ITT:post your best ally

ITT:post your best ally

Japan& Turkey

Other urls found in this thread:

US & Ja-




i thought we were bffs...

fuck off

you have mexico-kun

Fuck off

Best allies don't send rapefugees

B-but w-what about us?


both are best island country in Asia.

Sorry about the black soldiers... can you ever forgive us? We can send you mayonase and coffee if thats still what you are into.

Nah, you're bff's with China

Russia and Serbia.
Germany and Japan.

America-Senpai is our Best Ally.
I call dibs.

reich when?




I am Russian but I can still answer:

When you get your fucking birthrate up and we have a fucking revolution that hangs Merkel and cooperators from trees and genocides Islam off this earth.


Imagine Canada and Sweden together

Fuck off, we're already deep inside America if you know what i mean >:^) go with chile or uruguay.

It's lonely at the top.

Army and fleet?

The correct answer for everybody

hear , hear those are words of purpose and sanity

maybe if you don't bomb us again we won't bomb you

No, autobots and x-men!

Oh, Nippon-kun~~~

Japan is the second only country we like. (after Azerbaijan, aka Turkey jr.)

By the way, when will you start making sexbots?

You're more like the brother we never wanted who thinks he's the sister we never wanted.


Doubt we have anyone. 100 years ago it would be danes, however we're on an empathetically uncertain banter level now I think.


Nippon Banzai!


Japan definitely. Seriously fuck everyone else.
Vietnam would be a fun ally too if they wanted to be remotely relevant. Their shitposters are great.

Israel and any European country is worst ally.

We left you lot alone until you dropped bombs on us fuck head.
You could've exterminated the Chinese too if you didn't get us all America'd up あほ


I'm okay with this, Bazza.


I like you, Norway. Pretty based for a European country. Your posters tend to be the most neutral too.

I agree, a bunch of rejects managed to make something of themselves. We have a lot in common.

Bahrain and Saudi! :D

Allahu Akbar!
La illah ila Lah!
Mohammed Rasool el-Lah!


Russia historically
US recently



Best cunts we've ever met.

Readily to kill some polacks and amerilards, Japbro?