After all we are a bunch of contrary assholes right? If reddit likes something its automatically shit, so the opposite must be true, right? RIGHT?
After all we are a bunch of contrary assholes right? If reddit likes something its automatically shit, so the opposite must be true, right? RIGHT?
We've always loved it. Not sure what you're talking about.
We have been too busy blimpft-posting so we forgot about the gorillion gender man
Bill Nye the /ourguy/ scientist the guy
Even Reddit is right sometimes. No shame to admit that.
Wtf I love bill now
Cause my sex junk is much mo oh ore
Than either or or or
What's a Billy Nye?
A good goy.
Reddit is far behind on what is ok to hate
>It's a Sup Forumsshits talk about what's happening on reddit on Sup Forums episode
Why don't you guys just stay over there to discuss what's going on over there?
Avde Kokhavim U Mazzalot
based nye
is he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?
So which one is it, Sup Forumsro? Is reddit right or do we like Bill Nye now?
Lmao, it's fucking funny to see this board implode
no, because Sup Forums is basicly reddit
Uh, we hated it first and didn't need the confirmation of others to recognize its shittiness
Dude Bill Nye's show is awesome. It even triggers the snowflaskes on reddit.
You only found that post because you are reddit.
>taylor-make a show for reddit
>even reddit hates it
what did they mean by this?
>when you make degenerate garbage that is so far left wing, even reddit hates it
did you join 2015?
Wanted more experiments and less ideology.
Hes like the science version of the daily show.
We have daily show
Colbert report
Chocolate news
Samantha bee
Nye should do the quirky science news show.
>Hey guys let's talk about what's happening on reddit!
You do know you can discuss reddit on reddit, right? Instead of shitting up this board with this shit?
Sup Forums has always been Bill Bye Vape Nation territory, any perceived backlash against Bill Nye Saves the World was just shitposting from adoring fans and a smattering of redditourists who weren't in on the joke and took it seriously to fit in.