The Timequake cometh edition
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The Timequake cometh edition
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It's not because of the leak. In the episode was Suchet.
>In the episode was Suchet
What did user mean by this?
hey buds, here's my updated ranking of S10 so far!
Thin Ice
The Pilot
Knock Knock
user is assuming hundreds of thousands of Poirot fans decided to watch a DW episode becos their favorite actor was in it. He could be right.
Oh, I didn't realise that was the actor's name. I genuinely thought they were trying to say "It's because the episode was shit" (about Thin Ice) and autocorrect or something did that to it.
I can definitely picture people who don't watch Doctor Who tuning in for Poirot.
How did /who/ react to the moral of Knock Knock being "don't be a a shut in, go outside"?
Go outside and get immediately eaten by a tree? Doesn't seem like a very good moral to me.
Thin Ice
Knock Knock
The Pilot
No, no, when he says what's the point of living if you never see anyone, he's not saying don't be a shut-in, he's saying blind people suck. And then when he get blind in a couple weeks, he's going to kill himself. That's the big surprise--series over barely halfway through, Chibs was all a fakeout, it's over. And then, even been surprise, we get the spiritual successor, The Minister of Chance.
I'm taking a dump, and there are active scratching noises in the walls of my loo. Am I going to be consumed for all the big smelly Nardole-tier shits I've taken here?
The Pilot
Knock Knock
Thin Ice
that works too
that doesn't
You really put Smile in second? The visuals in the first 40 minutes were kino, and the two-character focus was great, but you don't think the end let it down way too far to put it over Knock Knock and The Pilot?
>*opens window at the exact moment fireworks begin*
No, that's K9, like in the end of the EDA novels, except instead of wanting to send you a message about Gallifrey he just wants to beg you to see his movie.
The fireworks were already going on.
>thin ice
The whole fucking episode makes no fucking sense, just feed it with those retarded elephants
On rewatch, I noticed that the Landlord is really obsessed with them signing the contract.
So has Phil Sandifer written a review where he explains that the entire episode is a comment on capitalist exploitation of renters, but he only gets there by going through alchemy and postmodernism?
Doctor SJW
Get your pre-orders in for the special release of this 200% canon sequel to Doctor Who and the Daemons!
can we stop with the fucking Nardole editions? fuck off with the bald gay fattie
Slavs are white
Well that's very polite of them to be silent until seen on-screen.
The windows were sound proof.
yes, but not British
If you lop off the pre-credits, Smile actually has a compelling mystery.
I fan-edited it , so Im cheatingg
Interesting. Why were the ones downstairs not soundproof?
Wood lady never went downstairs.
Imagine being this autistic.
Oh god, this makes the Ninth Doctor Chronicles look like a masterpiece.
So windows are only soundproof when they are in her vicinity?
Hey, now that we've seen the episode, she's not Wood Lady, she's Dryad, or Mum.
So it's the Valeyard in the vault right?
I was so glad to see Simm at the end. Why does not anyone discuss this? The best return since Missy in the Dark Water.
The most autistic thing I do on here besides talk about Doctor Who is that during the night I switch the board theme to Tomorrow, and during the day I switch it back to Yotsuba B.
no, the windows in her room are soundproof.
Poirot never bothered to get them installed downstairs because she wouldn't be there.
Sorry, I'll check my privilege.
I don't think he'd be chummy with the Valeyard like that
>"Fear is a superpower."
>"Don't be scared, it doesn't help."
Can't we call her Matt Smith?
newfag here, started with Smith, someone explain the Valeyard in two sentences please
She's called Eliza.
Not all superpowers are helpful. That's what half the episodes of Misfits were about.
old meme but true
Really? I think he'd find the Valeyard fascinating company. Especially these days, with his own morality being a little hazy.
You leave Briggskino alone!
All jokes aside, there seems to be a portion of the fandom that actively, aggressively hates Nick Briggs, to the point of not buying any story associated with him. I don't really understand it desu.
The Valeyard is the distillation of all that is evil in the Doctor, taken from between his 12th and final incarnations. He tried to frame the Sixth Doctor and steal his remaining regenerations (and his sweet jacket) but failed.
series 1 is the only true kino
>The Knackers Yard is an amalgamation of the darker side of the Doctor's nature taken from somewhere between his twelfth and final incarnations, ie. Handy.
>The Junkyard appears throughout The Trial of a Pie Lord and tries to steal the Sixth Doctor's remaining regenerations.
>As we all know, The Valeyard will someday come back (yes he will, we just have to keep asking Moffat Chibnall about him and The Rani).
Evil Dream Lord esque character made from the Doctor's evil, from somewhere in the future relative to David Tennant.
If you're too unimaginative and/or OCD to enjoy audios, hating Nick Briggs is a great excuse for why you don't buy any Big Finish, instead of admitting the truth.
Oh that makes sense. How did you find this out? Was there an Easter Egg?
>tfw Eccleston will never EVER play the Doctor again
So it's the even more autistic version of RTD hate/ Moffat hate?
oooooh nice, how does it come to be... or we don't know that?
Evil Doctor would just be The Master 2.0, no?
Anyone have a download link for the 3D audio version of Knock Knock?
Potential Doctor from "between" his 12th and final incarnation. Doesn't make any more sense than that.
>from somewhere in the future relative to David Tennant.
what the heck did user mean by THIS
Sure, but not quite as autistic as Bill Baggs hate or Keith Barnfather hate. You have to be even more into Doctor Who to know who they are well enough to hate them.
We don't quite know, and yeah, the fact we have a master already is probably why valeyard's not been brought back.
That Tennant was probably the last canon Doctor.
Just kidding, it was obviously the Shalka Ninth.
Counting Hurt and Handy, 10 post journeys end is the 12th incarnation.
Between 12th and final means somewhere between 10 post journeys end, and the day the doctor actually permadeaths.
Or if you're asking why I used David Tennant it's because I wasn't sure how familiar with numbering original user is.
>the fact we have a master already is probably why valeyard's not been brought back
I doubt that. It's more likely because the concept is unclear and just designed for that one particular story.
Although, I guess it could've worked having him pop up every now and then to try to steal the Doctor's regenerations.
did moffat get some help writing bill or something? he's never shown any sign of being able to write female characters who are more than walking plot devices/ quip machines until now
even amy was only likable because of karen gillan's acting
The backstory for the Valeyard, at least on TV, is really just a handful of lines, and two of them are almost identical (he's the "distillation of all the evil in the Doctor" and the "amalgamation of the all the evil inside the Doctor").
The novels and audios give a little more background, but most of it is contradictory, and none of it's really as cool as just leaving it a mystery. But if you really want an attempt to work all the details into a coherent and consistent story, I'm sure the TARDIS Data Core article on him will try to do that.
There's also been a couple of later stories in novels and comics that take advantage of the fact that he's just as much a mystery to the reader as to the Doctor, instead of filling in that mystery. Most famously, the Meta-Crisis Tenth Doctor turns into the Valeyard out of bitterness, but then it turns out he's a fake.
I have been pondering this for 2 weeks.
Why did we get only 13 Doctors to save Galifrey when there will be many more Doctors after the 13th?
swap martha and rose and you've got a deal
Rose was the most normie companion
But why would you start including new series stuff that has absolutely nothing to do with the Valeyard when someone is asking for a simple explanation of him? Obviously nobody was thinking of Journey's End, Day of the Doctor, and Time of the Doctor when writing Trial of a Timelord.
The line was only ever meant to mean between his 12th and 13th regeneration.
It's not explained, but presumably they either only needed 2000 years to finish the computation, or only needed 13 TARDISes to do the thing with that computation.
Because the show ends after Capaldi leaves.
the show actually will end if series 11 is anything but spectacular
it's been on life support for ~5 years now
>Evil Doctor would just be The Master 2.0, no?
They're not quite the same, but yeah, the writers had a hard time figuring out how to do something interesting with the differences—especially since the only story with the Valeyard also had the Master in, and both of them were played as pretty camp melodrama villains.
And what exactly does BBC Studios have for international sales or merch if they lose Doctor Who?
>Obviously nobody was thinking of Journey's End, Day of the Doctor, and Time of the Doctor when writing Trial of a Timelord.
You never know with geniuses the calibre of Pip & Jane Baker. Maybe they predicted everything that would happen for the next 30 years, and wrote accordingly, so their true brilliance would only become evident in retrospect and that snotty Chris kid from DWAS would have to apologise to them.
>tfw episodes of nu-who that were set in the future are now in the past
ladz help me come to terms with this feel
He asked for a simple (read: normie) explanation, surely 10 is an easier reference point for normies.
>tfw you know that one day you're going to have the power to erase pip & jane baker from doctor who
The moon egg will hatch in your lifetime.
Obviously not, since he has nothing to do with the Valeyard.
Silly user.
Original user seemed to get it okay, you're the only one who has a problem with your classic and nu mixing
So Time Lord's doesnt sleep?
Anybody else have Eight as their favourite/definitive Doctor?
There's something about Paul McGann's acting, the sort of shakespearian sensibilities that really comes off as "Doctor"-ish
Man, daleks used to be so based before they started making half-human penis monsters and power rangers and popping eyestalks out of people's heads
Well they don't know anything about the Valeyard, so we could make all sorts of stuff up and they'd "get it okay".
Sleep is for tortoises.
>warning: do not touch the dog
wew they can't afford a second prop
at what point did that guy do anything to suggest he was christian? He started coming onto bill in her bedroom, practicing christians wouldn't do that
No they can't. They've seen it all, now. They have to die.
Right, let's try it then!
Could you ask the question again and pretend we havent already explained it, there's a retardanon here who just doesn't understand the concept of simplifying explanations.
Europe is Christian culturally. Doesn't need to be a religious thing you dense motherfucker.
was. We're in a post-christian society now. Atheism is the new default for now, until islam takes over
are amurilards really convinced that this guy is going to be the next pope?
young people in europe are really fucking atheist, cletus.
>Could you ask the question again
It's ok, this was good enough for me
The episode is pretty mediocre. But the fact that doctor keeps someone in the vault like the landlord keeps his mother in the house is ironic.