course you are Canada.
There, that's all I've got.
>It's called being an adult. My guild during vanilla WoW was all married couples and we we nearly cleared Naxx before the expansion hit.
Yes we know how insecure you are about being a "REAL BIG ADULT" while playing a dweeb video game online. Feel free to remind us incessantly how you're totally A BIG GUY who absolutely has A RELATIONSHIP and likes to constantly remind everyone he plays with that EVERYONE ELSE IS ON YOUR BIG ADULT TIME and how everything needs to completely stop when you need to go do BIG ADULT THINGS
MGE here
Please tell me that this is just some shit with a television on the firing range or something like that.
Because now that normies infest MMO's and other games they still have to brag about themselves. Listen tom any conservation in real life and it's all me me me.
television host*
>Why do people hate girls on the internet? =(
>Oh, btw, if you're not nice to me I'll ban you. ;)
>playing casual mode in a hardass e-sport cancer game
lmao I'm a manchild myself but thanks for that. I am not technically a NEET but my situation is quite complex because I already have a B.Sc. in chemistry about to finish my B.Eng in mech eng then I'm debt-dodging to the US.
That being said I consider myself basically on-par more to criminals/conmen really cause that's kind of what I'm doing
BUT I'm still not mean to girls in WoW so get bent fucktard. They're playing a fucking video game get over it already
>Be grill
>Find betas that are both good at the game and white knights, while also willing to play with you all the time
They basically will carry their ass and help them pad their wins etc. This is pretty much every female FPS streamer.
I cannot stand playing video games with women because they're usually attention whores and they fucking suck at video games. White knights will make it impossible for anyone to speak up about the girl being a shitter, because most people you play with don't get any female interaction IRL.
That webm doesn't even have the best part. The guy casually jogging by at the end with the same gear on
Basically in ranked its 5v5 and you can usually have one carried teammate at most. What happens is these girls will queue up with highly rank players just to get wins and xp off them. Sure some do get kills but most of the time its secondary or easy kills and maybe some extreme luck at times.
They do this to fill good or get boosted to a higher rank to look good on there twitch. HEY LOOK AT ME IM SMFC IM A GIRL IM JUST AS GOOD AS A GUY. When in reality they suck ass all female pro teams are shit too regular team of no name GEs can beat the shit out of all of them
Also as I said, I'm gay, no relationship though
so get rekt faggot
Yes, it's some shitty Russian TV show. Still funny, though.
Notice how their culture didn't fall for the stronk womyn meme, you couldn't do this show in the west nowadays.
She's only crying because she realised ho pathetic she really is. I hope, because maybe it'll spurn her on a path of self improvement.
Will someone post the gamer titties plz. Jeez, you fucking foreigners dont' know how to Sup Forums
I thought slide threads were bad before, but since the DNC leak this has been truly pathetic. I farm sage in all my gardens at home.
yet people still suggest gender is a social construct