one gets wiped away from existence, along with everything that they've ever created. who would you choose?
One gets wiped away from existence, along with everything that they've ever created. who would you choose?
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Nolan, fucking obviously.
Nolan, Nolan, Nolan
I love Memento, but nothing of value would be lost.
No one touches my boy ridley
Nolan without a doubt
What is it that you have against nolan?
Just asking. He made some pretty great movies...Memento,inception..
Change Nolan for Peter Jackson then you would have a legitimate dilemma
Nolan isn't even in the same league as the other two
When i look on them today? All of them
Cameron. I'd much rather take the hit of losing a flick like T2 along with a bunch of pleb garbage opposed to multiple masterpieces by each of the other directors.
Prestige, insomnia
Nothing. It's just the other two made much more significant contributions to cinema and erasing them would be much worse than erasing Nolan
Cameron, no contest. Shallow, high budget, epitome of everything wrong with Hollywood.
Would you be so kind and name some great movies they made? Im interested in watching some.. The reason why i like nolan is becuase some of his movies are pretty mindfuckie
Ridley is the only one in there that's untouchable. Now, as for Nolan and Cameron: Nolan has(debatable)/will have the better resume out of the two.
>implying anyone gives a fuck the avatar sequels
I disliked Prestige becuase it was of the unrealistic shit. I know a movie isnt supposed to be realistic but it was just stupid. same with
Nolan believes he is changing cinema where Cameron/Scott actually do it
obviously Ridley Scott
literally the definition of overrated
>cameron is changing cinema
And what has he changed, really?
nolan is a hack director responsible for this era of cape shit
Ridley Scott.
>nolan inspired capeshit
Where are all the TKD-like comic book movies then?
X-men happened in 1999 fyi.
What about Scorsese or Spielberg?
spielbergowitz is terrible it's no contest
Nolan, it's kinda weird having such a weak choice against Scott and Cameron. I don't know, try Michael Mann instead.
Nolan seems more appropriate facing off against Michael Bay or Peter Jackson.
Duel is 10/10 you godless swine.
Funnily enough if you erased Ridley you wouldn't get Nolan, since his entire style is inspired by Blade Runner. He even screened the film during filming of Batman Begins.
Correct answer is obviously Nolan, as good as he is.
No Dark Knight Trilogy means:
>Warner Bros doesn't go all dark and gritty and actually makes a decent DCCU
>Heath Ledger is still alive
>No Baneposting
ridley deserves it more for pissing away his legacy, and i'd enjoy nolanfags tears more, but james cameron if just for titanic and avatar and having to endure people praising those shitpiles for years
would def miss aliens and terminator 1 and 2 tho
>>No Baneposting
fuck me Cameron gets chopped then
Sup Forums is so fucking full of plebs goddammit
>What is 3D
>No Baneposting
This would be the real tragedy.
He loses to both. I'd rather have The Island or The Rock than anything he's ever done. Never mind Braindead and Bad Taste.
Cameron goes. Overrated hack.
Memes fuck with your head. I completely disociated Nolan from TDKR.
does it really outweigh taxi driver, casino, goodfellas, raging bull, etc.
Frasier is looking ill.
No, but Stevie S is not terrible all the time.
Expensive eye cancer that would exist to somewhat lesser extent without Cameron. Which is a good thing.
That's the problem with Nolan every movie has to be some mindfuck for pseudo intellectuals to circlejerk on reddit and hail it as the best thing of all time.
these are the same people who assume there is a hidden meaning in everything film and television related.
in reality his movies lack any depth. his characters are garbage and he is a sloppy director especially compared to Ridley and Cameron.
So it's:
>No Terminator
>No Aliens
>No Avatar, which means no boom of 3D in films
Ridley Scott:
>No Alien
>No Blade Runner
>No Gladiator/Kingdom of Heaven/Robin Hood, the only decent historical epics of the 21st Century
>No '1984' commercial, leading to a decline in Apple sales
>No Top Gun, since he can't leverage his success into giving his brother a job
>No "BWWAAAAMPP" in movies trailers
>No gritty-reboots of superheroes
>Less memes
Cameron is pure rebbit. Especially T2 and Abadap.
>tfw abadap vatnik is kill
How is this even a question?
Jaws, Close Encounters, Indiana Jones trilogy, ET, Jurassic Park 1 and 2, Schindler's List, Saving Private Ryan, Catch Me if you Can, Hook.
definitely cameron
No Hunger, Last Boy Scout, etc. No Duellists either which would be a real tragedy. Or Crimson Tide, Black Rain, Thelma and Louise, no fucking Legend, etc.
Nolan Nolansky
Who you do you erase Sup Forums?
>The Abyss
>True Lies
>Blade Runner
>Black Hawk Down
>Body of Lies
>Kingdom of Heaven (DC)
>Thelma and Louise
While Nolan is great, his best isn't even remotely as good as either, although his worst also isn't nearly as a bad as Ridley Scott's worst.
>3 hour movie about blue dindus
>3 hour movie about a cheesy lovestory
>almost a 3 hour bastardized alien action film
>shitty ass piranha movie
shame about t1, 12, and true lies though, but the rest is shit
Kubrick, easily.
Jaws is the single best thriller ever made, it's such a solid example of how editing, music, and mis-en-scene can be used in cinema to create atmosphere.
I think it's one of those films that gets underrated because of how overrated people think it is.
Coppola doesnt even compare
Scorsese > Spielberg
Although neither have made a good movie in like a decade, maybe more for Spielberg.
This is a good one, tho.
Silence was fucking kino you swine.
outside of terminator nothing he did was great
I would argue that both Silence and Tintin were good films.
Oh shit I actually completely forgot that existed because that faggot Garfield was in it and I can't stand that little cunt's face.
tkd is garbage you fucking subhuman pleb. all the films are a copy. you just can't see it because you're an ideit babby brane moran
so Cameron's biggest contribution to cinema is a useless gimmick for double the price and double the eye strain of a regular film screening?
Is this post supposed to be ironic, or is this an actual post by a Cameron-memer?
>all the films are a copy
There literally isn't one capeshit film that is close in terms of tone or content to TDK. Neck yourself retard.
I quite liked Wolf of Wall Street.
how did you both say TKD?
The Knight Dark?
James Cameron. The only good thing he can do are special effects, for some reason Terminator, True Lies and Aliens turned out to be good movies, but Carpenter could direct Terminator the same way and John McTiernan would make True Lies and Aliens even better than Cameron.
The Dark Knight Returns, Part 1
Fantastic OST too.
Nolan influenced the industry in a particularly terrible way even if he makes decent movies. The other 2 have works that are pivotal to film.
Is this even a question?
T1 is severely underrated when it comes to aesthetics.
all lowest common denominator shit
spielstein was the michael bay of his day
>Where are you? I'm not finished yet, and you're not finished with me... you're never finished with me
Reddit is down the hall and to the left.
>multiple masterpieces
Do go on
>le leddit meme
>the prestige
I'd kneecap you without hesitation and remorse you utter fucking mongrel.
Guy makes lowest common denominator films anyway
Go sob at Leo dying for the millionth time you fucking vagina.
I can't tell if this is really elaborate b8 or you are just the plebbiest mother fucker in this shithole.
>unironically shilling for someone who produced nothing but schlock his entire career
How did the Cameron meme appear?
you can have all 3 plens
Cameron did T1 which is worth more than anything Nolan did put together you mongoloid fuck. The rest is a washout except his documentaries, but Nolan did absolutely nothing. He is terrible, so is your taste and your family. Burn your house down and pray for redemption as you turn to cinders.
Cameron, his work is the reason 21st century cinema has turned into utter shit. All you kids saying Nolan are missing the big picture, the significance of his faggotry pales in comparison to Cameron's.
Nolan. Him and his faggy films are one of the main proponents behind the imdb/reddit film circlejerk culture that's been plaguing the online film community for almost a decade.
If it wasn't him it would be someone else. Just be glad it's not someone you enjoy. I'd hate to see a shitload of retards talking about Takeshi Kitano or Werner herzog so Nolan is a good human shield for that.
But at least Cameron has made good films.
>implying Memento isn't one of the few 10/10 movies in existence
>implying BB and TDK aren't the best capeshit movies
>implying Interstellar isn't the best sci-fi film in decades
Face it, Nolan dominates every genre he enters, while all Cameron does is cheesy schlocky disposable flicks.
By that logic, the Wachowski genderbenders have done far more to cinema with the Matrix (which is leagues above T1) than Cameron despite putting out nothing but hot garbage ever since.
Memento is bretty gud and Prestige has a great David Bowie performance so there's that. Not much else though
absolutely James Cameron
>implying Memento isn't one of the few 10/10 movies in existence
>implying BB and TDK aren't the best capeshit movies
>implying Interstellar isn't the best sci-fi film in decades
there are people who unironically believe this
Holy shit this needs a screencap.
not an argument
Gotcha there famalam.
Cameron's biggest successes have caused decades-long tidal waves of garbage
Memento isn't even near the best movies made in America, let alone the rest of the world. Good script, tho.
Blade, Hellboy and Spider Man 2 are all better capeshit films, and they're still capeshit. Add comics to that shit and both A History of Violence and Road to Perdition are better movies than both BB and TDK.
District 9, as small as it was, is way better than Interestellar.
Internstellanstarksgard wasn't even the best sci fi film of that year. Not even close
>under the skin
>dawn of the planet of the apes
>zero theorem